Counci*llors outline Cont'd from P.i and Brock and Burns Streets, and said these items * would be put in the ý1979 budget. He alsù spoke of the need * to keep traffic off nieighbour- hood roads when subdivi- sions are under diecussion. « RRY]EVAS Clerk's Department Chairman Barry Evans, also a new councilllor, said he -mu- I * r II'1 I 'I i i I I I I I j I I I I I I I I 1 I wanted to be a long-time resdient of Whitby and represent the entire town as well as the Centre Ward.. "We will see a lot of change but I do net want to see the quality of life altered except for the 'better," he said. Councillor Evans said the downtown heart of Whitby had been allowed to dit and he wanted to attract develop- ment while still retaining the ---m--rn----- plans foi clowntowen's character.1 praised the var-ious orgar zations which formed in t past year and said evei body seems to be worki together to revitalize t downtown. JIMGARTSHORE Mayor Jim Gartsho outlined a number. of t cSncerns for the new, yeai He started out by, tellii the audience that the finan, department has beg computerized, which giv muc-h greater cost ai iccounting controls. He look forward to ' increase of commerci, growth in the downtov area, stating "so far yi have seen a bit of the tip, the iceberg." The CPR underpass I3rock Street will 1 completed in late springi early summer 1979, he sai and industrial growth coming, With 200 new jobsî Cadbury and 300. at LASC Steel announced in thepa week. The town's new industni program should starti January, said Mayor Gar shore, and the budget will t completed by, February. The mnayor explained th. a bus system' was turnt down in 1978 because t. benefits did flot equal ti cost, but he expected it wi be looked at again in 1979. He also stressed the residential development wi be phased in within th perameters of the town' development guide. Also, Mayor Gartshort said;' the harbor develol ment will be partially i operation in 1979, and be a ongoing project. The mayor said the tnwi I 1975 FORD RANQHÊR Green, V-8 automatic, P/S, P/B, defroster, W/W, W/C. Lic. C88 185 1975 FRDE1lCMO A Quad tone custom, V-8 automnatic, P/S,. P/B, white spokes, guId velour intenior. Street van. LiC. M3/- 67V 14795 1973 WINDOW VAN Light blue, serial no. E'15GHR06999. 127915 LOJNoeLN MER CURY SLSLWfD 1120DMSSI r He he ry- ing he his ,r. ýng ice ýen 'es nd an 1979-8 Q hopes to expanci its prevent- ative sidewalk and road maintenance program because $3/4 million worth of sidewalks need repairs. Above al, the mayor said, the council hopes to operate the town in aquiet iuà nner into the 1980's. Wom nan killed Me accident Mrs. Greta Tiemes 49, 0f Concesion Five, Brooklin died Saturday December 2, as the result 0f a motor SPECIAL, Premier 'PaintService Regular 189.95 919 5 (Price includes matenal& labor), COLLISION EXPERTS Locully owned 1à p«at.d HNy.:,Mou FriSm. 8 p.m. Sel. 10 ::m::2 p.m. ~ FREE ESTIMATES U II 'N - BLOOR sTr. HASTIN-S MAAO 710 Wilsoin Rd. S., Oshawa Phone 579-4000 xn vehicle accident, Police said. ,ou Johannes Tiemes 18, of believeêd to be the son of the on victimnwas driving the car or Whitby. Just, north of orý Taunton Road as the vehicle. is canieover a rise on the' at road, it went out of control." ., police said. It is possible that st :the vehicle struck an icy spot causing the single car iai accident. The vehicle slid for in a distance of 210 feet before r- coming to rest in the west -e ditch against a three foot *high tree stump. Police said at the accident was "probably at due to icy road conditions." he Mrs. Tiemes was a passen- he ger in the car at the tiie:of to the Dr. Ruddy General Hlospital 'where it was at léarned that she had died as iel a result f injuries received Je in the accident. Police report that there wyas eiaht motor vehicle e,- a ccidents inthe Whitby area' n- due to the weather conditions in on Friday. The mixture of M snow and ramn made the road rn conditions, treacherous for driving. * L rTheatre * roducwtio.n *fee »ec6 to 9 he youth group ofth WhtyTheatre Company IwilI present a series of four * plays at the Cnena * Building starting tonight and continuing through Satur- * day. Tinies are 7:30 p.m. * Wednesday to Friday and 2 * p.m. Saturday. Tonight's performance is free for Isenior citizens. Tickets for Ithe other performances are * available at Middleton's Book Store and at the door. *DENTURE'i * CLIP Il -uD no ARE TOU TIRED OF HMGIIHETINCS You cm' now eliminate completey your present fuel biis with lms ail qew IOOCRIDXAIR ED* WOODSTOVI.FURNACI Featuring - Foroeâ hot air to every roin ithe bouse - 3 szas available, heats up to 3,000 sq. it. - Air tigbt bumning eff ibency - Taris avabla - Large Ioading door - Optional domaestie hot watar goils - Hast exchangr <Modals Il & 111) -FREE HOT1 WATER COILS ON ALL ORDERS RECEIVE') JP TO DECEMBER 123,1978S. KM au 90VESTW MPANY My nba* ne.. Ou mun m f Hwy 12 (ut s.uthMyrth) AT SANTA CLAUS PARADE Busy Christmas program at the iseniors' centre Dec. 8Bat 8 p.m. the County' Dec. 16 at 7:30 p.m. there Town Singers will present will be a'Christmas dance their annual Christmas party at the activity centre, concert at the activity with door prizes, refresh- centre. Admission fis free and ments and special entertain- there will be refreshments. ment. Bert Heaver will be Dec. 10 from 2 p.m. to 4 master of ceremonies. p.m. there will be an "O0ld Admiss 'ion is free. Tyme Christmas Party," at Dec. 17 from 2 p.m. to 4 the municipal building on p.m. a Fam~iy.Day will be RoÉssand Road. "A* bus, held at the activity centre for provided'by Whitby Seniors senior citizens and their Co-operating Club will be' children and grandchildren. stopping at Bowling G;reen, Santa Claus will visit, and Towers (850) Green -Street) games, prizes and refresh- the activity centre, 409 ments are planned. Âdmis- Centre Street seniors apart- Sion is free. ments, Windsor Place (315 Dec. 19 at 2 p.m. the Good Coîborne Street West, Fair- Companions Club at view Lodge and the Knights Fairview Lodge will of Columbus Hall - Cost for welcome activity centre the return trip is one dollar. members to a Christmas Cail Lillie King, 668-9958 for party. The Oshawa Band will further schedule details. be presenting a progra m a t 2 Dec. il from 10 a.m. to p.m. noon there will be a New D)ec. 21 at 2 p.m. the Year's [Dance Party at the activity centre will hold its activity centre. Only 96 monthly hirthday party, with tickets are available, 50 door prizes, and gifts for hurry and get, yours. members having a birthday in December. Entertainrnen.t wiII be by the Jubilee Choir and Pat Prout. THERAIPY ec. 31 from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. a New Year's Eve ,q1c dance party will be held at the seniors' acti vity centre. before Dec. il at the centre. S ST. w . No tickets will be available a t th e door. A bus trip to the Ice Follies will be held the evening of 464 Jan. 24, 1979. Further details wili be published later.