Whitby Free Press, 6 Dec 1978, p. 5

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SEWERS, The Regional Works Committee recommendation to allow Corridor Residents until May 31, 1979 tô Pre-pay sewer hook-up charges was 'deferred until January 24, 1979. The Regional finance committee feel they should have their input into the' matter before it 18 presented to Regional Council. Just how this will alter the recomînendation or the existing agreement, is' anyone's guess. However, if sewers are by your home, don't deiay. pav _right. ay_ Better tn. he safe than sorry. Whithy Downtown IBy John Robýe]rt There are a couple of matters which must be cleared up before getting sonmewhat more misunderstood. In the1 place, individuai inerchant participation in the Rf Merchants Association or the B3oard of Management will immediately cure ail of the evils or ills of the downtown a: Customers will not be fiocking into stores on January 1a there was a new rennaisance of consumer spending downtown Whitby. Huge commercial development willl appear overnight, nor~ will everyone in the new areas of Wh immediately switch their allegiances from Toronto or Osh; to shop in downtown Whitby. Remember, as on Wednesday,- (today) a new finance committea will be elected. We have no assurance that any of Our Whitby counilors will be members of that committee. Ail we can do is hope that the amalgamation agreement is binding and that the 200 or so residents, deprived 0f the sewer service wiiI not be penalized for construction delays. BOY SCOUTS PAPER DRIVE This Saturday, the second Saturday of December, wiil be Boy Scouts' paper drive. Prepare for Christmnas and bundie al those unwanted newspapers, have them by the road by 9 o'ciock on Sa turday morning, the cubs and Scouts will be most happy to, take-them off your hands. Remember - This Saturday, 9 a.m., Boy Scouts paper drive. OLD TYME CHRISTMAS PARTY The Mayor and Council of the Town of Whitby, cordially invite you and your family-to attend an Old Tyrne Christmas Party to be held on Sunday, December 10 at -the Municipal Building f rom 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. There wili be entertainment, Santa for the Children and a singz-a-l ong for ail. Light lunch and supplement what you yourself should do. If your budget for advertising and promotion this year amounted to, say, $1,000, it's fair game to deduct the fees that you pay to the Whitby associations fromn this amount, but don't -stop advertising. You'1l lose éonsiderably more than you'Il gain. Give it time. Two years at the léast will likely be needed before anyone can accurately gauge the success or failure of our organizations. The mayor has offered his co-operation wherever possible, the centre ward côuncillor has stated that now he wilI work in our best interests, and the, people presently f irst involved in'our organizations have offered their timne and, ,etail efforts. Give these neopie a chance. Don't expect magie tricks. ,l not res. as if g i 1not àitby awa I'have hear d that people expect this. It w ili not happen, at ieast in. the immediate future. It ean't. As yet the nianpower and resources available are just net adequate enough -to instigate large scale changes. This is but a stsrt, and people who expect the world in the next littie while are going to be disappointed, But they shouldn't be., We have to start somewhere. It has, been mentioned numerous timnes that there has been a noticeable improvement in the downtown over the past year. But that improvemnent has a long way to go. With your fees to both organizations, things wiil move, but how much can you expeet with the very smali amount that you're paying. Look-at, examples. In the plaza where Mne of my stores is iocated in Rossland Square in Oshawa, I psy almost $400 a year for, prornotional fees, 'and this gets me but four promnotions a year, and I stili have topay for my own advertisîng connected with these promotions. Su look at the $100 you're paying for fees in the Retai Merchants Association, and Just compare the two examples, keeping in mind that the Whitby group is looking into continuous promotions over the entire year. The saine, type of reasoning'appiies te the Board of Management. I have been trying to'figure out how to obtain maximum exposure from the $10,000 that wiil be coming our way through the assessment.,I cannot get weekiy exposure in, one newspaper for that much, and'yet some merchants feel -that they dont'thave to advertise any longer on their own because 0f the co-operative and institutional advertising that the above two organizations are, doing for' them. I hope that* these attitudes wiIllý change rather quickly. Anythingz that the associations wiil be doing wiil be T WH1TYFRMMPRESS, WE1')NMSAY, DM BER 6, 1978. PAGES5 refreshments will be served. Children must be accompanied by an adult. