Whitby Free Press, 7 Mar 1979, p. 16

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PAGE 16ý ENSAAC 7,1979, WHITY FREE PRESS Pres I. - Cou 668-61 Emporium Emporium Ads wiII onflybe accep'red subject to the following Conditions. A UTOMOBILES AFORSALE 1971 VW SUPER BEETLE, new battery, 2 VW snow tires, 1 winter old, 4 900d sumnmer tires, wlnterized, gas heater, eîectric rear window drfroster. Good running condition. Seil as is. Asking $700. Phone 985-8684 after 6 p.m. Jan. 17, 79. WINDOW VAN GMC. 19706 cylinder, automatic. New snov tires, good -running condition. $525. Phone 655.4003. Jan. 31, 79. 1- 1969 PLYMOUTH,' 4-dlý wagon. Body A-i condition, Running gear AZ. Asking $1,050. - - 1966 1/2 ton Mercury, needs f loor boards. Running gear 92. Asking $350. Cail 668-7597. Feb. 21, 79, 1 972 Mustang, mag wheeIs, wide tracj<--tires, buckets, tape, radio, ,good condition. As Is $1,295. 72 Honda motorcycle 100, like new, 3,200 miles, $500. 10 speed bike.used 1 month, $75. 668-6119. Feb. 14, 79. '170 CHEV BELAIR - 350 Power Steerlng -and Power Brakes.> Excellent runnlng condition.' Must sel. Ask ing $500. 655-3583. Feb. 28, 79. 1967 Pontiac Grand Pariýsienne. Runnîngorder. As is, no plates. *$300 or best offer. Phone 668. 2969. Feb. 14, 79.- L P ARTS FOUR TIRES, ER-78.14"1, $40. Fits comp act car. CaîIl 668-9215. Jan. 24, 79. MGB/MAR INA 1.8 litre 5 bear- ing cylinder block (bare), plus four matched pistons and rings, unused, $100 or best off er. Phone 668-2864, evenings. Dec. 27, 78 2 VOLKSWAGEN SNOWV TI RESwith rims for sale. Used one winter. Asking $60. Phone 668.5211 af ter 7 p. m. Jan. 3,-78. SNOWTI RES-F78 14#. A78 13" Asking $15 each or best offer. Caîl 668-6185. Jan. 24, 79. 2.155-15 MICHELIN MS Winter Tires on 4 Boit Pattern Rlms, like new, $70 for the pair. 2-645-,14 Goodyear Tire s, $4 for the pair. 4-H178-15 Goodyear Polyglass Tires; 2-H178-15 Winter Tires, haîf worn, $25 for aIl. Assorted hub caps, $1 each. Phone Dec. 20, 78 ENGINE 327, Rebore plus .030, new pistons, rings, 1f fers, f ire bal camn, valve lob ijustdone,4 BBL manifold, proof of ail new parts, $400 or best offer. Cal 668-8023 after 12 noon. Feb 7, 79. 6 Is s- e c C( 01 ry 1 pi re or Pl 24 FOUR BRAND NEW Firestone 7.21, White wall CR-78-14, steel belted radial tires. $50 each or best offer. Phone 655-4765. Feb, 14, 79. FORD AUTOMATIC TRANS- MISSION, fits 302 & 351 en- gines, $30. Also, other f ord parts. Cali after 8 p.m., 668- 7553. March 7 , 79. EAN:L1JCES SERGLER OIL HEATER' fan f orced from bottom of stove. Like new. Asking $250. One single cut frame $5.White cook stove 3011, 4 burners $50. Damaged bicycle $10. 3 burner propane stove. Like new $40. Phone 668:3282.- »if.1,7 KENMORE STOVE. Good working order. White, $79. Baby crib, $9. Phone 668-5083. March 7, Ï9. REAEIONAL2 1 ELES I PLEASE READ When the advertised Item is sold, dlsposed of, or. unaViailable for whateverreason, the item wlII be deemned to have been sold and a commission will be ctiarged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as ilîustrated below, regardless If price is stated with "best offer"l. If the Item is NOT SOLD, or disposed 0f, the ad will be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 will apply. All advertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at Ieast one month if not sold. RATES [if article is soldi: 5%/ of advertised price up ta $400.00 2%/o0fbalance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: SoId item advertised for $120.00 . commission due $6.00 [minimum charge is $3.00] Private advertising onlyl Please notif y us if you fimd a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Please notlfy the Whitby Free Press immediately whdn item is sold s0 that we may delete it fromn the following issues., AIl ads not f Itting the Ernpt.rium guidelines will be treated ancl charged per wêéek as regular classified ads on, a pre paid basis such as: services, help wantedl, clothlng, real estate, and person al message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity: Private classified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. fin doubt, cal 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO:. FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206,' Whitby, LUN 551 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., Whitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS I5 THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS r'o PUBLICATION AT NOON. r FOR SALE-OPTIMIST sail- ing dinghy. 