Whitby Free Press, 8 Nov 1978, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, NOVEM BER 8, 1978e WHITBYFREE Downltown 9Whitby isbggs isueat Centre t)owntowr Witby was theë predominent issue for the ROGER SMITH? anitefor, the Centre /. .Ward'in an election forum held Thursday at the Whitby public library. Candidate Roger Adams said he was concerned about Roger Smilth Is a,40 year old lawyer who has 11lved ln Whltby for the last six the downtown and the years. As a resident of Whltby he has enloyed the home town atmosphere of iTrai isare ajor t our communlty. He recently moved his law off ice. from Toronto. toW ty rbîe a ask ori and Is now, practlslng law ln the Town. like a thruway', he said, and the speeds'a're ýunsafe. There WHY SHMOULO YOU CONSIDER ROGER ýSMITH is dirt. thrown up* byth traffic and noise bothers FOR REGIGNAL COUNCIL? area residents, b ad Roger has eleven years of experience as a practising lawyer and this. will' Highway 12 should be moved- give hlm the e)(pertlse to clearly understand ail the laws that will affect the to - Thickson Road and people of the Reglon. through traffic, should be sred by Thickson Road WHAT ODES ROGER SMITH and the Whitby-Ajax town H AVE' TO SAY TO YOU? He urged that demolition permiïts for the old historie 1- bel leve that the cost of Reglonal Government has been excessive and that homnes of Whitby should be the duplication of services by the Town. and the Reglon- has In largepat pprovdb h oni n been responsible for the enormous Increases ln our munici. pal taxes since the' Local. Architectural 1974. One way ta salveaur tax problem Is ta ensure that residential Conservation' Committee deelpmntlsencouraged onily If there Is an industrial and commercial and neighboring -residents deveopmet Isshould be informed of these base to support more residential development. demolitions. He also, advocated free ON NOVEMBER 13 WHY SHOULD. YOU VOTE, parking for downtown Whitb Y. ROGN1ER SMITH Candidate Mike Burgess ~IWII..said it W'as important to ~* * g~ ***assess the track record of neguona. ,unelilo, candidates, adtriei they will carry through with Ask yourself what the guys who have represented you for years have done election promises. for you. Vour taxes have gone Up and Reg lonal1 Government becomes more He referred ta his involve- Inaccessible every day. Give Smith a chance ta prove thathe' can do ment in the community ini something positive. to minîmize your taxes and ta make Regional researching and preparing Government more effective and less costly, an extensive study on the Whitby Police Station which ONEYIXRSEf AFR'&%I VnE . R PYOuN helped the regional council- GIE GUSEF FEH&O0E O EPESN lors of Whitby keep the VOTE <station open in 1976 and 1977.. VOTEHe alIso referrèd ta a public __________________________________________________survey. he organized which received replies represent- ing 5,200 residents of the ROGERSMffHtown, in favor of keeping the _____________________________________________________ police station open. Mr. Burgess said be was in support of downtown development and the need to locate people physically GORDON,,HAN NA CENTRE WARD J WHITB3Y *DA COMMUNITY 0F PROUD AND INVOLVED PEOPLE. * MY HISTORY 0F XEEN, UNDICATES SUCCESS IN WORKING WUTH AND ENCOURAGING PEOPLE. JVal downtown. He said be had headed Up the formation and construction of'a noni-profit housing project that put 48 families and tijeir respective spending potential. within walking distance. of the downto.wn. The town bene- fitt.ed from the project, he said with sidewalks, levies and a greater tax income. > I feel that development is not only possible but essen- tial to increase out tax base' thereby reducing, the tax burden -and eliminating the, present trend of, 'reducing services to '.hold thé tax line,- he said.1 Mr. Burgess said he believed^ the downtown merchants' would improve their"facilities' if they can affod ta do it, and further development in the down- town would create thé poten- tial custoiners for the mer- chants to pay for improve- ments. Batry'Evans told the elec- tors he knew the laws related ta municipalities, and hoped to lobby for direct dialing ta Toronto for busin'ess people. The long distance rates existing now are a' major barrier to the, development of Whitby,, be.said. Mr. Evans suggested the town sbould offer land on North War Holding the lmne on taxes and not introducing any unnessary projects are issues of conern of the two North Ward couneil candi- dates. Speaking at an election forum, last Wednesday, Bob Carson said every couneillor wants ta bold the line on taxes, but it is becoming a more difficult job. He pointed out tbat pro- grams used by some people were phased out ta keep taxes down and department budgets were cut in an effort ta reduce tax încreases, but noted that increased indus- trial assessment is needed ta keep caSts in line. Mr. Carson's opponant for the one North Ward seat, Rene Tbiebaud said he bas time ta serve the community and, with 25 years in busi- ness, be bas'experience in planning, public works and parks and recreation. He expressed concern that bis tax bill bad increased 38 1/2 per cent since regional governent was introduced in 1974, and pointed out that rd.forum long term ieases to develop- ers to assist in starting commercial and industrial ventures. > The town should also encourage large comnmercial and office structures In the downtown -to attract people, be -said. Gord Hanna, 'the fourth candidate for the one Centre Ward seat said, there is a jeride in the downtown and >the people of Whitby want ta see the character of the town mnaintained. -Downtown- irnprovement, is an impor- tant role ,for the Centre Ward councillor, he said.' .Mr. Hanna referred to his' work, as president of the Chamber -of Commerce in praviding a community guide and service club signs,, for the town. Mér. Burgess said there is a lot of land. in the downtown available for numerous types of development pro-> jects in addition to the co-op housing he, was involved, with. M r,. Hanna said there have been crosswalks in the down- town but they have not been kept up, in reply to a ques- tion about difficulty in cross-' ing Brock and Dundas Streets. d speakls Out people are fed up with taxes. Il want ta use the- utmost restraint in municipal spend- ing,' be said. 'I suggest a,ý moratorium on any new pro- jects not of basic need ta the wbole town.' Mr. Tbiebaud noted that. the town bas bougbt park- land for Asbburn but bas no money to maintain it because ail the money is,, spent in the south part af Whitby. He questioned wby money was spent ta put street signs in the North Ward, and urged that an equality af garbage collection be established for the wbole town. Mr. Carson said the town bad stopped sending snow plows out at 2 a.m. wben there was n traffic on the roads, and started them at 5 a.m. last year. Despite nega- tive comments at the meet- ing, from saine residents, he, said many people bave congratulated the town on îts good snow plowing service. The' residents said snow* plows arrived later tban in previouç vears. ROCLK THEATRE 668-3618. CNIaflDMN' MATINIE AI Sooft $1 Saturday 1:30 p.m. Now Playing Evenings t& Nov. 7 ne Ï Amîoîy Pus TI.D&Ovr Mol Brooks Front 7:05 p.m. Ryae OýNeeg Bruce Dr Adult Entertainment ROOFING- SHINGLES & FLAT DECKS_ A Good Job for My Good Company EstaulWishn 1941 Boudei wth Consmer's Protection Bore Serneai Housse Repwieg Serice FREE ESTIMATES11 ME YOUR .VEMENT Prop. G.AWhite - RR 1 BOoklln 654 .......... . .. .. .. . .... . .. .. .. . .... ýVEMENT M&O41

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