Whitby Free Press, 6 Dec 1978, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WFDNFSDAY, DECEMBER 6,1978, WHlTBY FREE PRESS Corridor residents "What the helu is going on?" several Whitby rate-- payers from the Corridor Area, asked at last Wednes- day's regional council 'meeting, as the subject of sewer hookup fees was bantered around, * Several of the rtpyr asked in very audible tones * "what they (the council members) were talking about, as the council was discussing a public works committee report. The ratepayers appeared * confused, because the report * was being discussed' on the basis of items not specifi- r cally mentioned 'when discussion was made. Following a lengthy discussion on the need for traffic.lights at regiQnal road intersections, a motion was put forth that "item three' be referred to the finance comnmittee and a report be made to the regional council by Dec. 20. 1At bis point the ratepayers wanted to know what was being discussed, and a helpful voice f rom the council replied "sewers". On a hand vote count, the motion to defer the issue of sewers to the finance commi- con fused ttee was Iost. Councillor Gerry Emm, jumnped to bis feet and tried to point out to the Regional Council members that the 6situation dates back to the ti me of Amalgamation between the old Town of Whitby and the former Téownship of Whitby." 'When a submission was presented to the Ontario Municipal î'koard whkeh included items of "concern to residents of areas such as the.Corridor." The matters of main concern for-the "Inew munici- pality" included--Sanitary Sewers and the connections by sewer debate at region from the trunk main to the homes in the unserviced areas of the amalgamated Town of Wh itby. The submission approved by the Ontario Municipal 11,oard in 1967 included the following statemnent: "for the purposes of the new municipality there shail be a fee established based on the then current average cost of a sanitary sewer lateral to be payable by the owner before a connection is. made blctween th, F:.a ni tary sewer and the property line." He asked that "the $150 hook-up charge agreed to at r- 1~ 1 hRSMAS W. Roeurve The Rigbt te Limit guantIties jCo Ldý * MAI KARAE AFTER SHAVE LOTION si 99114 mi Rogular, Lomon or Spice wiïh BLACK MAGIC CHOCOLATES 454g $2w9 1 LB BOX * PLANTER SRY P rE nANUTS 9 9l ç A eliclous tret a nytime! g ~ 340g 12 oz. MAI ROMAN KARATE BRIO -GIF SETAFTER SHAVE LOTION 114 miFACIAL TISSUESIÃ" 59n594 oz. $39 BAN 1319 01 0 Gift Wrap ,Z;ROAT LOZIENGES zru i77, See Our Friendly Staff Fr Many More Christmas GÃŽft 12's 53C CLAIROL CONDITION ÃŽE lostaot Afior Shsmpoo roeatut &oz. $1 9 Cd?--JTft ARBAGE RAGS luuîL GIANT SIZ 26## X 36#4 - 107T' 6THRIFT PAK' FOIL WRAP 1"Wiàby 25 FEET 991 that time'be deferred to the end of December 1978 at least as it is stili the policy that the sewer connection betwcen the property line and the trunk main is $150 and not the $750 rate the Regional Council approved on October 19, 1978. This would nan that the sewer connection fec in the Corridor. Area will be increased to the Regional rate of $750, for sewers constructed in 1978 or later, effective' January 1, 1979. The use of the- Regional rate for connections brings the Town of Whitby in lie with the balance of the Région on this matter. It was also pointed out that with' the adoption of the Regional Sewer Rate in 1976 the Town of Whitby ceased collecting funds from the résidents of the ýUrban .Service Area, including the Corridor Ares. 1B1ef ore Régional Councillor Emm could complete the explanation, the visibly angered Corri- dor R.atepayérs Ieft their' seats and the Council Chambers asking "what the bell is going on?" l'efore leaving the Council Chamber the Ratepayer's heard Garnet 'Rickard, Regional Councillor for Newcastle state he thought "Regional Councillor Jim Gartshore, should have an a nswcr . Councillor Rickard, Chair- man of the Public Works Committee said, "lwe are now rcfering this matter to the Finance Committee. Lookiug For! BATTERY-OPERATED TRAIN SET Feturs t:rw:rd a Circuler or flgure-etght 2. ~9 racIc Iayout. (Twg Pentite '2 m9 9 'batteries flot Inctudedi. will eost $750 for the sewer connections. The Corridor area rate had been set prior to the amalgamation with Whitbyand is notihe rate set by the Region. Several of the ladies present stated they had gone to the Regional Offices to pay the $150 sewer connec- tion rate and their "monay la not being accepted. What is wrong with our. money?" they asked. "Isn't it goôcl enough for them? It isn't dirty .money." The group also complalned about the higher regional rate for scwer connections. .Oshawa Councillor Aker, was rising to bis feet to make the following motion, as Regional Councillor Emm rc-entered the Council Chamber: that the date of Pecember 20 "lbe changed to January 24 and that the present rate of $150 remain unchanged before that date.' It was seconded by Councillor Emm. Councillor 1)e Wa r wondered if Mayor Gartshore, was'in'favor of' the amended, motion. Councillor Gartshore replied, ".'the amen ded, motion is well in order. This Council will have a brand new Committee by the sixth of the month, December, and we won't know how it will deal with it. (The Works Çommittee report and recommendation on scwers.) Councillor Dewar pointed out-that he put forth the amended motion on bis own accord "in alI fairness to the residents, The residents should not be adversely affected when Mayor Jim Gartshore would flot be present for the discussion "due to previous commitments." "The mayor of a municipality should have the opportunity to speak on the issue, regard- less of the geography of the na tter." lie said be is in "Ifavor of discussion on the matter." Théermotion was passeci changing the date for the report back to Council to January 24, 1979. The Ratepayers' delega- tion, was present in , the Council Chamber when this motion was passed. "What do we do now?" they asked. "Just wait and sec what happens at the January mieeting," came the reply as they left the Regional Council Chamber. The Whitby B"rancb of thc Canadian Red Cross wilI liold a blood donor clinic at the Whitby Legion Hiall, ilyron Street Soutbhflec. 13 from 2 p.m. to 8 pm. Every- one aged 18to 6.9and in good bealtb is encouraged to attend and give blood, VELVZT YOUC!» I Furniture St -,W -%*à No.Cbp -~wwNg There is the possibility it could be a new finance Committee, Mayor Gartshore, the Whitby repre- sentative should have 'an answcr now." Regional Councillor John Aker, Oshawa, present Chairman of, the Finance Committe stated thcy have n ot taken a look at the report.* Osbawa Councillor Allan Pilkey, said "1we sbouldn't bave that concern. We sbould 'be concerned about the Ratepayers and the awkward position thcy are placed in financially." At this point Regional Chairman Walter i3eath suggested a recorded vote on the motion. It was a tic vote of 13 in favor of referral and- 13 against the referai. The tic vote was broken by Chair- man 1Bcfath's vote to have the motion referred to the Finance Committee for a report by the Pecember 120 meeting. And the Corridor Ratepayers, "still have no guarantee that the sewer installation will be $150." Councillor Emm was suddenly called out of the Councîl Chamber by John i;uchanan, a member of the Ratepayers' delegation, to answer many questions put forth by the irate Ratepayers Ilc explained In simple terms that the present, connection fce for scwers is $150 and will be until January 1. 1979. After that it CAREFRIE PANTY SIELDS

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