Whitby Free Press, 13 Dec 1978, p. 12

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PAGE 12, W EDAY, DBDOeM4FR13, 1978, IITBYFMRESSRF Heny. Stret High School seeks registrations for 25th anniversary reuniOf Plans are already under way for the bi ggest school reunion the Town of Whitby has seen in many years., On June 22 and 23, 1979, Henry- Street High-,School wiil be celebrating its,25th anniversary on its present site. In honor of this occasion, the ischool is invit- ing ail former students and teachers to take part in the FROM THE DEST SELLER LIST two-day celebration. Henry Street. High Sehool was opened as the Whitby District High Sehool in the faii of 1954, and acquired -its- present naine in 1961 when Anderson Colegiate was built.. Although the Juneý 1979 reunion is basically for!' students and staff who attended this sehool during the past 25, years, it will also beopen to former students of. the old Whitby High Sehool which stood on Coiborne, Street before Henry Street High Sehool was built. Chairman of the reunion committee is John Bolton, a history teacher at the school. He is bein'g assisted by staff members Nolan Taggart, Yvonne Chornobay,, Ron Ennis and Dwight.Esier. Plans are already welI advanced for the activities of the reunion. begin* tis winter... *arnd complete your first year by mid-summer; or take a part-time programme arnd finish early May, in time to think about summer'courses andior a summer break. York9 Unversity of fers a varlety of programmes and courses beginning February 1979. The complete Winter/Sumrner session (February to August) provides a ful programme of day-time studies,,whlch means you coulId be ln you r second year next September. Students wlshing to pursue part- time studies may select courses f rom the Wlnter term and/or Summer term. Introciuctory courses ln the following subjeots will be offered beginning February 5, 1979: computer science, Engllsh, economnics (pre-buslness),,French language studies, geography, histo'ry, humanities, mathemnatlcs, natural science, philosophy, political science, psychology and sociology. Last date for completed applications, is January 24, 1979. For more Information, and application forms, cal l (4.16) 667-221 1. University - 1111 an enrlchlnig oxperlencol Downsview, Ontario H u-J z D Lii cindreu Woor Fb. ýLb.e.s 20% OFF SWEATERS a wlde selectiori on our speclal rock * On Friday evening, June 22 there will be an Open House at Henry Street High School. This will be follow.ed by a social hour (or two) at Iroquois, Park Arena., On Saturday June 23 at 7 p.m. there will be a dinner dance at the Holiday Inn in Oshawa. The dinner will be a buffet 'consisting of varlous salads, platters of beef, hamn, turkey; whole salmon, etc., Vegetables, dessert, tea and coffee. Music will be supplied by a dance band. The cost for ail the festivi- ties is $16.50 per person. ]Deadline for reservation's is April, 1, 1979. The- reunion committee *wants to'hear fromn as many former, students, and teachers as possible, espec- ially during the Christmas season w.hen a -number of out-of-town residents may be visiting family and friends in show, or w'ish to buy a yearbook or participate in the basketball game, please' contact the school reunion committee. In addition, anyone inter- ested in organizing a break- fast on Saturday June 23 for a class or graduating year is asked to indicate this to the comlmittee. The reunion committee is endeavoring to contact al former students and teachers, including those who date back to the Coîborne Street days, and a very sizeable 'turnout is expected. Anyone who knows, the whereabouts, of any former students or teachers is asked to contact the sehool to give names and addresses. Also the reunion commnit- tee is looking for old *photo- graphs, drama club, programs, and ,other docu- *mnsor relies related to Henry Street High School during the past 25 years. These will be borrowed for display, and returned to their owners after the reunion. Copies -of an information letter about the reunion events are available at the sehool, and former students in town are encouraged to pick tlem up and send them to their friends. Mr. B3olton says the sehool ha& hopes of staging a very successful reunion afid is asking for the co-operation, of ail former students of Henry Street High Sehool to help make it possible. Gifts wanted forpatients Whitby. This year more than 300 magazines, puzzies, station- <Anyone wishing to attend people in the Whitby-Oshawa ary, biliscuits, Christmas the reunion is asked to area wiil spend Christmnas in fruit cake, gaines and cards. contac t the Reunion Commi- a psychiatric hospital. For men, you couid choose ttee~~~~~ tHerStetig Agift froin you will show ments toiletries, wailets, Schol, 00 enryStret, these people that'someone in scarves, pyjamas, socks, Sehol,600Hery tret, the community stili cares washable sweaters, billfoids, Whitby. about them. caps, gloves, underwear or The committee is looking New items or cash slippers. for name, address, phone donations are always appre- For women, you couid number, years attended at ciated by the Whitby Psychi- choose cosmeties, perfume, the school and any informa- atric Hospital. Please do not gioves, hats, nightgowns, tion about what type of activ- wrap the gifts as each nylons, blouses, makeup, ities the former 'students patient receives several powder, mitts, scarves, would like to participate in. packages carefully selected washable slippers, under- As artof he penby nursing staff familiar wear or sweaters. Aspat f heOpnHouse, with the patient's Gifts can be left at the the, reunion committee is preferences. administration building, planning an art show, a When you select a gift, switchboard or volunteer special anniversary choose sornething sinaîl association office at the. yearbook, and' an Old which a man or woman you Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital. Timers' basketball gamne. know would enjoy. If you have any questions, If you have, any 'old Suggestions for general p1easecaR1 668-5881 ext, 323. "miasterpieces" for the gifts,,include candy, books, The Look of M M I. n a au Mh M GIVE A CUTE DANKIN'S TOY FOR CHRISTMAS grect stocklng stuffers «M 10% Off AI S@W Over $5o ýwfh Iéy. onu Choque On EeguhrPrhoed Me dIso"-- our wide selection of Cocktail Wear, 20% OFF AIL SLACKS ~4Let our courteous staff assist you wt your gift selection Gîft Centre Use our conven lent Iay-away plan M M M I.,4... i. III, 135 BRO CK ST. S WHITBY, ONTARO 668-1 221 Open Daily 9 - 9 except Saturday 9-6__ YO0R K Elegance for Evening 8en tertaining. Clioose from ilkla ý'S'top

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