Whitby Free Press, 6 Dec 1978, p. 1

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No local tax increase ays Attersleyý outhn plans- for 1979-80 ~HTSANTA CLAUS SANTA RIDES AGAIN A large crowd turned out for the 1979-80 inaugural meeting of the Town Council, as the mnembers, new and old, outlined their plans for the coming vear. BOB AIEREY Finance Chairmnan Bob Attersley indicated that he expects there, will be no- increase 'in local taxes in 1979, but this does not count the school boards or regional taxes. C ouncili Attersiey said he would -continue to pursue at the regional. level, his concerns regarding indus- trial pollution. He also expressed the hope tt'at council would take the lead in establishing a comm- ittee to celebrate Whitby's 125th birthday in'1980. 30E BUEL Fire Department Chair- man, Joe Bugelli,, a new memnber of Council, thanked his supporters for eiecting ~him andlsaidhle wouIçd Solicit the ideas ami assistance of the people of Whitby in carrying out his council duties., BOB CARSN <,Planning Chairman Bob Carson said- he did not believe that ail the action on counicil is at the regionai' level, for rnany people stili bring their problems to their ward. councillor. He urged Whitby residents to visit, the North Ward to see how diversified the town is. Councillorý Carson said the council will take a hard, look at services during the budget discussions, and stated thaàt one of his main concerns is to make it easy for industry to corne to Whitby.. JO0E DRUNM Parks and Recreation Chairman Joe Drumm aiso expressed concern about .attracting industry and said there are no strings attached to the prograrn being funded by f ive developers to bring industry to Whitby. Speaking of residential development, Councillor Drumm said there is a "trernendous amount" of room for this development south of Rossland Road. wbich gives a lead time of two or three, years before development moves forth. He informed the audience thiat there is a plan before council to put 800 peo ple in' an area bounded' by' Ross-, land Road, Garden'Street', Taunton Road and Anderson Street, and the developer is willing to work on storm ,water management programs in this area. Councillor Drummf said I3rooklin development is fîve years' premature, and indicated it will bring, pressure for lower cost hous- ing in southern Whitby. He expressed concern that direct telephone dialing to Toronto from the Durham'~ Region would raise phone bis $60 to $72, and he did flot< want to see local businesses hurt by such a rise in costs. Councillor'Drumm said he hoped to see the Dr. Ruddy Hospital working at ful capacîtypçrhaps with the addition of a nursing school or chemotherapy unit. Cornmenting on public tra nspor ta tion, h le sa id s tudy showýed that with '150,000 riders a year it would have stili have a $100,000 deficit. Councillor Drumm aiso said he would like to see donations of $1,000 or more to candidates declared, and election expenses Iimited. "There is no doom and gloom around here; there 's lots of promise and opportunity," hie said. GERRY EM Public Works Chairman Gerry Eînm expressed concern about the older parts of the town, deterior- ating as new development cornes in. He urged that Brock Street be reconstruc- ted to include the Rossiand Road intersection and said that Work should begin to try to obtain grade separations on the CPR at 'Rossland Road and Garden Street. He aiso suggested there should be public transporta- ion in road design. Councilior Ernm said traffie lights were needed at Jeffrey and Dundas Streets Cont'd on P.'2 Council hunors Edwards Tomn Edwards. who is leaving the counicil aller 19 years of service on eowic anud theu school boa rd received the tibuttt-.;of his IcI lom - ounii lors and a staniding otion f rom thew auidience ai Monlday*s inaugural meeting. Mayor Jirn Gartshore said Mr. Edwards considered bis greatest accomplîshment was saving the old court house as a Centenilial Projeet in 1967, and areen*td himwih a naint- inig by Whlitby artîst -Jorn 'hie painting bore a plaque stating it was presented to Mr. Edwards for 19 years of dedicated public service, by the mayor, council and citizens of the Town of Whithy. Mr. Edwards said 'it had been a joy for him to recipro- cate ail the good wiIl he bad received in Whîtby by providing mnany years of serv1tie trithe .c.nnunitv * i f Il - 1 - - 1 ý -1

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