Whitby Free Press, 22 Nov 1978, p. 2

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PAGE2 WEtD4WSAY, NOWDMER22 1978e, MBY JFRFYSS Cablecast Li*stings Wednesday, Nov. 22 2:30 Where It's Happening wlth Host: Dan Statham 3:30 Middle Eastern Dance 4:00 Durham Dialogue 4-30 Soleil with the French Canadian Club of Oshawa 5:00 Joint Venture 5.30 Evening Report with G.M. Video News Highlighted 6:00 Let's Find Out with Special Guests 6:30 Special: Knlghts of Columbus Cable T.V. Bingo 7:30 Education Scene with Host: George Pearce 8:00 Whitby Then & Now with Brian Winter & JimQuail 8:30 Focus on Mental Health with Host: Dianne Milîs 9:00 Rescue with Topical Guests 9:30 Sign Off 'rhursdày, Nov. 23 3:00 Let's Find Out 3:30 Rescue 4:00 Focus on Mental Health 4:30 To be Announced ý 5:00 Education Scene 5:0Evening Report 6:00 The Storybook'House & Bowling Report 6:30 The New Leaf wlth Gord Wick 7:00 Conception with Host: Biul Jeanes 7:30 Soleil 8:00 Where It's Happening 8:30 Motor City Bowling Roil-Offa wlth Bruce England 9:30 Bowmanville7SUnta Clauis Parade Coverage 10:.30 Sign Off NEW - USED - RECONDITIONED ýEQUIPMENT for *Food Stores *Restaurants *Fast Food Operations *Hotals ë Butchers, etc. * Clubs e Cafeterias *Delicatessen Dog rescued from leg trap by OHS m Friday, Nov. 24 2:00 Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade ,Ccver 3:0The New Leaferg 3:30 Conception 4:00 What Doesl the Bible Say? 4:30 Whitby Then & Now 5:00 Voce Italiana 6:00 Whitby Report 6:30 Sign Off Monday, Nov, 27 4:00 Expression with a Variety of Topies 5:00 "'Aging Parents-Aching Families" 6:00 The Storybook House with Kirk the Story Teller This Week's Story, "Sleeping Beauty" 6:15 Bowling Report with your Host: Bert Harding 6:30 Middle Eastern Dance with Milly Bouckley & Guests 7: 00 High School Sr. ****Football, Finals*~*** 11:-00 Sign Off Tuesday, Nov. 28 2:00 High School Sr. ****Football Finals** 4:00 "The United Way" with Dr. Thomas Haggai 4:30 Lets Discuss, It.. 5:00 Let's Find Out with Drug Use & Abuse Information 5:30 Evening Report with B ,il Jeanes, Dave Stewart and Dorothy Brown with C.E.C. Report & O.D.CA. Report 6:00 Joint Venture with Lorna Miller 6:30 Voce Italiana with Ercole Foresta & Carmen 7:30 Expression... 8:00 Durham Dialogue with Host: Jim Kirkconnel 8:30 To Be Announced 9:30Sign Off NOTE: ALL PROGRAMS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE SPECIAL PROGRAMMING NOTE: Pine Ridge Cable T.V. will be carrying for our subseribers the House of Commons, Question Period from Ottawa twice, daily, Monday through Friday, on Visucomm, Channel H on our Converter Service.... Copies of the history of St. Mark's Unitcd Chureti from 1967 10 1976 arc available by Cki1ing 0li ve 1 'ell a t 668-363 1, Ross Law a t 668-2832 or Jack Bnwes at i R6R-1244. the àer me ind vas of ety to ble id. >This volume is supplemen- tary to the 1826-1967 volume and includes items ommitted from the latter in 'addition to updated information. I0E MAKERS - WALK-IN COOLERS REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONINO EQUIPMENT SALES * SERVICE * LEASING COMPASS MECHANICAL CO. 1308CRÃ"CHAN 416 -284 - 1117 US -FUN AND FITNESS' TOUR RACQUET??? The Durham Squash and Fitness Club provides. an opportunity of a lifetime in two areas of fun and fitness. e 4 SQUASH couR 0 FINBSS lISING e FUMEZS FACIUIE 0 PRO SoP * UcNcIDLOUINGE *SAUNA ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER 0F MEMBERSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE. REGISTER TODAY!1.1 Vandals shoot out 9 street light Riecentiy, the IHaîr Street> Police said the damage pellets ricocheting off some ovcrhead ights have been in