Whitby Free Press, 28 Feb 1979, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1979, WHITBY FREE, PRESS Free I.AMJEmporiuu Pre, Coul ss Emporu 668ý.61 11 n Ads wiII only'be accepted'subj.ect. to the following Conditions. w I ýATIBILES FOR SALE" 1971 VW SUPER B3EETrLE,, new battery, 2 VW snow tires, 1 winterý old, 4, good summer tires, ýwinterized, gas heater, electric rear window drfroster. Good running condition. SelI as ls. Asking $700. Phone 985-8684 after 6 p.m. Jan. 17, 79. WINDOW VAN GMC. 1970 .3 cylinder, automatic. New snow tires, gôod running condition. $525. Phone 6É554003. Jan. 31, 79. 1 1969 PLYMOUTH, 4-dr. wagon. Body A-i condition. Running gear AZ. Asking $1,050. 1 - 1966 1/2 ton Mercury, needs. f loor boards. Running gear 92. Asking $350. Caîl 668-7597. Feb. 21, 79. 1972 Mustang, mag wheels,' wide track tires, buckets, tape, radio, ,good condition. As is $1,295.'72 Hpnda motorcycle 100, like new, 3,200 miles, $500. 10 speed bike-;used 1 month, $75. 668-6119. Feb. 14, 79. '70 CHEV BELAIR - 350 Power Steering, and Powèr. Brakes. Excellent running condition. Must seli. Asking $500. 655-3583. Feb. 28, 79. 1967 Pontiac Grand Parisienne. Running order. As is, no plates. $300 or best off er. Phone 668- 2969. Feb. 14, 79. ~AUT PTS MGB/MARINA 1.8 litre 5 bear-, ing cylinder block (bare), plus four matched pistons and rings, unused, $100 or best offer. Phone 668-2864, evenings. Dec. 27, 78. 2 VOLKSWAGEN SNOW TIRES with rims for sale. Used one winter. Asking $60. Phone 668-5211 af ter 7 p. m. Jan. 3, 78. SNOWTIRES-F78 14" - A78 13" Asking $15 each or best offer. Cal668-6185. Jan. 24, 79. 2-155.15 MICHELIN MS Winter Tires on 4 Boit PatternRibms, like new, $70 for the pair. 2-645.14 Goodyear Tires, $4 for. the pair. S 4.H78-15 Goodyear Polyglass Tires; 2.H78-15 Winter Tires, haîf worn, $25 for ail. Assorted hub caps, $1 each. Phone 668-0621. Dec. 20, 78 ENGINE 327, Rebore plus .030, new Spistons, rings, 1f ters, fire bail cam, valve lob justdone, 4 BBL manifold, proof of ail new parts, $400 or best offer. Cali 668-8023 affelr 12 noon. Feb. 7, 79. WebcoreTape Recorder, $40. IfShone 6688028.. Dec. 13, 78 FOUR BRANDO NEW Firestone 7-21, white walI CR-78-14, steel belted radial tires. $50 each or best offer. Phone 655.4765. Feb. 14, 79. 20 FOOT VAN TYPE BOX, roît Up door, side door, 92" high, has f urniture louvers to load or tie furniture. $1500 or best offer. Phone 668-6448. Dec. 13, 78 FOUR TIRES, ER-78-14"1, $40. Fits compact car. CaIli 668-9215. Jan. 24, 79. EAPPNANES SERGLER OIL HEATER' (an f orced f romr bottom of stove. Like new. Asking $250. One single cut frame $5.Whîte cook stove 30"1, 4 burners $50. Damaged bicycle $10. 3 burner propane stove. Like new $40. Phone 668-3282. ljan. 10, 79 1 FRIDGEDAIRÉ IMPERIAL STOVE ln good working condi- tion. Asking $75.'Phone 668-5104 Dec. 13,*78 REATI«ON AL .ELES FOR SALE-OPTIMIST sali- ing dinghy. 7 1/2 feet long. Wooden huli single sail design. Good stable beginners boat. Asking $275. Caîl 655-3700. Jan. 24, 79. 1978 VAMAHA DJ-175 for sale. Excellent condition. Has 1500 miles on it. $1200 or best offer. Phone 668-7105 atter 4:30 p.m. Dec. 27, 78 1978 POLARIS 55 340 Snow- mobile. Like new. Hardly used. Asking $1,500. Cail 655-3006. Jan. 10, 79. 1972 SKIDOO0 TNT 292 engine. Has only 2,000 miles. Excellent condition. Asking $500 or best offer. Cail 668-6564. Jan. 24, 79. 1 1975 TX 440 POLARIS snow- machine. Asking $1200 or best offer. Good running condition. Cali 6860060. J.-17 7 L 2eM.U21, 79. KIMBALL ORGAN, 2 years old, excellent condition. Com- plete drum with many sound effects. Must be seen. $1,700. Cal655-ýU.4. Feb. 7, 79. AGS-AM/FM Receiver. 