Coming.Events SPRING FLING The Good Companions Senior Citizen Club of Whitby will sponsor its Spring Fling at Fairview Lodge on Satur- day, April 21 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Items offered for sale in- clude homne-baking, fancy goods and crafts, good used clothing, hardware, plants and white elephant table surprises. Ligh refresh- ments will be served. A draw at 1:30 p.m. fea. tures an afgan, a cushion, a figurine, pillow' cases, a dressed doîl and a pyjama bag--all hand erafted. Mrs. Katherine Schilling is the convenor of this annual event. SCOTTISH CLUB DANCE The Canadian Sots Club will hold a dance at the Masonic Hall on Cochrane Street, April 14 at 8 p.m. For tickets and further informa- tion caîl 668-4134. SPRING TEA & BAKE SALE The ACW of St. Thomas' Anglican Church in Brooklin are having a Spring Tea and Bake Sale on Saturday, May 12 froni 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the church hall. Everyone is welcome. FASHION SHOW The Third Annual "Spring Fling of Fashion" is once again being sponsored by the om'.in ana j~Au JJOistriAI mnexi Club on April 18 and 19. Clothing from Fashions 126 in Whitby will be modelled by the Brooklin Kinettes and other local ladies. Footware froni Kameka Shoes in Whitby will also be shown. Refreshments, door prizes, and draws will be offeried. The show will be held at the Oddfellows Hall in Brooklin at 8 on j 225 BROCK ST. N. 1WHITBY ISOBEL VANVAALS Tony Klompmaker, Manager orý W. Frank Real Estate Limlfed, Whitby office is pleased f0 announce fhaf ISOBEL VAN VAALS is the Leading Sales Agenf for the month of March. Wednesday and Thursday nights. Tickets are available by calling 655-4739 or 655-4818 or through the Brooklin Kinettes. SPRING DANCE The Durham West Pro- gressive Conservative Asso- ciation, Pickering branch is holding a spring dance April 21 at St. George's Anglican Church Hall, Pickering Village. Tickets, which in- clude a late night supper are available by calling June LeClair at 839-3395 or Tina WHITBY MALI 1615 DUN DAS ST. E., WHITBY 579-1822 INCOME PROPERTY - 4 yr. old duplex ln excellent condi- tion. 2-3 bedroom aparfmnents. $53,000 îsf mtg. at 10 1/2 per cenf. Asking $76,900. Cali for an appointment f0 view. COMMERÇIAL PROPERTY C-2 - lnvesf ln fhe county town. Garage service station & store, ln a most desireable area of Whitby. Asking $200,000. LOVE THE COUNTRY? - Then let us show you fhis beautiful 3,000 Sq. Ff. Georgian sfyle home on 1.37 acres with pond, double aftached garage, 4 walkoufs, 2 fireplaces, beauti- fui kitchen. Many extras. Priced f0 selI at $79,900. BROOKLIN, ROOM TO EXPAND - Bungalow on 3/4 acre, defached garage, owner retiring. Asking $44,500. ATHOL ST. - Cufe and cozy bungalow wifh pool, covered patio, walkouf from fhe dining rmn. Backs onfo green beit. Coulter at 839-4292. Al welcome! CARE AND SHARE CONCERT Marilyn Porter, a forn mnember of St, Mark's Ch( now living in Oakwood,i the Ajax *Majorettesi prnvide an evening of mu entitled "Care and Share' the assembly hall of Mark's United Church A] 17 at 8 p.m. Ail ladies of WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1979, PAGE 23 are iogrtii re invited to students of sepa rate schools attend, as Mrs. Porter leads and the Ontario Ladies' the audience in singing and College will be exhibited theAja Maoretesdemn- from April 