Whitby Free Press, 27 Sep 1978, p. 31

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WHITBY FRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1978, PAGE 15 1 prefer to cal it, "Chuckwagon Surprise" although I1suspect the Humane Society wouid cali it, "1crueity -to animnais". Anyway let me start this from the beginning whicfi is almost a year ago when a refugee from the pound barged into my life and demanded that I take care of him. Like ail pups he was cute and mischevious and as anybody knows you can't get rid of a pup. In the beginning we did have some heart-to-heart taiks which almost neyer seemed to do any good but always resulted in the same thing, Ben wouid nod, or somnesuch in agreement and ten minutes later would chew the diekens out of my favourite slipper or eat a package of my cigars, or whatever. I again carefully explained that the Surgeon Generai bas determined that dogs eating their masters slippers, cigars etc is dangerous to their health. My brother said he neyer heard that and I explained that it is dangerous because if the doL, continues he will find himself on the short end of a very lo ng rope which I think we could assume would be dangerous to anyhody' s health. So we went through the period of dog eats anything and then 1l'bcga n to discover that he would also eat just about anyth îng that mildly resembled food. Now since I hate to throw oui uneaten or partially spoiled food. Ben seemed like the an swcr. A middle initialwas formally added to his name, Ben "Il" Quail, the "H' of course short for Hoover, a vacuum'cleaner known to suck in and digest almost anything, withi rapid efficiency. When it came to anything chewable - as opposed to anthing edTle - Ben was, and still is to some degree, tops in bis. field. The secret is that no matter how bad it is he will devour it if it's got gravy on it. 1 discovered the secret of the gravy quite b'y accident one niglit when 1 spilled some gravy on my foot, took my sock off and set it aside with the intent of rinsing it out and turned back againt a few minutes later to see Ben trying to eat my gravy covered sock. He was quite hurt when I took it from him. Little did be kno\ he had just launched himself on a career destined to make bii - one of the greatest garbage mouths ever. lil tel] you about the other night if you promise not to tel] the Humnane Society. Well, the refrigerator was starting to get a littie bunged up with ieftovers and ail, and Ben hadn't had supper so it seemed natural.. . . 1 started off with a haif container of cole slaw which 1 drained the liquid from, continued wit.h son te very old cheese which 1 eut off the mould fromn and- on to sonie two-month old grecian bread from the Colonel which 1 broke up. Then there was some two week oid sausages whicb 1 fried up with some month-old weiners slightly green but they washed up very nicely - and two pieces of' rather smelly chieken. Now before you gïveme what-toi about giving the dog bad chicken consider that there wert originally four pieces and that 1 had eaten two of themf th( night before followed by a strong bicarb. Anyway as 1 prepared Ben's Chuckwagon Surprise <namet' after the old cattle drive cook who would make the odd mea. for the cow herders and would have to e)ýplain to the ra mrod oi boss that, '"surprisp" his meal had just put haif the men out of action for a few days,) 1 couldn't held but laugh as 1 eut up tht odd pieces knowing it was a rather strange combination. Bert instinctiveiy knows when 1 laugh or chuckle as I prepare his, dinner that, as the English put it, he's in for the high jump! Of' course he made a boit f'or the door but 1 cau ght him andî explained he needn't fear, I was going to top, it off with home-made gravy. 0f course he couldn't resist. In due course everything was properly chopped up and mixed and up and along came the grande finale - the gravy. The gravy is Ben's love in his love - hate reiationshîp with leftovers. Well of course it's almost unecessary for me to tell you Ben ate the whole'bowl of leftovers and lay back, gave me one of the most scathing looks one could hope to get, and let out a rather large beicb - ioud enough to do justice to any beer hall. I added insult to injury by noticing his huge, bulging sides and laugbed loud and long. But lest you get to the phone to eall the Humane Society, let me tell you I take care of Ben, I'm going to stud him out and start a new breed of garbage eating dogs which 1 will selI to al] the municipalities to solve their growing "4what do we do with our gat-hage" problem. Next time l'Il tell you about the time Ben buried a perfectly good jelly donut. Friday, Sept. 29th Lungs are f or life The week of October 1-7 bas been publiciy pro- claimed "Lungs are for Life Week in Durham" by Walter Beath, Chairman of the Regional Municlpality. A spokesman for Durham Region Lung Association, (local) affiliate of the nation- wide ChristmasSeal Organi- -uQion) said thiat the Associa- tion's purpose in promoting the Week, Is to create an increased awarenessof the need to proteet our lungs against the hazards of air pollution and smoking. .The' incidence of lung disease, pàrt1cularly chronic, bronchitis and emphysenia, (both primarily caused by Scigarette smoking), has slhown a steady increase over recent years. 