Whitby Free Press, 15 Nov 1978, p. 7

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Histoia .WHtb' riaae "WndorPlce" ftr heoriginal na e l hty A number 0fwpeonierin Whitby knowatheecommus tn was once called Windsor,, but few know how it- came to receive that, name. The village of Windsor, was named and planned about the year 1819 by John 'Scadding, a pe rsonal friend,0f Upper Canada 's first governor, John Graves Simcoe. > As a young man, Mr. Scadding managed Governor Simcoe's estate in Devonshire, England, and when Smcewas transferred to.Upper Canada in 1791, he took John Scadding9 with hlm. Simcoe gave Scadding 250 acres of land along the east bank of the Don River at what is now Toronto, and he also received 1,000 acres of wilderness land around "Big Bay" which is now Whitbyharbor. This land was in the Tôwnship of Whitby, known at that turne as "the nine-mile woods" , ecau,,'e it was alrnost uninhabited. NEWS Ail children are rem inded to read Canadian books between now and Nov. 24 in order to receive lucky slips for the Children's Book Festival. Deposit the slips in the Children's Departinent of the Brooklin Branch Library and you may be a winner in the Nov. '25 @raw. The 'Snowflake Bazaar' is being heid by the Brooklin United Church Women on Saturday, Nov. 25 between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. at the Christian Education Building. There will be bake tables, tea tables, a gift shop, .Christmas decorations, a children's boutique, and Youth Group-booths. The Brooklin and Whitby girls, of the Whitby Resolute Rangerý are having a junk' sale' on Nov. 18, froin noonto 4:30 p.m. at the Brooklin Community Centre. The girls have been working very hard over the past year in order to earn money for their trip to Switzeriand in March. Corne help support thein. At 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. .19, an 80-minute colour film, entitled 'Ail the King's Horses' will be shown at St. Thomas Ânglican Ch,urch. This is a true story of how a couple find a, solution to the probleins which threaten to break up their marriage. It has much to say to ail on how marniage relationships can be improved. Ail visitons are.welcome. Don't forget to attend t.he Ashburn Pre Christmnas Craf t Sale and Flea Market on Saturday Nov. 18 from 10 arn. to 4 p.m. at the Ashbunn Community Centre. There will be sewing, Indian Crafts, plants, woodwonk, baking, antiques, and many fiee market items. A book staîl and lunch counter are available. VIEWS The community should be veny proud of fourteen-yean-old Anninarie Heller of Heber Down Crescent in Brooklin, who has been requested by the Ontario Gymnastics Federation to take Scadding, like many other friends of Governor Simcoe was granted large tracts of land, in the Province of Upper Canada, but it was neariy 30 years before he was able to develop his land in Whitby. In. 1796, Governor Simcoe returned to England, and John Scadding went back with him to continue managing his estate. Simcoe died in 18M, and after continuing to manage the estate for' his widow for, some years, John Scadding returned to Canada about 1818. The following year he drew up a town plan for the Village of Windsor at Big Bay in Whitby Township, and built the first house. The naine of Windsor, he took froin a piece of property he had owned in the parish of Luppitt, in Devonshire, froin which he had. emmigrated to Canada. John Seadding's son, Henry Scadding, former rector of Holy '1rinity Church'in Toronto,, said many years later that the naine "Windsor" was common, in the old Wessex regions. of England, anhd also in the vicinity of' Wellington in the-county of Somerset. John Scadding, when he laid out the original plan for Windsor, (now Port Whitby), named the streets after his three ýsons, John,- Charles and Henry. Charles- Street remains to this day, 'and John Street, had, its naine changed to Dufferin Street about, 1885, in honor of the Earl of Dufferin, Governor-Gedieral.'0f Canada