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Sunday, December 10 - il a.m. Bible Sunday. Envelopes wiii be in the pews for those who wish to support the Canadian Bible Society, in their work of translating and distributing Bibles. Speciai Sunday Evening Events December 10 - Christmnas Programme 7:30 p.m. The first part wiil be presentations by the Sunday School and the second part wiil be a Christmas Workshop Service by the Youth Group. December 17 - Candlelight Service - 7:30 p.m. December 24 - Christmas Eve Communion - il p.xn. Bey Rogers is convalescing in Oshawa General Hospital. Ail will be pieased to know that she is improving quickly, and expects to be home by the end of the week. Best of luck Bey., take care. Have a good we'ek. Finish your Christmas shopping. M. McEachern 725-8967 LASCO'to'expand* Lake Ontario Steel Company Limited announced last week an expansion that will double, the plant's capacity b y 1980. The expansion wili start immedjiteiy and will expand the plant, capacity to 800,000 tons per year. The rolling miii capacity wyill be doubled by, building a new reheat furnace, 17 stand continuous bar miii, a new warehouse. and shipping facilities. The new, miii wil be completed by late 1979, said LASCO President Chris Schmeizle. Steelmaking capacity willI be more than doubled by the installation of a new 150-ton melting furnace and casting plant. These facilitiè's wili be completed, in 1980, said Mr. Schmeizle. The, estimated capital cost of the neW facilities is $85 million and will create approximately 300 new jobs. Mr. Schmelzle said increasing steel exports to the United States were responsible for the firm's decision to undertake a major expansion at this timre. He attributed'-the increase in steel exportsýto the United Statesto theweak'Canadian dollar. Presently, Lake Ontario Steel employs about 800 personnel, including 500 production workers. FeroEngineering, of Whitby will be doing ail the engineering for the ne'w plant, and wili have the management contract. Where possible, local contractors wiil be used, said Mr. Schmelzle. LASCO Steel has been operating in Whitby since Head into th e busy Christmas season with a pretty party style for your hair. "LA CONTESSAI BEAUTY LOUNGE 119 Green ýSt., Whitby 668-9262 PROPER. WHEEL ALIGNMENT Student shoplifters to w.rite essays On crime Two students at the Ontario Ladies'Coilege were ordered last week by a provincial court judge te write essays on crime as part of their sentence for theft from stores in the Oshawa Centre. Wendy Haifyard, 17 and Bernadette Schmnidt, 16 were convicted of stealing goods vaiued at $208. The essays are te, be of~ -i,000 words and are to be submnitted te Provincial Judge Donald Dodds by Feb. 1. Miss Schmidt wiil write an essay on a book by a Çerman theologisn dealing with culpabiiity and crime, and Miss Halfyard wiil write about the significance of shoplifting in the community and its impact c. olfenders and their farniIj'i.s Judge Dodds piaeed the students on -probtonfor 12 *KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBU i 1VINGOi CABLE CHANNEL 10 4 4106GAMES I a EVERY WEDNESDAY UP TO $375.00 IN PRIZES * ~~ 3fer 400 (J0"d)l * LAST WEEKS.WiNNiERS June e by, Oshawa i Petty Haytor, 0 dwa *~ & uAnerson, Oshaa * Mrs. Barbeau, Boivwavile i GRAND PRIZE WIMNERS * ~~Velin Kmvacic. Sowniaavileg BINGO CARDS AVAILABLE AT: à BaskinFlRbbins - Safevuy Plaza, Whitby g Oshawa Meat Products & Oelicatessen - 1B88Dundias St. E., WhitbyI * Shorty's Cigar Store - 121 Brock St. N., WhitbyI * Shorty and Son Bilards - 130 Oundas St. W., Whitby * * Bailey Pharmacy - Brock St. S., Safeway Centre * jury & Lovell Drug Store - Whitby Plaza 3 1l7Brock St. S. Corne in now and save FRONT-IEND ALIGINMENT SPECIAL INCLUDES: " COMPLETE FRONT- END INSPECTION " CHECK AND ADJUST STEERING " CHECK AND ADJUST CASTER AND CAMBER " CHECK AND ADJUST TOE-IN " CHECK FRONT- WHEEL BEARINGS " INSPECT TIRES " ROAD TEST 0 prtsextra> Ail work done by factory-traînecl technicians using precision equipment \NEUSEGENINEGEERA MOOR*PARI mu lum mancouM-

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