7 1/2 feet long. Wooden hulI single sail design. Good stable beginners boat. Asking $275. Cali 655.3700. Jan. 24, 79. 1978 YAMAHA'DJ.175 for sale. Excellent condition. Has 1500 miles on Il. $1200 or best offer- Phone 668-7105 after 4:30 p.m Dec. 27, 7E 1978 POLARIS SS 340 Snow- mnobile. Like new. Hardlyused. Asking $1,500. Cali 655-3006. Jan. 10, 79. 972 SKIDOO TNT 292 engine. las only 2,000 miles. Excellent ,onditiori. Asking $500 or best )ffer. Caîl 668-6564. Jan. 24, 79. 11975. TX 440 POLARIS5 snow- machine. Asking $1200 or best Dffer. Good running condition. ýaI I686-0060. Jan. -17, 79 MUICL PIONEER 8-track player & ,corder. Model #HR 100 & 70 apes, $250. Phone 668-0814. Feb. 21, 79. (IMBALL ORGAN, 2 'years Id, excellent condition. Com- Iete drum with many sound 4fects. Must be seen. $1,700. al 655-74544. Feb. 7, 79. EELCLANEUS x 12 SHAG RUG, rust & ange mixture. Wool & nylon. 'oodi condition.$ 100. Cali 668- 470. Feb. 21, 79. 40 CHANNEL BASE CITI- ZEN'S BAND RADIO, Base Station Antenna, 501 coax cab- le,$1 no For further Information caîl 668- 6744. Ask for Rob. Jan., 17, 79. RARE BOOK, "My Schoois& Schooî Masters", by Hugh Miller, fa mous Scottish poet, writer and geologist. William P.' Nimme, Edinburgh 1872 $100. Caîl 683-4307. Feb. 21, 79. BABY CARRIAGE with de- tachable car bed $40. 4 f t. teddy bear $10. Single bed spreadl $5., Mauve bathroomn set $10. As- sorted baby toys $10. Safety bar for child's bed $5. Diaper pail $2. Phone 668-9599, after 5:30 P. M. Feb. 21, 79. For sa le 8 m m movile ca mera.- CEUMIG-turret lenses, (made in Austria) older model, $55. 8 mm movie prolector - Bell & HowelI-older moclel, $55. Both in excellent condition (or both for $100). îbaàÇ'Zrî6s with neaFT7y new mattress $40. 1 baby car bed, $6. 1 booster seat $4. Pho ne 655-3733. Feb. 14, 79. WESTINGHOUSE T.V. FOR SALE. Good condition. Black & White, 26" screen. Asking $40. Sterco for sale. Wood cabinet, Almost new. Asklng $160. 130 Byron St, N. Whitby. J an, 10, 79. Two chesterfields, need uphol. stering, one pulls ouf lnto a bed. $10 each. 1 pair of beige heavy lined drapes $40, 100"1 x 95". 1 pa Ir of heavy white drapes $10. 3 coffee tables $5 each. 1 whitby* Iampshade for large lanip, neyer used, $5. 140 record'I albums, James Last, Percy Faifh, Roger Williams, etc. $50 for lot. Phone 683-7664. -* Feb. 14, 79. 1 PAI1R of second ha nd downh ill skis, bindings, poles and ski boots size 7 ta 8. Good condition $25. Cali 728-3370. Jan. 24, 79. 10 SPEED BIKE for salé.' Previously used in racing. Excellent condition. Asking $200. Phone 668-7105 af fer 4:30 p. M. , -Dec. 27, 78 CHESTERFIELD & CHAIR* rust/brown/beige., Reasonable condition. Best offer. Cali 668. 9947. I Jan. 10, 79ý SKIS, POLES and, boots for sale. $45. Good, condition. Phone 683-6638. Dec. 20, 78 COFFEE TABLE and 2 Enc Tables, Mediferanean style, solid oak, good buy $325. Oil Painting of a Spanish Senorita, $75. Reprint painting 0f a Spanish Soldier, $20. Solld waî. nut Console, condition like new,'. $300>. i Colonial fable, two additions, $25. Kitchen set for two, $15. Caîl 666-1372. Feb. 7, 79. Children's cross-country skis, 60" long, polos 44"1 long. Boots size 2. 2 semsons old, $30, Phone 655-3539. Feb. 14, 79. 1 ANTIQUE F-LOWERBED' HOLDER, $5. --1 . ab; Carniage, $20.' 1 Baby Walker, $2. 1 JolIy Jumper, like new, $10. Phone 668-0621. Dec. 20, 78 3 UPRIGHT COCA-COLA vending machines. AIl work- irig. $100 for ail 3 or $50 each. Caî1l 655-3019. March 7, 79. FOR SALE 1 large Franklin- f Ireplace with grate and screen $200. 