19 to 29. An ther str atereson kils. opening reception for the ner strte teirprecsio skils. latter event will be held at oir. the Station-April 22 from 2 and STUDENT ART p.m. to, 5 p.rn. Remarks will wil! be presented at this time by asie An exhibition 0f students' Church Roche, trustee for in art from Whitby public the Durham Separate School St. schools will be held at the Board and Dr. John Davies, pril Whitby Arts Station Gallery Chairnian of the Board of the the until April 15. Art by the Ontario Ladies' Colleee. PAMmN W 1,b lo Mldl 101 Brock St. S., Whitby LIN DSAY 4 Ievel-4 bedroom brick sidesplif with attached garage-rec room wifh fireplace - Upgraded Broadloom-Dining Room %vith waîk-out - Exceptional property at$52,700. DOUG LAMB 668-8865 or 668-6983. BRAND NEW HOME Nice sized 4 bedroomn home, family room has f ireplace and walk-out f0 yard thaf badks on open f ields, fenced lot, broadloom throughout, decorate as you please. BARB ANYON 668-8865 or 655-4057. OVER 1 1/2 ACRES Locafed close f0 Oshawa, this 3 bedroom 1 1/2 sforey home has a separafe dining room- eaf-in kitchen wifh lots 0f cupboards. Covered patio-detached garage. Ail this for $69,900. CALL LI NDA KUBOTA 668-8865 or 668-6285. FAMILY- ROOMA 2 storey home, feafures 4 bedrooms, ensuite bathroom, spacious living and dining rooms, parfially f inished rec room plus den downstairs, eaf-in kitchen, overîooks family room wifh fireplace and walk-ouf f0 fenced yard, ail this plus cen tral air and air cleaner $68,900. MARGARET COX 668-8865 or 668-6498. WHITBY 4 BEDROOMS $65,900 Are you looking for a large home, fiînished family room, rec room with fireplace, separate dining room. Much nmore. JO BURGESS "8-8865 or 668-6419. SERENE NORTH WEST WHITBY Plenfy of space in this custom buiîf 4 bedroom in an area of fine homes. Famiîy room as weIl as rec room. Fireplace ln formai sunken I ivingroom. Luxurious broad loom overhardwood. $87,900. MRS. HERON 668-8865 or 668-4844. BROOKLIN - 12.3 ACRE FARM Listed at $110,000. Ideal property for gardnier. 5 bedroom home, barn and AUKEMA 668-8865 or 668-0806. hobby farmer or market garage. CALL MARGIE LOT 6511 x 103' Smart 3 bedroom bungalow in good area of Whitby, single attached garage. Niceîy landscaped lot, home has alumninum siding and new roof $55,900. CALL HEATHER NOONAN 668-8865. WIlflTBY 10 PER CENT FINANCING lriiculate brick and aluminum back split, aftachecf garage, 3 bedrooms, large kitchen overlooking family room with walk-out, plus rec room 565,900. MARGARET COX 668-8865 or 668-6498. M WHITBY RECREATION DEPARTMENT TENNIS LESSONS ""LADIES TAkE-A-BREAk ADULT EVENINO CLASSES' TENNIS"# REGISTER: Instruction - Practise - Play Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Rd. E., Babysitting provlded Wh!ilby. April 17 - 20 REGISTER: 9 a.m.- 12 noon, 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Whilby Municipal Building, April 17th - 2Oth CLASS TIME: 9 a.m. - 12 noon, 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Commence the week of April 30th 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. or 8:15 p.m. - 9:154.m. CLASS TIMES: Commence the week of May 14th f0 June 21st SITES: Inclusive Mondays and Wednesdays, 9:30 Mondays: Brooklin Memorial Park, starting a.m.