Whitby Free Press, 18 Oct 1978, p. 13

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OcTOBER 18, 1978, PAGE 13 Eee Coinig Evets HALLOWEEN BAZAAR- Theý 22nd West Lynde Brownies will hold a Hallowe'en Bazaar Oct. 30> from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at West Lynde Public Sehool. Featured items wiIl be a bake table, white-elephant sale, plants, crafts and books. CONCERT The Oshawa Choral Society wil present a family program for children and adults a t the Brooklin United Church Nov. 3 at 8 p.m. The program features a number of famiiar sonigs and skîts. Tickets are, available f rom members of the UCW of Brooklln United, Church 'or from Marion Young by oeil-, ing 668-4686. Some tickets will be held for sale at the door. Proceeds from the concert will' support the Brooklln United Church Worn'n's Croup. EVENING FOR PARENTS An Evening for Parents will be held at 8 p.m., Nov. 2, 9, 16, and 23 at AIl Saints' Anglican Church. Thisfour- session course is not'a child study course, but a warming, inspiring opportunity for couples to look atrthemselves as parents in such areas as memories, listening, replays and life-giving. The evenings include fun, lîstening to a presentation, private- shar- ing as couples, and group sharing. - For registration,. cal Mrs. Len Williston at 668-4489'. The Evening for Parent-s is spofisored by the church's 'Wednesday Noon Group'., CHRISTMAS SEAL VARIETY CONCERT ~fe~ ç~tsare stffi- avaà-il iblé for'the Chrlstmýas Seal Variety Concert, which will bu held on Sunday October 29, at Eastdale Coli- giate, Hrýmony Road North, Oshawa. The Program starts at 7:30, and offers something f or every musical taste, as Harry MeKew hosts the County Town Singers, General Motors Choir, Ilarion Ukranian Dance Ensemble, Loreley Folk Singers and Dancers, Oshawa Barbershoppers and Sweet Adelines, and the Oshawa Choral Society. All prooeeds will go tothe Christmas Seal Campaîgn, which funds research înto respiratory diseases, and community programs as this 1' astbmnatic children at Camp Qamlàe Better Brathingr ties, Oct. 23 at 7:.30 p.m. at the Wutby Public Lbrary. on pre-school diagnosis of learning disabilities and reznoving the guilt from parents anbd teadhers. The public is invited to attend this meeting, wbicb will fMature a hcussloo, ôlolbw- ing the .- ýcntation by Dr. Lazor. Any. parents with children who have learning disabiities are invited to a ttend. HALLOWE'EN DANCE A H1-alowe'en Dance and buffet will 'be h eld by the Whitby Old-Tiniers' Soccer Club Oct. 28 in the Whitney Hall 1at Iroquois Park Arena, from 8 p.m. to 1 a.xn. Prizes wlll be awarded for the best costume, althiough costumes are optional.- For -more information and tickets cal Alex Bell at 6689947. BIBLE.TRAVALOGUE Special guest speaker at the il a.m. service at "St. Mark's United Church Oct. 22 will ho Rev. Rtobert J. McCrea, minister ,0f AlrnonteUnited Church, who spent six months doing study and research 'in Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, the Middle East and Britain*. In the evening Rev. McCrea and 'his wife Thora willj present an illustrated talk on their'experiences in sixteen cities of 'the Bible during their sabbatical leave. Everyone i invited to attend. CHURCH ANNIVERSARY Dr. Howard. M., Mils, Secretary of the-Division of Ministry, Personnel and Education 0f .the-,United Church. of Canada will ho the guest speaker at the i52nd Anniversary Service' of St. Mark's United Church Nov. 4 at Il a.m.ý CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Ail Saint'S Anglican Church, wil be holding a, Christmas Bazaar in its parish,hall, Oct. 28 from 2 p. m. to 4 :30 panm. There.wil iSç aàmammoth- bake table and many attractive booths for Christmas gifts. After- noon tea will bu served, including sandwiches, cookies and pickles. $2,649.e33 McDnal'sRestaurant in the Whitby Mýll is certainly very happywith the results of- its 'McHappy Day,' held Oc t. 4. The restaurant raised $2,649.33 from the sale of Big Macs and helium b4lloons and proceeds of a drop box, which will bu turned over to the Canadian Association for Crippled Children. Last year the McHappy Day raised $1,854 for crip- pied children. tant issues are just two of the many activities planned. T.A.C. is ajointcomnitteC of 'threlocal "affiliates; Federa tion of Women Te,-.ihcrs' Associations ol Ontario <F.w.T.A.O.). On rnPublic School Mer Teachers' Federatior ccndary School Teachers Federation <O.SS.T.F.>ý BIRD BANDING WALK The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority will MI U E be conducting a bird banding walk for the general public SrmND 5 IN TE on thursday, October 19. The walk -Winl visit the Lynide Shoresý Conservation WUTH US TOMORROW> Area and participants wiIl have the opportunity to observe and learn about the TrnoBird Observatory's AND FIND OUI WHAT US GOINO ON Saw Whet Owl banding projeet which will' be in opération on that evéning. I U IA O The walk will leave froniUmU N M the Central Lake Ontario Con servatoin Aut'hority.'s office (1650 Dundas Street________________________ East, Whithy) at 6:30 p.m. on the' above date. FESTIVAL 0F PRAISE MORNING REPORTS A Festival of Praise will be held at 4 p.m. Oct. 29 at St. Mark's United Church 6 2 *2 when the c6:20 & 7:20r of the- Whitby churches under the direction of Mrs. Elaine Broughton' will provide an hour of music, solos, anthenis and instru- e t er Sp ts u d N w -nental selections. SILENT AUCTION St. Mairk's- United Church wll be holding it s annual silent, auction Oct. 30,in -the church hall. A new feature this vear wîll hp q soutn and sandwich luncheon, served from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The tea room and bazaar, and, bake tables will be open from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and the auction will take place in the eVening starting at 7:30 p.m. HALLOWE'EN FILMS Oct. 24 à t p. ï.in--the ,Whitby Library auditorium there Will. be Hallowe'en, films for children in' GradeS ££ 5 .:one ana up.- 185 Brock St N-9 4 Whitby/668-5181 NOVEM BER /178 COME IN AND TRY US OUT STYLES FOR MEN AND WOMEN. CUT AND STYLE FOR MEN $8.OOup & WOMEN$11.OOup PERMS STARTING AT $25.OO0 to $45.O00 HENASCOL ORS TREA TMENTS AND RETAIL ITEMS ON SALE A FREE 1ST CONVSUL TA TION & HAIR ANVAL YSIS ONV THE FIRST VISIT CALL 668-5181 FOR AN APP'T OPEINO SOONÀ 1 Il 1 mmmmummmmw

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