froin 1872 to 1878. Henry Street of today, may or may not be the original Henry Street,' f Windsor. There is. a theory that it was named after Henry Annes, a settler on Highway 2 where. Henry Street begins. The history of the Vill age of Windsor is unknown between 1819 and 1833, when John Welsh established *the first grain shipping business at Big Bay, which became known as Windsor Harbor or Port Windsor. Lpart in the Ontario Cup -'78 International Gymnastics Competition on Tuesday, Nov. 14 at Maple Leaf Gardens. Anninarie has won the sil ver medal for 2nd place in vaulting at the Provincial Championship.Gymnastic Competition by the Ontario Gymnastics Federa 1tion. She placed 5th on the uneven bars. In the Provincial Argo B catagory, she had the Sth highest total points on ail four appar.atusincluding bars, floors beain and vault. Annemarie was chosen to lead the athietes taking part in the International Gymnastics Competition. Congratulations and Good Luck. DATES TO REMEMBER Nov. 18- Ashburn Pre Christmas Sale- Ashburn Community Centre Nov. 18 - Whitby_ Resolute Rangers 'Junk' Sale- Broolin Community Centre Nov. 19 - 'AIl the King's Horses' - St. Thomas Anglican Church Susan Smnith 655-3932 Brown's Drop Off Chr]Istmas (before 2:pm a. special by YMCA The Durham YMCA is featuring a short four week Christmnas special. Starting off the course November 22, will be an evening devoted to legends and customs of Christmas. Each Wednesday night following the topics are Christmnas decorations, Christmnas wrapping and mixing Christmnas drinks. For further information cal 668-686. V&MWTBYF'REE, PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVENIER 15, 1978, PAGE 7 John Scadding was killed by a falling tree in 1824, and it is likely that Windsor neyer really developed from the Urne of his death until the arrivai of John Welsh. The name of Windsor continued in use'until. about 184 when there, was confusion with the" cityof Windsor on the Detroit River, and the nime of the harbor, and village was changed to Whitby. When the Town of Whitby was incorporated in 1855, the naine of Windsor had completely disappeared. Occasionally through the years, people have remembered that Whitby was once called Windsor. During the First World War there was a Windsor Hotel in downtown Whitby, in honor of this old naine. Once again, with the Windsor Place apartinents, the original naine of Whitby is being brought to public attention. The residents of the apartments are to be commended in the choice of this historic naine for theirne home. Industrial Health and Safety Branch Ontario Mînistry GtLabour New, Location The Toronto area of the Industrial Health and Safety Branch has' opened new offices, on the second flo,47 Sheppard Avenue East, Willowdale, M2N 5X5.* Inspection: Telepho)ne. Engineering: 224-1606 224-1609 This office will servethe Regional Municipalities of Peel, York, Durham, Muskoka and Simcoe County This operation was fomIerly Iocated at 400 University Avenue. 9th fioozIibronto. Ontario Ministry of Labour Industrial Health and Safety- Branch Mattress ffestarted by blanket A mattress fire caused by an electric blanket resulted $l,OOo damage Frlday at the home of AI Swann, 916 CSusCrescent. The Whitby Fixe . depart- ment responded to the oeil at 4:23 a.m. and qulckly extlng- uished the flaines. .Lat Wednesday', at 6:54 p.m., Whltby fire flghters responded to a $1,200 car fre on Higbway 401 ithe west- bound Iane, eat c the tomn fine. The fire department reported the car biew a tire and the. tie caught fire, damaginu part ci the rear seat and contentL 'lThe occu- pants of the car, Stuan Varrett of PNtawawa, t»o 1979 CHEVROLET CAPRICE CLASSIC FOUR-DOOR SEDAN '/2" $1,95 1 " $3995 2" $7,95 Other Th icknesses, Aval lable- flbroghs. & Ekofi h St.ck rAdwtl 1 MU - 8SONSLM. Chevrolet - OiidsuMoie AVAILABLE Caprice Classie Impala Belair' 2 DR., 4 DR. Station Wagon's 'Il M M-riau 6si Mi

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