Whitby Free Press, 15 Nov 1978, p. 5

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Corridor g Capers IELECTION DAY! As this co1umn musa>t be submiîtted early on Monday, the, resuits of the Municipal* Election are stili unknown.' May I takre the opportunity to thank al the candidates who have offerecitheir services for the people of Whitby. .The candidates are to be commended for their willingness to work for the people of our community, and for the, betterment of our Town. To the voters: - it bas beeni your oppôrtunity to select the leaders, of your, communIty for the next two. years. The candidates have offered their services, lets hope you. the Whitby * Downtown By John'Roberta Now that election is over, I can write about myseif and the election. At time of writing, the elections haven't been- held, but when you read this,'wel'll ail know the results. But win or lose, the circumstances of campaignlng are the same, The major problemn encountered on the hustings concerns, dogs. Nine-tenths of the. homes I approached cont.ained dogs. Many places had more than one dog. And nearly every one of them tried to get me. I was bitten twice, and once a huge canine followed me around for a hàlf-hôur growling and nipping at my heels. But that didn't bother me so much as the huge mastiffs who tried to break through the front doors of peopils homes trying to get at me while they were inside. A couple -of times I figured that it was ail over. I read that one candidate feuI into a swimming pool. That didn't happen to me, but numerous times I fell over' rocks, impaled myself on fencès, and had tree branches poke me in, the eye while approaching homes in the dark. Such are some of the perfis of campaigning. Oshawa's Alan Pî'ilkey wants to.be- chafrman people, cared enough to, take the time to vote. CORRIDOR AREA RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION Thursday, Nov. 23,'1978 - Annual Meeting The annua meeting of the association will be held on Thursday, November 23, ýat 7:30 p.m. at Dr. Robt. Thornton Sehool. Ail Corridor residents are invited to, attend the annual meeting and select the executive for the ensuing year. Coffee will be served. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHUIICH The ladies of the U.C.W. ask your support at their annual bazaar, this Saturday, November' 18 from il a.m. until 4 p.rn. Mrs. Banks wilI open the bazaar and a delicious luncheon will be available at the noon hour. Ail the usual items will be on sale and we welcome contributions of home baking, sewing, knitting, novelties, candy, plants, white elephant and anything over the value of $10.00 for our sulent auction. Remember - Westminster Bazaar, held in the Westminster United Church, Manning Road,. Whitby, this Saturday beginning at il a.m. OLD TYME CHRISTMAS PARTY The Mayor,and Council of theTown of Whitby have There were neyer any problems with 'people, but you certainly meet many different types of people when knoclsing on doors._The first thing that you have to do, when going to someone's door is to let them know as quicl3ïas ps sible that you're not trying to sell somethirigT I usuallydif this by flashing one of my campaign brochures just as the resident opened the door. But once the door was opened,'I certainly met <al lot of very nice people, and I don't mean this in a sarcastîc way. Most people seemed to appreciate your gumption in getting out and knocking on doors, and therefore gave you the time and the initerest to say what you had to say. An especially pleasant group were those who had committed themselves to vote for one of my, opponents. They were invariably polite, and. took the time to telli me why they were supporting someone else. I left with a great deal of- respect for these people, and for the people in the West Ward in general because 0f their attitudes. Whoever won will have a good constituency to work with. So maybe this is the last word on the elections for the next two years. But two years goes by quickly. It's a little early to start campaigning now, but you neyer know. Santa suits available. The Whitby Jaycettes wil ha renting out Santa Suits to groups, or.ganzations and individuals for parties, Christmas dances, etc. The suits are $10 per day, and can