30 Watts per channel. A-i condition, $175. Phone days .7252828, nIghls.66-1139. Dec. 13, 78 PLEASE READ ,When the advertised item Is soîdi, disposed of, or unavailable for whatever reason, the item.will be deemed to have been sold and a commission will be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below, regardless If price is stated with "best offer"l. If the Item is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wil be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 will apply. Ail advertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis with the- WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month If nof sold. RATES [if article is solei: 5% of adlvertised price Up to $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: SoId item advertised for $120.00 - commission due «.00 Iminimum charge is $3.001 Private advertising only! Please notify us if you find a refailer listed as a private advertiser. Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediately when Item is sold 50 that we may delete itf from the following issues. Ail ads not f itting the Emptrium guidelines wilI be treated ancl charged per wéek as regular classified'ads on-. a pre paid basis such as: services, help wanfed, clothing, real estate, and personal message type ads, or ads plot quofing price or quantity: Private classified ads may appear ln the -Emporium section under appropriate headings. if in doubt, caîl 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO:, FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LlN 551 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., Whitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM AOS 15 THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. > I ELLLANEOUS 9' x 12 SHAG RUG, rust & orange mixture.,Wool & nylon. Good condition.$100. Cali 668- 2470.> Feb. 21, 79. RARE BOOK, "My Schools& School MAasters", by Hugh Miller, fa mous Scottish poet, writer and geologist. William P. Nimme, Edlnburgh' 1872 $100. Caîl 683-4307. Feb. 21, 79. BABY CARRIAGE with de- tachable car bed $40. 4f t. teddy bear $10. Single bed spread $5. Mauve bathroom set $10. As- sorted baby toys $10. Safety bar for child's bed $5. Diaper pail $2. Phone 668-9599, after 5:30 P. M. Feb. 21, 79. For sale 8 mm movie camera - -CEUMIG-turret lenses, (made in Austria) older model, $55. 8 mm movie projector - Bell & Howell-older model, $55. Both in excellent condition (or both for $100). î baby cribs with nearly new rnattress $40. 1 baby car bed, $6. 1 booster seat -$4. Phone 655-3733. Feb. 14, 79. WESTINGHOUSE T.V. FOR SALE. Good condition. Black & White, 2611 screen. Asking $40. Stereo for sale. Wood cabinet. Almost new. Asking $160. -130 Byron St, N. Whitby. Jan. 10, 79. Two chesterfields, need uphol. stering, one pulls out into a bed. $10 each. l'pair of beige heavy lined drapes $40, 100#fLx 95*.i pair of heavy white drapes $10. 3 coffee fables $5 each. 1 whitby Iampshade for large Iamp, neyer used $5. 140 record albums, James Last, Percy Faith, Roger Williams, etc. $50 for lot. Phone 683-7664. Feb. 14, 79. 1 PAlIR of second hand downhill skis, bindings, poles and ski boots size 7 to 8. Good condition $25. Caîl 728 3370. Jan. 24, 79. 10 SPEED BIKE for salcL. Previously used in racing. Excellent condition. Asking $200. PlMore 668-7105 after 4:30 p. M. Dec. 27, 78 CHESTERFIELD & CHAIR* rusl/brown/beige. Reasonable condition. Best offer. Caîl 668- 9947. Jan. 10/,79 SKIS, POLES and boots for sale. $45. Good condition. Phone 683-6638. Dec. 20, 78 COFFEE TABLE and 2 End- Tables, Mediteranean style, solid oak, good buy $325. Oul Painting of a Spa nish Senorita, $75. Reprint painting of a Spanish Soldier, $20. Solid wal- nut Console, condition like new, $300. Caîl 666-1372. Feb. 7, 79. Chiîdren's cross-country skis, 6011 long, poles 4411 long. Boots size 2. 2 seasons old, $30. Phone 655-3539. Feb. 14, 79. 1 ANTIQUE FLOWERBED -HOLDER, $5. 1i B - Carný;a*geë,$20. 