Whitby Free Press, 18 Apr 1979, p. 21

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r WHITBY, FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1979, PAGE 21 E ERES CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS METRO Lic.B-2554, Kitchens, Ceramic Tilinig, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Ced-,. ar Decks and Patio' Doors.- FREE ESTI'MATES,., Cail 668-4686 HIGHBST PRICES Paid for Gold and Silver coins, old guns, clocks, jew- elry, dishes, furniture, cr- ocks, oil paintings and' seal- ers. Friendly Flea Market 725Q9783 23 King St. W., Oshawa BROOKLIN TOOL CO, HAIF PRICE r'n 1ail ydrau lic jacks, vices, socket sets,' wrench sets, micrometers, drill sets,ý 12 speed drilil press and many other tools for mechanios. Complete Automotive' Garage Supplies 683-1753 TAX RETURNS For, the best deal in town see Tex Timo at Whitby Mail. TAI RETURNS Lot me prepare your 1978 Incarne Tax Returns. Accu- rate, reliable service. STAN CLATTON CALL 668-3900 PAINT.ING & PAPER HANG- ING.Excllent workmanshlp;, Free estlmates. Cali Bruce 668- 9020. COIS WOLD RESTORATIONS Extorior and, Intorlor Building Renovations EXPERT Mesonry,, pnd Cernent Work FtRE1.LACES Built and Probîems Rectiffed« Estîmates Given ,... PropsaSubmited CALL FÃ"R TEN65R.S The WhT1bpfsvcJ!i0tr.ic 1-osPi- lai will bepleaÏed*Ib-eccept,.. tenders forthe suppiy 0f vend.,? .ing services taivarious arees 0f the HoespfIàL, Tender doctiménts nay bé)ý obteined, by contacting the \Purchasing. Off icer, Whifby. - Psychiateic 1-Hospital. .This tender will close on MONDAY. MAY 14th, 1979 et - SVCES Quality screened TOP SOIL Also SAND & STONE Ted Arnts Loam *Supply Brock Rd. N., R. R. 1, Pickering 683-0887 TOP SOIýL TRUCK LOAD -SPECIAL 15 Yards - $750o Delivered' Smaller Quantifies Delivered WHITBY 655-4335 " Employmn ad Emploi et Im raonCanada 1Immig ration Canada SUMMER 15 COMMING AND- WE ARE 'OPEN FOR BUSINESS HIRE A STUDENT CONTACT: CANAD 'A EM PLOYMENT CENTRE FOR STUDENTS 132, DUNDAS ST., W.., WHITBY 668-5233 WE CAN ASSIST WITH ALL. YOUR' NEEDS FOR SUMMER HELP....... HE:LPVWNE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We need YOU to assist in variaus programfs Arts & Crafts - one-to-One - Bingos Music Programs - Therapeutic Pub Patient Llbrary - Gift Shop FREE Babysitting for preschoolers - Throe afternoons a week PLEASE CALL: Alayne Metrick, 'Volunteer Services, <Whitby Psychiafric Hospital 668-5881 ext. 323 Ontano COOPERS AUCTION SALE' *. SERVICES Wanted,,estete sales.- Furni-. ,-turo and eppliances dh'consign-, Cment. We also buy job lots.Sod -èvery .Seturday.'For further 7' nformation, caîl F.'Sleep,668, 2 887. - ~~ AUCTION SAeI'. A Str. eyAril 21/,19. The ieprgo-r perty *of Bert.,Sttphoût onte ,..;ain strçet in the.~Ng.0 Claremont. Household turlii--- t1urè, dishes, numbér 9f tools, --%aýtç parts. Terms cesfr-jIYo' *résere. 'Property.Scd. * EARL GAUSUI'à,- - AUCTIONEER. Bearry & Anne Evans anno<unce the birf h of their second 's on, Joshua Aeron, et 5:27 p.m. M~ April 9/79, at the O.G.H.' 8o ther a Dniel, second. giÃŽandchild - for Lee irene Evans of Whitby Ministry of -Govemment Services -A JfOGRAM - 0fftered-f*or aduits- interestei (n volunteer4ng with te mentaly 'retaide&l,. EnrolirneoÏl Li dt - cati*Rhonda*Vanek aet*Durhar' Centr:e.. for the -Developmen- taiWNan~j~QpOd'668-7745, Ext.,435 betèi; Oé-v4fl. t 4-30p..- -"~ PÃ"ODLIE iCt4PPEIRY Professionel groomin for.aeîf,' breeds. Pthone 668-0946. LOST Fîuffy beige maie cat. White fie- coller. Rewerd. -Phone E FR AE 1 SWIMMING POOL MANU- FACTURER has new 1978 Pools, regu lar prlceS$2,190, flow at our off season special of $1,355. Pools corne with walk around dock, patio, fencing, pump, motor & f liter. De livery arranged to your convenlence. For best selection and Informa.