- 11:30 ar. April 30 Twice a week for 6 weeks Tuesdays: Huichison Park, starflng May 1 An attempf wlll be made to make up rained W~ednesdays: Peel Park, sfarfing May 2 ouf cjays. Victoria Day will be held on Thursdays: Palmerston Park, starfing May Frlday, May 25th. Babyslfting provided for a maximum of 25 LENGTH 0F LESSONS: chlldren. One hour lesson, once a week for 8 weeks (Rained ouf lessons wilI be made up) FEE: $30.00 for the full program lIncluding baby. NUMBER IN CLASS: sitting For maximUm effecfiveness, only.8 persons will be permltled in each class LOCATION: Peel Park EQUI PMENT: A minimum number 0f racquets are avaîl- Tennis bals provicded. Julce and cookies for able. Tennis balîs are supplied. Running fhe chlldren. shoes and warmn clothes should be worn on cool nighls. NUMBER IN CLASSES: Not more fhan 20 persons wlI be accepted. MATERIAL: Should a walflng Ilsf develop, fhan a Tuesday The basic fundamentals of tennis wI e adTusa rga will becnserd taught. Thaf is, the forehand, backhand, serve, volley, rules and etiqueffe. For further Information please caîl 668-5803,.ext. 33. FEE: Children's program information wiII be $20.00 f or 8 less ons of one hour each. diIrbldfruhteshos. Durhiam RegÃoonal Police Force DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE FORCE TENDERS DRP 5 - 79 POLICE FORCE VEHICLES Sealed Tenders wilI be received af fhe office 0f the Chief of Police, 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, up unfil 12:00 o'clock noon, Wednesday, April lath, 1979, for the supply and delivery of Police Force Vehicles. Tender forms may be picked up or requested, fhrough the office 0f Superintendent Gerald Robinson, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 pm., Monday through Friday. Telephone 579.1520, extension 236. Lowest or any quofation not necessarlly accepted. Jon M. Jenkins, Chief of Police. IMPORTANT UNRESERVED DALTON EQUIPMENT LTD., TILBURY, ONTARIO. (HIGHWAY #2 EAST) (APPROXIMATELY.$600,000.00 IN VALUE) AUCTION PHONE: 1-519-682-1512 UNRESERVED No Minimum Price or Limif! AUCTIONEERS: John A. Wigemyr & Associates, Alfa. Lic. 00343. Sask. Lic. 5,6,1003 (BONDED ÈÊQUIPMENT AUCTIONEERS) COMBINES - MF 750 d w/c, 4 row corn hdr, (exc); MF 510 w/c, (exc); MF 510w/c, 14' table, (exc); NH 995 w/6 row corn hd, new motor; 1IHC 81 w/4 row corn hd; 1 H C615 w/2 row corn hd; M F 510 w/Henniker cufter bar, exc; MR 510 W/15' table & Henniker bar; New Idea 705 w/2 row corn hd; New Idea 704 w/4 row corn hd; MR 510 gas w/14# hdr; NH 985 w/4 row corn hdr; JD 95 W/4 row corn hdr; AC Gleaner AI I w/2 row corn hdl; MF 300 w/chopper; NH 975 w/cuffing bar, ($2500.00 w/o); New Idea 702 w/picker/sheller; J D M0 w/6 row corn'hd; CF E 535 W/2 row corn hd; MF 510 W/4 row corn hd; IHC 403 w/p/u reel; CFE 535 w/p/u reel, Many More. TRACTORS - Case 2470 w/a, 3pth, exc; MF 1150 w/new 24.8x 38 tires, exc); MF 1105 w/3pfh, flofafion front, exc); MF 265' w/3pth, low hrs; MF 180 w/3pth; Universal 445 4 whl dr w/3pth, Many More. SPECIAL FEATURES - Case 1740 Uni-Loader, I HC & NH corn hds; New Mdl GT4400 durnp boxes; NH 1880 sp harv; GehI 188 sp harv; Approx 20 pîows-AII sizes; MF Mdl 52 10 tandem discs White,5400 6 row planter; JD 1300 planfer'5, Cultivators; Balers, Much More. SUB TO ADD & DELETIONS.. Continental Auctio ns Ltd. Box 6419, Edmonton, Ab. T5B 4K7 PHONE: 1-403-475-5694 DIVISION 0F: The Auction Barn Ltd., P.O. Box 3510, Regina, Saskatchewan. S4P 3J8 PHON E: 1.306.523.5577 or 525.3543