w PAGE 18, WE'5NESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1978, W1fffBY FREE PRESS JOin Dominion 's Num ber I-Club and open the door to extra shopping convenience. The Dominion Number 1 Club Card.meansthaty'ou can now cash a personal cheque for your weekly food order at any Dominion Store in Ontario. Being a member of the Dominion Number 1 Club also means that when you shop at any of our stores, and subject to the Store Manageras.discretion, you can cash a Traveller's cheque (up to $100), Postal or Bank Money Orders, plus Government and Company Pay Cheques. Certainly extra con- venienoe for you. one club offor O $1.... savmgsl Bning In your filled out Numnber 1 Club application form imimediately andi Dominion wiIl include with your mailed put Numnber 1 Club Card, a special Number 1 Club"TMoupon Savings Book" worth over $10.00 in valuable money-saving coupons, gooci on a variety of everyday needs. t txk Oowb 30 u n gSbe otwainacpac a* U Io00"à *flbIinUSuc «ev dyU p.Nwi*r0410club cU.Ad HOW DO YOU JOIN?: To become a member of Dominion's Number i Club, simply drop in to your local Dominion Store and pick up a Number 1 Club application form. FilI it out and return it to the Store Manager. He'll arrange for processing of your application.* To provideyou with Dominion shopping con- venience until your application is fully processed, hell be glad to issue you a temporary Dominion cheque-cashing card for use in his store. (Subject to normal acceptance procedures.). Present customers who already have a Dominion Approvacheck card, or Dominion Cheque-Cashing card, must filI out a new application forthe Number i card. The present cards are valid until the new Number 1 card is received. bL Doing better thîngs for you M a -- 1 -- -D«