be rented by calling either 668-6609 or 668-7253. à BsOB CROOHAN 416 - 284- 1117 Oshawa Alderman Allan' Pilkey announced last week he will challenge Walter Beath for the chairmanship of Durham Region. Alderman Pilkey, who led the polis for regional council- lor for Oshawa in 1976, stated he will contest the chair- man's post at the inaugural meeting of Regional council Dec. 6. So far, Mr. Beath, who was aoitdby the province in 1973 and elected 'by* the regional council in'1977 had been the only contender for the chairmanship.' Alderman Pilkey lias been a member of Regional Council since it was formed in 1973, and stated that the region "'requires new direc- tion."ý Former Whitby Mayor Des Newman lias been mention- ed as a candidate for chair- man, but bas nlot declared his intentions. LEASE FOR LESS Ut -200 DUNDAS ST. W. hl46" mthly. W/W radial tires, Imht pkg.,.318 V-S auto., P/S. P/B, radio, rewwseatspaak-. or, olactric defrotsWr. loft reme mWror, landau vinyl roof, skwda &hood paint stripas, convantionsi spor. PETERB NEILLY FLEET & LEASNG MANAGER 1922 ODge Omni -4 Orh A raio, mruwîndowdfroste r / radial tires% vmnyl side nlfoldngi.4 spsod trnftsmisson. Do yvou know what tumn people off#? You 'probably think you do. They're mostly the things that turn you off. right? WeUl, see how right you are Check the habits betow you think will tumn people off. 1 . Fillîng up a hot tub instead of taking a shower. 12. lùming on the loodlights to light up the bouse ail night. El3.lùmring up the thermostat. thÈen opening a window El4. Leaving the TV on in one roomn white you eat dinner in another. El5. Cooking on an element too big (or the pot 136. Bnghtening up the hous at dusk by tumingon ail thie Iights. E]7. Tuming the washing machine on to launder just a couple of things. 138. Filling the kettie up to make a single cup. if yvu checked therni Al.1to a youïre ihBecause waste of ekecrîcity. like anything everybodyi*afly needs. ,s abad habit That miakes al the habits abow turn-offs. Whîch ,s a good reason for ail of us to avM d hem. 6 cyndasauto. PINSa, * c<jsfmst, reamm r.o U raio, W/W tiras.daluxe, wle comus. amd on 3 y.ar amsa- 90,000 kilomatars Wasdgeletdcklwupeopecoff TIWnis bm* te .b1y y mu.w~n b" ot a(pie UIUcaII* FORMER U.ëK. RESIDENTS Howard Travet Asks Did you know that the U.K. Board of Iniand Revenue recentiy pubiished an announce- ment in the Brittlsh press ln connection with post war credits. Did you work In the IJ.K.end pay Incomne tex durlnUf World War Il? According to thie announcement even if you have no certif bates you mnay stiti be owed post-war credits. But you must act nowt' If you would 1ke a copy of the fuit announce- ment cai at our office in person & ask for Emnie Howard. A Publc ntereat Item By M@WARD TRAVEL BUREAU LTD. Ajax ShoppIng Plaza WITB FREE PRESS, WEDNESAY, NOVMMER, 15, 1978, PAGE 5 extended a kind invitation to our Ratepayers organization and community, members to, attend the Old Tyme Christmas Party. The Party will be held on Sunday, December 10 at the Mun icipal Building, 575 RosslandRoad East, Whitby, from, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. There will be Entertainnient, Santa for the Children and a Sin g-a-long for everyone. Light lunch and refreshments will be served. Children must be accompanied, by an aduit. The ýCouncil and staff will ha spending many hours in <preparation for the party. It has been very successfui in, the past; let's make this year's party the best ever. In our ârea, We have the Sunnycrest Nursing Home. Maybe some. of their residents would like to attend. We could make their Christrnas a little merrier by taking them with us., Plan to, attend and t.ake a guest who might otherwise be unable to, go. WHITBY P.C. ASSOCIATION The Whitby P.C. Association will sponsor a dance at the Whitby Legion Hall, Byron St. S. on Saturday, November le. Bar'Buffet and'disc jockey. Time 8 p.m. to 1 a.ni. For information or tickets, caîl John Pisani at 668-4322. - Happy Birthday to Lou Majoros. - Please caill725-8967 with news items for this column.Share with us your event. -Have a good week. M. MeKachern NEW-IGETON RCONDITIONiNO EQUIPMENT SALES * orc LESN oMAStS 9MECHANICAL c.~

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