Whitby Free Press, 1 Nov 1978, p. 12

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PAE12 WEDNESDAY» NOVEMBER 1 s1978P WHITBY FREE PRESS, aFe Candiates seek two Durham school boardset Cont'd from P. il of Oshawa Minor Lacrosse and Minor Lacrosse repre- sentative to the, osliawa Gr!een Gaels Association. WHAT L' SUES HAVE THE GREATESI7f-1WACT QN 'THE P S oi SI9L SUPVbRRS IN fIIN COSTTUNCY. N WHA »~tLYOU, AS TRUOTEE :ON TH DR JIREGION JIPAR» BETTrY-JEAN~BLYTH The m ost universai concern seems to be the, quality - Of education our children are receiving. Our children are the future of this country. It is impera- tive that we provide them with the tools which wili enable them to carry on. The' truck s to choose from. key is education. We must take another look flot only at WHRAT they are being taught but HOW they are being taught. If 1 amn electedý I wil give primary consideration'to the curÉicula and to the evalua- tion of teachers and teaching xnethods. I also hope to arrange for early testing of al students for Iearning disabilities. I firmly believe' that the sooner these are discovered and treated, the léss prob- lems the child wilI encoun- ter. Seconidarily', early treat-. ment could help 'reduce education costs, drop-outs' and vandalism. I also intend to, keep working as I have in the past, to improve Board!' School/Home ,communica- tion. We have,, been struggling with great changes in the school system,, the biggest one a change in attitude from a cronservative, stable generally optimistic society to a questionning, at times even aggressive and resent- fui one. If the nuclea r family continues its _apparent decline, society wilI more* a ad more come to look.to the school s'ystem -for answers. In this atmosphere priority items will have to' be quality education by the best qualified teachers, expan- sion ,of the aduit education programme and the inove to more community - oriented schools. As trustee I would favour the return of the policèy of, hiring of ail' teachers by menit and quali- fication'and not by lack of J A new four.wheel-drive version'0f the F-350 15 the big news. In either regular or famil1y s lzed luu3; er5 SuperCab, the new 4X4 is a tough off -road truck with a hef ty gross-vehicle-weight rating of No purchase more than 3,683 kg. (8,500 pounds). .ncsay Ford F-Series pickup trucks are among the most popular vehicies ln Canada, andfr"179, <the F-Series Une gets, revisions ln appearance and Options. COLIN, BAIL MOTORS LIMITED Hflghwoy 7A WMe Port Porry 9581 roe 0F EARLY CANADIAN PINE FURNITURE ~ - ~ -- P[IONEEIR -IN'ivTRIOIRS Making the Iegacy of Our Past part of your future. 401 E. to Whitby. 9 blocks North to Dunlop St.j Hours:- Mon.-Wed.. 10-6 Thurs.-Fri. 10-9 Sat. 10" experience and hence salary. I would move to strengthen ties between industry and the achool system' to provide a more balanced and mean- ingfuýl education and I would demand that the Province' re-exami ne Its policy c f shifting the tax burden for education from the Income tax rlch Provincial coffers to DAVID S1MS Financial restraint is the single most important issue in education today. Itwill -be ail that the Board can do to maintain existing Programmes without auy undue increase in taxes at the local level. I believe that, my record as a Trustee demonstrates my comniitt- ment for increased pro- JIM SPEERS Issues: 1. Educational costs. 2. Programs, and Curriculum, in the schools. 3. Quality Education--Teach-. ing personnel. 4. Transportation of students in new subdivisions that have no local school. 5. Developing close liaison between school, Business Education and Business and Industry in order to help our student graduates be better prepared for an occupation. 6. Relations between the Board and its employees. For the past two years I have been a member of the fol- lowing committ 'ees: 1, Program and Curriculum; 2, Property; 3, Transportation; 4P Salary negotia t ing (Administration ,and CUPE); 5, Business Educa- tion Advisory; 6, Committee for Trainable Mentally Retarded. - As a member of the above JOHN WHITESIDE Improve communications between School Board Trus- tees, Teachers & Parents At' present there does not appear to be toc much direct contact between these groups. When I am elected as Trustee I 'would like to establish better relations, to sit down 'on a regular basis with Teachers and Parents, say duning school open house, or on Professional Development days, and beý prepared to listen to what they have to say. It is not good enough just to show up once a year on graduation day with a short greetings message fromn the Board cf Education. Quality Education To maintain quality educa- tion the l0ocarBoard should budget at least to meet the Provincial ceilings. Budget prionities should include good teaching matenials (especially text books which are i a deplorable condition in many schoois> recruiting experienced teachers, and as changes take place in the curricula some thought should be given ta re- traiing teachers to keep abreast of changes. 668-9324 I JOIN TESWING TO FORD!I Guaranteed Investment Certificates NOW 14% Annual Interest for Five Years ViCTORIA AND GREY TRUST 308 DIJNDAS ST. We, W% AIR rwlr% <ý 'DAVID 1 PR Aivri IN gramme (eg. increased support for Special Educa- tion, PYSChologicaî Services and French Immersion) and restraint in growth of local taxes. Declinlng enroilments a re flot a Problem i Durham. However, shifting enroil- meiuts are and create incon- venience to students and parents alike. There isno single -simple solution. Each problem must be assessed and solved sensitively on its own merits, as I believe I have in the past. The public must accept that there is a limit to the services that can be provi- ded by the Board. Trustees must use imagination to deliver an uncompnisingîy good education to our child- ren with the limnited financial committees I have made .a considerable contribution in the following: 1: Keeping Educational costs to a reasonable level without iterferlng with Quality Education. 2: Careful- study, of new programis or changes i programs 'ncluding discus- sion with interested groups before deciding on, any changes or additions to policies. -3: Discussions with paren% groups or idcividual parents- concerning problems in Bus, Transportation-visiting schools-meeting with parent groups and having discus- sions regularly in committee, to solve Bus problems-also negotiating with Bus Com- panies to obtain reasonable rates. 4: Co-operating with our Finance or Budget Audit Committee in adopting pol- icies to encourage our provincial Trustee organ-- ization to apply pressure on the Ministry of Education to increase our Educational grants in order to give relief to the municipal costs of Education. 5: Helping our Business Education Advisory Comm- ittee'in develo.,ping programs that will assesst ouf gradu- ates to be better qualified to obtain positions in Business aiid Industry. 6: Helping to study and develop policies that will assist in Promhoting better relations between the Board and its employees-especi. ally the teaching staff. -If elected. again, I will continue to give a maximum cOmmitment of tiMe andI effort towards studyi'ng and analysing educational prob- lems; have'discussions with interested groups and individuals; visit schools; faithfully attend Board and Committee meetings--mn order to develop and pro- mote policies that wiIl help to rnaintain in Durham .an Educational- system, which

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