Whitby Free Press, 6 Dec 1978, p. 4

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PAGE 4$ W ESDAY DEoeqM 6,1978, MFEE PRES whitby Pbse vr ensa byMr.B.M. PubllsMng the Counyr - @n688-611 Volce o h onyTown Michael Ian Burgess, 'Publisher.. Managlng Edltor 131 e ree PSreetBIdNot, 'lue only Whltby newupaper hudependently owned and operated by Whltby residents for Whltby resîdents. P.O. Box 206, Whltby, Ont. Vommunity Editor -Brian Winter Contributing Editor -Jim Qual Production Manager -Marie Burgesa Print & Promtionai Manager -Robin Lyon Classified Ad -L.ynrs Wagner~ Culation Manager -Sharon Lyon Maing ermofthNe:46 Setter Business Bureau of Toronto Success spot& &~iIlfMY/#/###v/ our politicins; counc ils outvoted by the Dear Editor: In the Free Press of Novem ber 23rd, Delores Hol Iiday expr"esses concern about the apathy of non-voters. Affer every election there are ýmany editor- lails condemning- public apathy, but 1 can't remember any of them explaining the reasons for public Indifference. Affer voting, consist- ýently'for f ifty years 1 often wonder why 1 bother to vote, and when Il look back over the iist of, people ,e helped to eiect 1 wonder whether any of' them achieved much that was positive or for the Individual good. Betore eleciions the candidates tell us what they are going to do for us; after theyf-e eiected they turn into dictators and teil us what, to do, A few years ago a repeatedly eiected politician said to my ratepayers group: "You élected me to THI1N K for you and you've got to believe l'Il do. what's, best for you". That sounds to me like the now rejected Divine Rlght of Kings, but itIs still the belief that motivates many politi- province cians. Success Seems to pilail of them. ln, the Durhamarea, indlividuals »and small groups are- continually fightlng expropriation, garbage dum.ps, gravel pits, noise pollution, water contamination, transmission. unes, 011 pipelines, farmland destruction, anci oiner nuisances; but can anyone tell me when the small guy ever won Ii his battie against the big developer, the vested interest, ôr the govern- ment agency?, H-ere in- Durham the area- politician can be outvoted by the Town council, the Town Council outvoted by the Regional Council, and the Regional Councii's decisions vïetoed by theA provincial cabinet who tell ail of us what we must, do. This is what some people know, as democracy, and this -is why somne people go out and. vote on election day, and this ls why the cynical ones say to hell with It and stay home, Delores. .Yours sincereiy, John Livingstone R. R. 1 Locust HIiI, Ontario Ipoetic remmnder that your blood às needed Dec. 13 at Red Cross Blood Donor clinic Just 12 days before Christmas >In winter, roâds are slippery' There's a super chance to gîve And drivers do get-hurt. The greatest glft ln ail the world Surgery'must needs be done, Your BLOOD, 50 some may live. Such thlngs we can't avert. Comforth to Whitby Leglon Hall From 2 o'clock 1t111 8o December 13, on Wednesday, Don't let yourself be late. If you are over 17 and under 66, And hale and hearty too Just spend an hour of your day' To be good frlend andi true. The need for BLOOD is always great And only you can give' The best present this Christmas: Your blood so some may live. BLOOD DONOR CLINIC WED. DEC. 13 2 - 8P.M. WHITBY LEGION HALL BYRON STREET S. John Roberts sets course for '1979 Chambewr of. Comnmerce John~ Roberts, a downtown merchant for the past two' years, was elected as the 1979 president of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce Mr. Roberts is chairman of the Downtown Board of Management and an execu- tive member of theWhitby Retail Merchants' Associa- tion. he following is the text of Mr. Roberts' address to the Chamber members, ln which lie outlined bis plans for the coming year. Ladies andi uenUlemen: 1 would like to "oo at what 1 consider to be the future of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce over the next few years. 1 thlnk that the next lttie while will be very important for Whitby, and the Chamber of Commerce wIll have a very vital rote to play i the general commercial and industrial development of the town. Gord flanna started thte br .. rolling. At this timer the Chamber la more visible than ever before. It la also been. 1i ntend to keep the. Chaniber mhoving in that direction. There are a number of ways to accomplish this. In the firàt place, 1 would like to sce ian increased and active memnbership. My ideal is to have a Chamber mnade Up of 300 members 2 years from now. The second area of concern is promotion. In a number of ways, the Chamber îs like a business. It must be promoted. People will become aware of us not only through our good works, but also *trough a deter- mined efforton our parts to make the Chomber a visible and efficient organization. Another area whereby tme Chamber mnay become more functional is i 'n the ares of liason with other organiza- tions in town which ho"e to accomnplish mucli the same end results as does the Chamber. 