Whitby Free Press, 24 Jan 1979, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, JANUARy 24, 1979, WHITBY FREE. PRESS Tulip Tr*ampers hoi, Mayor and. Mrs. Jimn Ga'rtshore on Jan. 1.3 accep- ted, infront of a large gat- hering at the Fantasyind Park, Honours from the Dutch Canadian Karnevals Club, the Tuiip Trampers, where they were prociaimned and knighted in the order of first victims; Mayor Jim Gartshore for being such a co-operative and courageous' kidnap victim, Mrs. Gartshore for flot alarming police , firebrigade, etc., and fôr not laying any ýchargzes PROFESSIONAL PAINTING WALLPAPERING SERVICE FOR INFORMATION CALL 655-4351 CINEMA WHITBY 668-361ý8ý CHILDRENS' MATINEE AIL SEATS SaturaY & SundaY 1:30 p.m. $1.00 "SMOKY"pà With FESS PARKER AWEDOINO DEIARNAZ JR. CAROL BURNETU dERALDINE CHAPUN HOWARD DUFF MIA FAPJROW VITTOPJO GA5SMAN LIUJAN GIJH'LAUREN HUTTON VIVECALINDFOPR5 PATMcCORMICK DINA MERPJLL NINA VAN PALLANDT (AND 32 ASSORTED FRENDS RELATIVES AND UNEXPECTEAUPVAL3) PLUS... "THE TURNING POINT"# Anne Bancroft Shirley MacLaine Januarv 25 - 311O)AC Complete From 7p.m. of wor mayor against the i ulîp 'I'riipels. In truc karneval style and spirit Mayoi, & M rs Garishore weî e presented with medals and decorations hy Prince Jamies 1 and Princess Cormelia 1 at the Tulip Trampets fîrst annual Princen'Bail Snow and frceing rain could not keep a large gat- hiering from attending the karneval festivities. At 8:15 p.m., 'whiie the band played "Roll Out The B-aî'rei", Prince, Princess, and Council of eleven were paraded into the hall by their owvn dancing tuiip girls, and after a toast to Prince and Princess, as weli as, ail fun loving earthlings, the Prince and Princess presented the foliowing persons with special proclamations and decora tions: Mayor J. Gartshore as "Eari" in the order of "First Victims", Mrs. J. Gartshore "Eari" iin the same order, Mrs. A. Plaknieyer as "Adjudant" on the order of "îlot Wheeis" Mrs.- A Versh uuren as "Adjudant" on the order of "îlot Coffees" Mrs. H. Wiliems as "Adjudant" on the order of "Hot Seats" Miss A. Vandersanden as "Adjudant" on the order of "Dancing Toes" and Mr'. G. Mulder as "Knight"ý on- the order of "Music-Boxes". Six-year-old Tuiip dancing girl Michel Deianzo on behaif 0f ail] present, theni pi'esented the Princess with a beautifuli bouquet of' carnations, which -were donated by Ajax .Fiower Sliop. Miss Anna VanderSanden, then gave the sign to start the (speciai rehearsal) Winidmill Dance by the 15 Ontario NOTICE ENVIROMMENTAL APPEAL BOARD THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT, 1971 (S.0. 1971, c.86, as amended) in The Matter 0f: sections 59, 77, 78 and 80 of The Environmental Protection Act, 1971, as anmended, *and- In TheMatter 0f: an appeal dated the 3lst day of JuIy, 1978 by Mr. J. Connor from the refusai of the Director, Durhart, Regional Health Unit, dated the l3th day of JuIy, 1978, to issue a Certif icate of Approval for a class 4 sewage system f0 be Iocated on Clear Spring Road, on Lot 3, Reg. Plan 536, Township Lot 27, Concession 3, Town of Whitby, Ontario, -- and In The Matter 0f: a hearing f0 be held by the Environmentag Appeal Board. TAKE NOTICE that the Environmentaî Appeal Board hereby appoints Wednesday,,the 31sf day of January, 1979 at 10:30 o1cîock in the morning (local fime) in the Council Chambers of the Regionai Municipaîiîy of Durham,, 605 Rossîand Road East, Whitby, Ontario, for the hearing of this appeal.' AND TAKE NOTICE that the purpose of the hearing is to enable the Board f0 defermine whefher it shal confirm, alter or revoke the refusai that is the subjecf of the hearing. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE thaf if you do not attend af this hearing, the Environmentaî Appeal Board may proceed in your absence and you wiIl not be enfitîed to any further notice in the proceedings. Dated at Toronto this llfh day of January, 1979. T.M. Murphy Board Secrefary MVayor Jim Gartshore after being knighted, posing foi' a pictuire with to his right chairman of the Durham Region Tulip Trampers, Wim. I3arermans, and to the Mayor's One of the Council of "cleven" John Te Boekhorst.. Tulip dancing girls, who- vary in an age from 6 to 15. This turned out to be. the Biggest Surprise of the whoie evcning. A solid and faultless one minute 0f parading and marching was performned, .followed by 2 standing ovations of the audience. The dance then Was star- ted by the Prince's and Princess' waltz, after which ail joined in and danced under the direction of Busker and his band, with the help of George. Mulder, until the WEE hours of the morning. During the dance miscel- -laneous door and raffle prizes were won as fôllows: Doorprize.(a 23 piece punch bowl setf:. won by Mr. and Mrs. Gerrits from Bowman- ville. Raffle prizes: a hand- cî'afted candie stand "lby Nettie" won by Corry Korsten from Bowmanville, a set of 8 wine glasses, by the "Kitchen Cupboarýd" wvon by M.Jan Vande'iuimror Ajax, a bartool set won by Mr. and Mrs. Ty Kolstci'en, Xhitby. Thlîe hall d e co ra ti onls supplied by 1U-ailey IDA Drug Store in Whitby gave J"antasy Hall a real karnev'al festival appearance. Prince James I -and Pincess. Cornelia I frim the Tu At tlhe end of the festivities Trampers at the Dance. the Prince and Princess thanked ail who attended for a perfect and "Royal" Afternoon Guild meets The first meeting of the new year of the Afternoon Guild of AIl Saints Anglican Church was heid in the Parish Hall Jan. 9. Rev. J.A. Roney chaired the meeting. The following slate of offi- cers were presented to the members present: President, Mrs. A.R. Conrad; lst Vice -President, Mrs. Matilda Toms; 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. George Lomax; Secretary, Mrs. L.J. Annan; Treasurer, Mrs. George Livingston; Press Secretary, Mrs. E.W. Diiling; Seripture- Reading, Mrs. Rita Lear; Phone Corn- miîttee, Mrs. Lillian Eastwood; Assistant, Mrs. S.J. Strowger; Red Cross, Mrs. S.J. Strowger; and Social Convenor, Mrs. E.W. Diiiing. The meeting was closed with prayer, and afternoon tea was served by Mrs. N.R. Cormack and Mrs. E.W. Diliing. Canvassers needed February has been desig- nated as Canadian Heart Fund Month. A canvass of the Whitby area is being planned, and canvassers are required. Anyone wishing to help is asked to cal] Carolyn Smith ulip 3

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