January 23 is a date to keep in mind. On that day a number of the churches in Whitby will be holding a, prayer day at the Baptist church on Reynolds Street. I have neyer written about religion in this colurnn,' as it has neyer directly been involved with the downtown in any particular manner. But this time I think that there is an interesting highlight for the mérchants in this prayer day. 1 was approached by RKev. McClure of St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church, here in Whitby to discuss an- idea concerning participation in this day. Appar ently, there will be an hour during -the day devoted to prayers for the businessman, that being at 1 -P.m. in the afternooni on the 23rd. Rev.' McClure. asked -me if I would mmnd being, the leader of this hour. I must admit that I wassomewhat hesitant at first. l've always been of the opinion that busin ess is business, and that's about as faras it goes. But as the Reverend explained his. thoughts more fully, 1 came to see the menit in the idea. He explained that people were becoîning aware of what the merchants were trying to do downtown, and that it - might be a good idea to have part of this day set aside for spiritual guidance in our efforts. 1 could only agree.. Not to»go at length, there will be literature froni -the sponsoring body explaining the entiré day, and which will be distributed soon. It might be something to give a littie thought to. l'il be there.. There is a meeting 0f the Board of Management for the redevelopment area coming up on Thursday, January 18, at 7:30 p.nî . in one of the commiittee roonîs in the Municipal Building. I would urge the business people within the redevelopment area to attend.. At this time the plan for downtown revitalization through the Mainstreet Prograni will be presented. 1 would also expect the Board to make a decision on whether or not to proceed with the program. J realize that l'ni harping on this thing, but 1 feel that the point has to be made. We intend to consider a plan thà t can be very far reaching and beneficial to the town if handled properly, but do not wish to go ahead with it completely devoid of input from the people who will eventually be paying for it through taxes and assessments. It- is true that a portion of the rnoney will be coming through an interest reduced boan froni the government, and that if we're lucky we might even get the town.to contribute a portion, though not as a gift. But let's admit it--it will be your tax dollars that indirectly pay for the venture should it be approved, s0 corne out and state your opinion. Stan- Cockerton is named outstanding Canadian Brooklin Redmen lacrosse star Stan Cockerton has been chosen by the Whitby Jaycees as their nom inee for the Outstanding Young Canadian of 1978. Mr. Cockerton's name will be submnitted ta the National Jaycee organization for con- sideration as one of its Five Outstanding Young Cana- dians to be honored at the 1lth annual Vanier Awards banquet in Montreal March 9. The Jaycees nominationed Mr. Cockerton "because of his dedication in an almost unhenalded sports field, his love of sports for sports sake, and his advancement of the Canadian image." A major American lac- rosse publication, "In the Crease,' has already descri- bed Mr. Cockerton as a player of the world. He was a ýWa in Canada§ upset vie- tory in the world field lacrosse championship.in the summer of 1978, scoring six goals, including the overtime winner, and four assists. Canada defeated the, highly- favored American team 17- 16 to win the world champ- ionship. Mr. Cockcrton was the leading scorer in the tourna- ment, in which Canada was expected to finish in last place, bèefore an undefeated Amnerican team. A picture of Mr. Cocker- ton, his gamne stick and the game baîl are enshrined in Canada§ sports Hall of Fame in honor of the championship victory. Mr. Cookenton will he the only representative of lac- rosse at the head table at Whipper Billy Watson's cele- brity sports dinner' in aid of' Crippled Children, in Toronto Feb. 1. Mr. Cockerton has been chosen to play on a team of Amenican college players which will compete against former c ollege, alI-stars in the American Superstar Gai-re in the spring of,1979. He is presently -playing field lacrosse at North Canolina State University on a sports scholarship. In his first year with the teami, he ,was the leading scorer of the Atlantic Coast Conference and the entire country and w'as named Third Team AI-American, the first North Carolina nplaver ta receive this honor. He is expected to play lacrosse with the Brooklin Redmen again this summer. 4 i Ise WMB FREEPRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10,1979, PAGE 3 There has been a newsletter sent around, a copy of the p 'rogran, a survey pu blished in this newspaper, and endless numibers of words written. by myseif on the topic. 1 amn obviously in favour of the, plan, but to date I have received two responses from the business community. 1 can only assume that silence from the people impliles> a mandate to proceed. This is a very shaky ground to base an assumption upon. But I haven't got the tirne to go out and ask each one of you what you think of the idea. IVve given you aIl o f the information that 1 can, much of which has been placed directly in your hands. 1 can do no more except ask you again to attend the meeting and state your views. After this. meeting it might be too late to objeet. And I'd rather have you object before the fact than after. The meeting is open, ail are invited to attend,'so I'd like to see you there. Retail Merchants Association meeting tonmorrow miorning at 7:.30 a.m. in the Maple Leaf. That's another one that should ho of some interest. Plans will be made for the 1979 season, and niatters such as menibership dues wilI be discussed. You might want to express an opinion on this inatter as welI. - WHITBY FABRICS CUSTOM DRAPES &SHEERS V3 Offregular price j Dress Fabrios IJanuary Sale 1 215 Dundas St. E. 668-4821 .. ofEPAI BriS, your damagui carite MAACG uMd wo l do the rosi. W4ncoflsct.yhur k""«eu agMie r broker Wo il make OF CANADA sort e a ulSier Sesyeur car. We'N do quellly work ai a OQWNER OPEATEdr-eeeepiaigvoyes evc lhm nim ym çx cmoo FREE INSURANCE ESTIMATES e PREMIER 189?5 SUP-REME $249?5, ALI PAINT WORK GUARANTEED e~OPuGR wý HOU oI ff I arn6 pm * Sol10Iam2 579-4000. OiWY. . 710 WILSOIN RD. S. OSHAWAONT. - BTonri PA, j'- u!réva MIS a -W . 1 1, l '- 1.1 ý . ý > -- - . - 'w imim rlél-