was donc by'a "high powered object and striking an inno- darkncss.. pellet gun." Charges of cent passerby with the possi- Police state that the Town Public Mischief'are pending. bility of causing the death of of Whitby has reported nine Il is too bad that someone that person. street lights the ý 250 watt who shot the lights out for a once the offender obtains sodium type have been shot thrilî or on a dare does not a Court Record there are out. The cost of replacing realize lives could be placed many opportunities in publie these Iights is set at $1,000 in danger, police said. There office and positions of whichcomes indirectly out is the hazard of the darkened responsibility and trust thaf of the taxpayers' pocket. Street plus the danger of the are closed to that person. M ., OPEN 7 DAYS'A WEEJ<. WmITIT, ONYAUO 20% Make a Purchase wîh your Baby Bonus cheque SAVE 10% OFF ALL REG. PRICED MERCHANDISE Shop Early for Best Selection Your Fashion Gift Centre OFF AIL SLACKS FOR THE EARLY SHOPPERS Q., I. I.' lu 45 M lu n Il a i 14f Once a Court record is obtained the chance of travel and leaving the home country to visit another country is closed. In other words anyone-with a criminal record brought about by some prank cannot travel or, hold responsible. positions such as doctors, lawyers parliamentary posi- tions, for example, says Provincial Court Judge Norman Edmondson. One bridge Isunsafe; six are deficient says lworks dîrector On, v one bridge in Whitby 15 sf ructurally unsafe, a1thou.lrh there are six that are dl ficient, says Public Works )irector Dick Kuwa- hara. The structuraily unsafe bridge is the wooden trestle over the Ca.nadian Pacific Ra i%- *ay T; ackson Rossland Road WE t. it cannot support n ore than eigbt tons, says AJr. Kuwahara. Other brit tes are deficient because th are only wide enough to a aon ee lane of fraff ic at a f ne. Two are on Way Road it i rooliln, two on Rossland odWsws of Cochrane ýreet, and oee on Cochrane treet between Rosslarid. id Taunton Roads. .Mr. Kuwal ra points out 1lit1 lie bridg i~ are deficient for traffie sL -adards but are flot dangert . Thv provir -i :l înîstry of Transportation and Comm- unications recently released a report that more than 2,5S0 bridges in Ontario are cnnsidered deficient ~f9~ H?9I~ 't'Iîe i'urham Region I lumane Society is investi- galing the case of a Labra- dor d<>g which was found No9v. 14 in the Palmerston selînol a rea with atrap on its Ieg. if was tranquilized, but efforts by workers at the shetter to remove the trap werc futile. After 20 minutes, thc dog was taken to ïa veterinarian who pried off the trap. The dog was not A (log was a lso wounded by 'seriously' inJured, ti a gun.shot. in, the same area, Humane Society, reported. fliv< liuinan<! society reports. Mrs. Lang said anotti 'l'lie Labrador dog was dog was found in the sar found hy two 'children on ar'ba the week before, blee fiheir way to. school, who ing heavily from a shotgi slopped the humane society wound. it, was treated a. truck after they had tried reclaimed by its owner. unsuccessfully to remove the Mrs. Lang said it, W. trap. unlikely that either case Cairole Lang, supervisor of cruelty would be solved. tlic Humane Society shelter According to the SP( on Thickson Road, said she Acf., the Humnane Socie was conccrncd about the would have to prove the tri saf ef y of children in the area was set with the intent hecause the trapped dog was harm the specific animeu found so near a sehool. and that would be impossil The dog was takein to the to prove in court, shesaiÈ 'iirkson Rn hle hr Church Iilstory for sale

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