1 The magnitude of this growing threat to national 'health is reflected In the statistic that 150,000 hospital admissions from lung disease wiil occur this year in Ontario alone, at an- estimated cost of $114,000,000. It is also known that over 4 million Canadians. suffer from respiratory ailments, and that lung disease is the single greatest cause of absenteeism by illness, and the third ieading cause of disability In Canada today. The Lung Association has planned a Seminar for medicai professionals on Respiratory Disease as part of its observance of the Week, and will also distri- bute special material throuaghout the Elementary sehool system, and through Obstetrical and Pediatrie Departments of, most local hospitals. It is also making available, as a free Christmas Seal Service, copies of the "Do-it- Yourself Quit Smoking Course", and Cold Weather Masks, for use by persons with severe respira tory problems who suffer breath- ing difficulties on sudden exposure to cold air. The plastic masks have a tube which is worn beneath clothing, so that only warmed air is inhaled, and are intended to be worn for only short periods of time such as between the house and car or between car and shopping centre). To obtain either of these items, or for information on other Lung Association- activities and services cal 723-3151.ý I Cabl'ecast listings Cablecast 10, Oshawa, Whitby, Bowmanville and Brooklij Programs, Wednesday, Sept. 27 to Tuesday, Oct. 3rd, 1978 Wednesday, Sept. 27th 2:30 Where It's Happening with Host: Dan Statham 3:00 Joint Venture 3:30 Middle Eastern Dance 4:00 Motor City Bowling Roll-Offs 5:00 To Be Announced 5:30 Evening Report (G.M. Video News) with Bill Jeanes, Dave Stewart and Dorothy Brown with CEC, Report. 6:00 Let's Find Out with Local Guests 6:30 SPECIAL: KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBUS CABLE T.V. BINGO> 7:30 Education Scene with Host: George Pearce 8:00 Whitby Then.& Now with Brian Winter & Jim Quail 9:00 Rescue with Topical Programs 9:30 Sign Off Thursday, Sept. 28thT 2:0Whitby Ctiamber of Commerce Presents: Hon. Frank' Drea' 3:00 Let's Find Out 3:30 Rescue 4: 00 Power Squadron of Oshawa "A Look Into" 5:00 Education Scene 5:30 Evening Report 6:00 Motor City Bowling Roli-Offs with Host: Bruce Engiand 7:00 The New Leaf with Host: Gord Wick 7:30 Conception with Host: Bill Jeanes 8:00 Where It's Happening 8:30 Power Squadron of Oshawa 10: 00 Sign Off 2:00 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 6:00 6:30 To Be Announced The New Leaf Conception Wbat Does the Bible Say? Whitby Then & Now Vita Italiana Wbitby Report with Mike Burgess Sign Off Monday, Oct. 2 4:00 Expression with a Variety of Topies 5:00o Focus on MentaJ Health with Diane Milis 5.3(m To Be Announced 6:00 Federal/Provincial Report with M.P. HON. Norm Caf ik 6:30 Middle Eastern Dance with Milly Bouckley & Guests 7:00 What Does the Bible Say? with Bob Kirkland 7: 30 Let's Discuss It... 8:00 Power Squadron of Oshawa, : "A Look Into" 11: 00 Sign Off Tuesday, Oct. 3 2:00 Newcastle Council Meeting Coverage 5:30 Evening Report with Bill Jeane s & Dave Stewart 6:00 Joint Venture with Lorna Miller-"Hair Nutrition" 6:30, vita Italiana with Ercole Foresta & Carmen 7:30 To Be Announced 8:00 Durham Dialogue with Host: Jim Kirkconnell 8:30 Newcastle Council Meeting Highlights 10:00 Sign Off NOTE: ALL PROGRAMS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE $71,500 is granted for park George -Ashe, M.P.P., for Durham West advised today that the Ministry of Culture and REcreation has approved a Wintario grant of Up to $71,500.00 to assist with renovations to Centennial Park at Brock and Burns Streets in Whitby. The funds will bé used to help the Town of Whitby, in conjunction with the Rotary Club of Whitby, turn Centennial Park into a passive, recreational area. Plans caîl for a spray fountain to be added, extensive iandscaping- with trees, shrubs, and flowerg, stone walk-ways, a formai concert area, a sculptured play area and an informai play area.' Mr. Ashe sta ted tha t he felt this was just one more way of demonstrating how "we ail win" fromn the Wintario Lotterv. KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBUS TV BINGO CABLE CHANNEL 10 4 BIG GAMES EVERY WEDNESDAY UP TO' $375900 U N PRIZES 3 for $1 .00 (.uECH) LAST WEEKS WINNERS Henry Caissie. Bowmanville; Mrs. Schaal, Oshawa; Pat Filion, Whtby; Mrs. Irene Higgins, Oshawa. GRAND PRIZE WINNER Mns Mullans, Oshawa BINO CRIDS AVAILABLE AT: Builey Pharmacy - Brock St S., Safeway Centre Checkers Variety & Hardware - lewis. Plaza, 7-601 [Junas St W. Jury & LoeMI ODrg Store - Whitby Plaza, 317 Grock St. S. Whitby Gilass & Mîrror - 210 Grock< St S. 728-5138 lntorested mrcbants & / or viewers cati Mike Ka.as

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