1 Baby Walker, $2. 1 Jolly Jumper, like new, $10. Phone 668-0621. Dec. 20, 78 FOR SALF 1 large Franklin fi!replace w th grafe'and screen $200. 1 medium size hardwood desk $45. 5-piece brown kitchen set $30. Caîl after 5 p.m.' 668-4047. Jan. 31, 79. 40 CHANNEL BASE CITI ZEN'S -BAND RADIO, Base Station Antenna, 50' coax cab- le, $125. 41 by 51 electric raiîway lavout, 45", oval track, 2 trans- formers, 2 engines (i steam). Cars and accessories $110. For-, further Information caîl 668- 6744. Ask for Rob. Jan. 17, 79. 1 LIVING ROOM square table, $45, neyer been used. Phone 668-9009. Dec. 13, 78 1 Easy Brand elýctric ironing board, $30. Can be used for commercial purposes. Phonie 683-7538. Feb. 21, 79. HUMIDIFIER $50, summer tires & snowtires, $10. Summer 694114", C78x1. Snowtires F78x1414, like new. Trailer wheel & tire, 4 boîts, 40fx8", Truck type 4-way wheel wrerich, $15. Phone 668-3495 or qppîy at 711 Burns St. W., Whitby. Jan. 24, 79. 1 UNIVEIRSAL PRECISION gauge, $50., 17 1/4 inch 'Black & Decker saw, $35., or best offer. Alil -ew. Phone 668-2656. Dec. 27, 78 2 AQUARIUMS 32"; by 1811 by 14". Each $35. Cali 655-4097 Jan. 24, 79. CUTTING EDGE for 6 ft. by 6 ln. Myers snowplow. 10 1/4" centre f0, centre 'boit holes. Excellent condition. $30. Cali 668-8523. Jan. 24, 79. PORTABLE BLACK LEAT,- ERBAR for sale. Asking $175. Phone 579-4605. Jan. 10, 79. 1 200 gallon oil tank, 'l ou burner and set of controls for sale. Asking $50. Cali 668-9403. Feb. 14, 79. SKIS' and SKI BOOTS, size 7 for sale. Asking $30 or best offer. (Cali 655-3583. Ask for Marie. Jan. 24, 79. FOR SALE 32 gallon aquarium with wrought iron stand, can- opy, fully equipped. Asking $100. Cali 668-4473. Jan. 10 16" WHEEL TRICYCLE $20, Ride-on-car $5, tractor & frai- ler $10. Cali 668-6087. 1 Jan. 10, 79 PARAGON ELECTRIC KILN, 181, tomplete with furniture, 2 years oîd, idealfor ceramics. $325. Cali 839-9109 after 5:30 p.m. Feb. 7, 79. KEESHOND, MALE, 4 years old, excellent Watch dog. Also very goodi natureai with chiîd- ren Hs " lneesar nedes One Stew - Two Dinners Yi cupflour 1 teaspoon sait 1 teaspoon paprika V4 teaspoon pepper 4 pounds stewing beefJ in bite sizepieces 1/4 cup vegetable oit 3 medium onions, coarsel>' chopped 4 beefflavored bouillon cubes 4 cups boiling water Combine flour, sait, paprika and pepper. Dredge V3 of beef cubes at a time, in thiý mixture. Brown meat in 3 batçhes in hot vegetable oil in skillet, adding more oil if necessary. Place beef ia large oven proof, casserole. Saute onions in remaining oil. Add to casserole. Dissolve bouillon cubes in water and add to casserole. Bring this mixture to a boil on top of the stove. Cover and bake i the oven at 180 degrees C (350 degrees F) for 1 Vi hours. Remove from Divide mixture' in haif. Decide which of the stews' you want to serve and add those ingredients to tht; halved méat mixture. Freeze the other meat mixture. 4 to 6 medium potatoes, peeled, quartered Va rutabaga, peeled, cut in 1-inch cubes 6 medium carrots, peeled, cut in 1-inch chunks V2a teaspoon marjoram V2a teaspoon thyme Add ail ingredients to the cooked meat and. gravy. Cover and bake in the oven at 180 degrees C (350 degrees É) until vegetables are tender, (about 1 hour). Makes 6 * servings. Stew il Mapound mushrooms, (10 ta 12 medium) 2 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons cornstarch 1 can (28 ounces) Canada Choice canned tomatoes 4 stalks celer>', cut in J-inchpieces J cupfrozen green beans 1 teaspoon oregano M/ teas'poon basil Saute whole mushrooms in butter, about 5 minutes. Dissolve cornstarch in a small amount of tomato juice from canned tomatoos. Combine mushrooms, butter, corn- starch, tomatoes and llquid and ail remaining ingreclienfts.Add to the f or mors tffl ti

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