1 am thinking of two associations i particu- lar - the Retail Merchants Association and the 1Board of Management for the redevel- opment ares. The Wbitby Retail meet the needs of the retail sector of the town and to promote Whitby as a good place to shop. Their aims are promotion and service, much the same as ours. Considering the fact that many of the retail merchants who are members of this association are also members of the Chamber, it sems to me that there are obvious areas within which we can co-ordinate our efforts. 1 would hope to combine our newsletters, for instance, avoid duplication 0f promotional materiai, and retain members of the executive of the merchants association on our Board of Plirectors. The Board of Management was created earlier this yesr through a by-law designating an expanded ares of the downtown as a redeveiop- ment ares. In other miords, the aims of this IBoard are somewhat Identical tW both the Chamber and the merchants association. 1 con see, then, a number of areas of liason bere as well. It la My opinion that al three organîzations could *working together in areas of mutual, ýconcern. I plan to explore areas where he could in fact work together. 1 would like to maintain a spirit of openness within the 'Chamber and without the confines of our organization, We are in no way an ýexclu- sive club, and should encour- age interaction with groups and individuals outside of the Chamber membership whose input might prove valuable. 1 feel -that the calibre of speakers that we, have had at our luncheon meetings to be outst.anding,. and wish to keep this tradi- tion intact. 1 would Mie to have input from service clubs in the future, to investi- gate areas of interaction. 1 think that the service clubs performn a very vital and' necessary function in. Whitby, and would welcome their odvice. 1 co n a lso sec the Cha mber entering into the role of a marketing organiiation in Whltby. It has been my opinion that we mlght gel invoived with sud, thingit as marketing souvenirs of the town such a.- postrards and 1 think that this year might be the time to look into that a bit farther. 1Ican see virtue in having a yearly guidebook after the fashion of the one that was published last summer. TME has proven to be a very' valuable tool, but 1 would like to investigate further both its effect on the commercial and profession- ai sector of town, and the cost. While 1 am concerned with commercial development in the town, I am also concerned with Industrial expansion. I con seS room to work closey with the region on this motter, and explore varicua possibilities of liason in attracting industry to the town, It la my opinion that the best people to promote the town Wo potential indus- trial or commercial develop- ment are thase like your- selves who are suvvesful and active in alfairs of the town. 1 congratulate tedirec- tors on their many accomp- Iishmcnts over the pat two Ycars. and welcomne the new directors. 1 consider our 15i and will rely heavily on their support. 1 wish to encourage partic- ipation ln the monthly lunch- eon meetings. 1Iintend te make the smallest business as welcome to these meet- ings as would be the largest, Whitby, I believe, is on the verge of very good things, and 1 feelthat we should al benefit. It lias always been a distinct honour to belong te the Chamber of Commerce, and 1 would like t> have this feeling passed on to ai]lof those bôth presently involved and who become involVed in the future, 1 1iRe this town. As incom- ing President of the Cluittnbc- 1 will do my very bKe-,tfw fohiis town ftint bas given nie so rnuch. 1 encour- agt' ail memibers te get in îonicli with me whenever they have problems, or whexiltver they have advîce f0 offer. 1 am alwaya opent sound advlce; amidonm very keen on malntainlng line«of communication between myself and alit nembers. 1 apprectate tislaopportun. lty to serve you, and wwll do everything wlthln nty power to lve un to or vumm > 1

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