1 medium size hardwood dlesk $W5, Whirl-Away Dlshwasher, $25. Caîl after 5 p.m., 668-4047. Jan. 31, 79,. 2 AQUARIUMS 32"1 by 18" by- 1". Ec $35. ali ý655-4097 Jan. 24, 79.j electric ironing c a n be-used foir purposes. Phone 683.7538. I Easy f3ra board, $: com merci Feb. 21,l HUMIDIFIER $50, sumni tires & snowtires, $10. Summ 695e1411, C78x14". Snowtir F78x14"', like new. Traili wheei & tire, 4 boîts, 400x8 Truck type 4-way whe wrench, $15. Phone 668-3495, appîy at 711 Burns St. V Whitby. J an. 24, 7 CUTTING EDGE for 6 ft. by in. Myers snowplow. 10 1/4 centre to centre boit hole! Excellent condition. $30. Ca 668-8523. Jan. 24, 7' nd 30. 79. er er es ler ?el or 9. 6 19. ig 19. oil r 9. PORTABLE BLACK LEAT lIER BAR for sale. Askiri $175. Phone 579-4605. Jan. 10, 79 1 200 gallon oil tank, 'l1 burner and set of controls fc sale. Asking $50. Caîl 668-940. Feb. 14, 75 SKIS' and SKI BOOTS, size7 for sale. Asking $30 or best offer. Caîl 655-3583. Ask for Marie.1 Jan. 24, 79. FOR SALE 32 gallon aquariunr with wrought iron.stand, can opy, fuîly equipped. Askinç $100. Cali 668-4473., Jan. i0 16" WHEEL TRICYCLE $20, Ride-on-car $5, tractor & trai- ler $10. Cali 668-6087. 'Jan. 10, 79 PARAGON ELECTRIC KILN, 18"1 complete with furniture,2 years old, ideal for ceramics, $325. Cal1 839-9109 after 5:3C P.m. Feb. 7, 79. KEESHOND, MÂLE, 4 years old, excellent watch dog. Also very good natured with child- ren, Has ail necessary needles. $30. Phone 728-3370. Feb. 7, 79. OFFICE/HOME DESK, rlght- hand pedestal, mahogony top, green metal body. $80. Phone Monday or Thursday evenings 6680894 or day 725-7341. Ask for Eric Strong. Feb. 28, 79. Crab Mousse Makes 6 servings 2 en velopes gelatine 1/2 cup Ontario dry white wine 2 cups chicken broth (2 chicken bouillon cubes dissolved in 2 cups boiling water) 1 tablespoon lemon jugée 1/2 teaspoon sait 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 18 teaspoon cayenne 1/2 cup mayonnaise 2 (J oz.) cans crabnwat 314 cup whipping cream (35%) WineMafinated Cucumbers Soften gelatine Ù1 wire in a small saucepan. Ado! chicken broth, lemon juice, sait, nutmeg and cayenne. Heat 1winbespo hp J ablepon hope 2pard-ooley gs inl 2 haroked gsfey Pcehparguea la iae oaspo arsipeargea in opne or wo laers inle wsaepand our onit. Spini with sat and or on boind water8 to c1ver.nCoer andi tendrkr8p.to0mineutterti tiendcspmed buteri wine al andcpedparsle i alwy ui smbisuctr epan. Het slowy untiarabuttr s. Lit cooed s gplaueono heatn aedse.ngplatror o suerwinpae sucepoo auttrgune saucne over asparagus. prinegwithv finei coed g Srv immediateiy. Get a good thing going. I Youars= gif n I Phu» »0 for *oér@ em "IFOR SALE"# I Free - -mmmmmq until gelatine dissolves. Stir, in mayonnaise. Separate crab meat flakes as much as possible and stir into mixture with a fork or add crabmneat to wine mixture, pour into blender in two portions and biend on high speed until smooth. Chili in refrigerator until mixture is thick and at the point of setting. Whip cream until thick arnd softly peaked but flot until stiff and dry. Foid into thie crab nixture. Pour into a 6 cup mold. Cover and chill at least 4 hours or until set. Unmoid on serving piatter. Garnish *with Wine Marinated Cucumbers. Wine Marinated Cucumbers 1 English cucumber, siiced sait 2 tabiespoons ail 1 tabiespoon Ontario dry white wine 1/2 teaspoon sugar 1/4 teaspoon sait 1/4 teaspoon dry diii weed or 1 teaspoon chopped fresh dii, 1/8 teaspoon paprika Sprinkle cucumber slices with a littie sait and let stand 30 minutes to draw out juices. Rinse; *drain well. Measure oul, wine, sugar, sait, diii and paprika into a smal screw top jar. Shake weii. Pour over and mix with, cucumbers. Aiiow to marinate 2 to 3 hours. Serve around crab mousse. Asparagus Su*nny-Side Ujp Makes 6 servings 2 lbs. asparagus 1/2 teaspoon sait 1/4 cup butter 1/3 cup Ontario dry white 1 1 rz

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