Whitby Free Press, 13 Dec 1978, p. 9

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WLIBY FREEPREZ, WMqMESAY, DEC R 13,1978, PAGE 9 Iroquois get new coach; lose general manager,- but are stili the top scorers Tbe Whitby Iroquois Senior A hockey team got a new coach Thursday and proved to bim what they could do, by defeating the Cambridge Hornets 7-3 at Iroquois. Park Arena. A meeting of the Social Planning Council of Ajax - Pickering recently,' was attended by Brian Evans, Secretary of the East Central Ontario Develop- ment Foundation. Marvin Bader, Adminis- trative Director '0f the Foundation, said that Mr. Evans was invîted to speak to the council about tbe Foundation and. its function to provide non-profit and co-operative bousing in tbe Durham Region. In bis introductory remarks, Mr. Evans explained tbat the Founda- tion, a, private Non-profit corporation, is funded by C.M.H.C. to provide exper- tise and, assistance to community groups wishing to'develop what is known in the field as "Itbird sector'" Pee Wees wia. .Wheatfield' The win moved- the Iroquois two points ahead of the Hornets in tbe battle for second place in the Canadian International Hockeèy League, housing. A- Iively discussion followed, centred mainly around co-operative housing and bow it w'orks. Mr. Evans, who is a director of the co-operative Housing Foundation of Canada, Vice- President of East Wbitby Co-operative Homes, and a Wbitby lawyer with the firm Schilling & Evans, talked about the differences between, condominiums, wbich are individually owned and mortgaged and co-operatives, where members enjoy joint owner- sh-ip of -a development witb one blanket mortgage. One of East Central, Ontario Development Foundation's Most importa.nt functions,' said Mr. Evans, is to educate the members of a co-operative in the art of selfmnanagement and co-operation, so. that th eir.projeet will provide for them a sense of' community anxd friendliness so often missing in today's urban environment. Larry Mavety replaced Peter Vipond as coacb, and bas piedged to reduce the number of goals against, the Iroquois by two per game. General Manager, ,Ed Crouch also resigned'from' bis position last week, both Mr. Crouch and Mr. Vipond citing job pressures as the reason for their resignations. Team mnanager Fred Wolff wlll assume rnany of the general manager's duties, the first of whîch may be'to find a new defenseman. Jim Branton has left the team for a five-game trial with Tuscon of the Pacific Coast League. If he does not return, -a new defenseman wvill be ýneeded said Mr. Wolff. Thursday's game ,was an hour late in starting because the' C ambridge bus broke down, but once it started, the Iroquois decided the outcome in the first perîod by scorîng three goals. They led 2-1 after the first -period and 5-2 following the second. Pave Wilson scored three, coônse cutive Iroquois goals while John Cook, Ken Clark, Mike Noonan ýand Wayne Ormson got singlés. Captain CINEMA WHITBY 66843618, CHIDRENS' MATUNEE ALL SEATS Saurd.Y&SMMdY 1:30 pam. $1 .OO ALADDIN & NS MAGIC LAMP Now Playing UntilTues. Dec. 19 SATURDAY NIONT FEVER P lus.....0 JOHN TRAVOLTA UP, UN SMOKE TANCE COMPLEUE FROM 7 PM and Mavety- and Cook two each. The Whitby Iroquois are the highest scoring team in their league, but also have The Iroquois play Welland at Iroquois Park Arena .Thursday night, and plays Thunder Bay Sunday ini an afternoon game. WOMEN-OWNED BUSINESSES are on the increase, according to the Smatl Business Administration. Enterprises range fromn retail shops to mail-order businesses operated within the home. Bud,& Isabel Heard wish to thank the people of Whitby for their patronage of Heard's Taxi over its long history. We. wish to announce that we are no lo nger involved, with Heard's Taxi and wish the new owner success, May we ex fend to ail toirnament The Brookli'n-Whitby Minor Hockey Association's Major Pee Weerepresenta- tive team is off to a good start this year, baving won the Wheatfield Blades, Hockey Association tourna- ment cbampionship with four straigbt wins. Coaches Corny Derks and Peter Warmington recently took the LASCO Steel team to Wheatfield, New York for tbe tournament., In the first game, Witby shut out Peterborough 3-0; in the second gamne Whitby defeated Wheatfield 6-2; in the third game, Whitby trounced Bay Ridges 6-2; and in the final game, Whitby edged Aurora 6-5. Temptîng Appetizers Terlyaki Franks 1 can (131/ oz.) pineapple chunks !/ cup soy sauce V4~ cup honey 1 tablespoon sugar 1 package (51/2 oz.) cocktail wieners i can (6 oz.) whole mushrooms, drained Combine pineappie chunks and juice, soy sauce, honey and sugar. Make 2 cuts from the top of each wiener, three-fourths of the way through; turn wiener over and -mke cuts between the cuts on opposite side. Arrange wiener and mnush- rooms in oblong dish (10x6 inches) and cover with pineappie mixture. Cover disb and refigerate overnight. Aiterriate pine- apple chunks, mushrooms and wicners on smali skewers. Broil 10 minWtcs, OntarjLo. weather.forecast: drif ting snow, icy patches &and reduced visibility during thie Ho liday Season. That's why you must be inm good condiion to drive under these conditions.. Winter driving. For drivers this is the most dangerous season. Con- ditions change without warning. The dry roed you#re on now can quickly become treacherous at the next bend i the road... ice patches, fr-ost, sudden snow squalls, even wet leaves create unexpected hazards. But duning the Holiday Season these ha.zards tend to increase. Poor visibility combined with heavy traffle throughout the Holiday Season means you must be in good condition to drive under these conditions. So mnust your car. So keep it in good repai And keep yourself alert at ail times. If you dink, don't drive. And always watch out for the other drivers. Assume there's trouble ahead even when condi- tions look sale. Help make >ure you and your family will be here to enjoy anothier great Ontario .Holiday Season. O James Snow, Minister of Transportation and Communications R. Roy McMurtry, Attorney General Provînoceof Ontar'ia William Davis, Premier Co-uphousing is expl amed,

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