- tion caill toli f ree 1-800-268- 597Q SPRUCE AND MAPLE TRIEES. FOR SAt.E Also some pine, cedar, ash, read rubbarb roots, red* coat straw- berry plants and lilac roots. All very reasonably priced. Some dlg your own'. for more infor- mation phoneý 655.4525. 3511 DROP-LEAF TABLE,. white top with 2 chairs, $50. Colonial dinlng furniture, light maple table 36" x 3611-5411, 4 chairs & 1 bufft, $200. Swedish steel fi!replace screen 3611 x'4 411 with f ive- pc. f ireside set & wood holder, $60. Gold antique satin Iined drapes, 1 vear aid 8' x 211, $300. Dark brown antique satin, Iined drapes, 1 year aid 81 x 141, $200. Phono 668-1055. LONG, GOLD Chesterfield& chair. Phone 668-3136. COBRA*135 A Side Band Base, turner* plus 3 power mic. 3 meter'tester, modulation SWR power. P.*D.L.' 2 Antenne T.V. rotor &. ContraI and 100 ft control wire. 2-50 f t. lengths of coax, 2 patcl, cords $300. Phone 985-8164. HAY FOR SALE, wiil trade some for straw. Phone 655-3582. EAEAGAL ES - HOUSE'SOLD Everything must go! Giant garage sale et 902 Crocus Cres., Whltby, Ont. SATUROAYI APRIL 21, 1979 Antique dining room suite, hall tables, parlour tables, china cabinets, velvet chesferfield, antique blocks, quantity of antique china, and ffiany more items too numerous ta mention. Sale 9 a.m. ta 4 p.m. FORRIET FLORIDA VACATION For Rent - Five completely furnlshod Mobile (Permfanent) homes 'in Clearwater. Pools, Tennis, Close-to Gulf of Mexico Beaches, Disney Worid, BusGh Gerdens, and Other Major At- tractions. Chlldren welcome. $125 weekly U. S. Book no wfor Sumnmer and Fall. 683-5503. SWIMMING POOLS TO REN7Ë Will lease and instaîl for home- owncrs;'family size, alurninum swimming Pools with patio. Chocice of styles, meeting all fencing regulafions on one, Mm.- or three yea=r rentaI bascis BACHELOR APARTrMENT. SÉelf corîtained, 4 room, $142 monthly. l121 Brock St. S%.. Phono befwecn 10 a.mn & 6 fi . -' 668 3261 af for 6 p.m. call 68, 7243. HEALING & MIRACLES From Hawaii to Calgary, Toronto to Calgary. Scores of people have claimed Hle«lng & Finances under this ministrt TeLame have wajked, The Deaf have heard, COME BELIEVE 4GOD' FOR YOUR MIRACLE ,,PLACE: K., of C. al 133 Brock St4.t Wed. & Thurs.., April, 18 & 1:91 at -8 pMe With INTERNATIONAL WELING.,., EVANGELIST.. REV. R.W.A. BURRIDGE <ALL SEATS FRýE ED! AUCTION SALE 0F LAUD tend Management File 1.07345' The sale by Public Auction of appraxrnately 1.358 acres of land, with residence, garage and twa sheds being part of Lot 12, Concession 5, in the Township of Brock, Regioliai Municipai'ity of Durham, iocated on the west side of Main, Street (formeriy Highway 12) et the south limits of Sunderland. Sale tobe held on the property at 12:30 P.M.-on Friday, May il, 1979. - A roprosentative 0f the Mlnistry will be 'on the property on Wednesdey'May 2, 1979, betweon the hours of 6:30 P.M. and'8:00 P.M. ta answer any relevant questions. The Ministry gives no warranty as ta the puirpose for whictl this- proportyrmev be used. Zoning and land use'-information m2ybe obtained frorn the apprapriate municipal autharities. Terms 0of Saile: 1) $3,000.0depasit on the day of' the sale (cash or certif led choque made payabl e ta the Treasurer of Ontarlo) -.balance payable ln thirty days. If the purchasor intends ta finance ail or part, 0f the balance'by mortgage frorn a boan agency orea private party ,bnô more tin '30 days is required ta complote the mor-tgage arrangements this Minlstry wiII consider e reasanable extension of the thlity day periad, subject to payment f oiteestrithe -unpaid-balance. The rate of interest wiil be the prim ntenfrest (Qte chmrge,4,!he chartered banks et theo time the extension isï gra nted. ,- 2) Sale subject *toae reserve bld. estebl'ihlîdI*yJ8 Minist y. - 3Sale. sùlbWt*,to Section 43 0f- the Expropriations AÀcf. - 4) Sàle-sublect to, an existing iéase. - SI Ne*rýq0oyedidf any Ministry of the Ontario Governrnentit)I eîîowéd i.p1tcpknthi.s octiô*n unjess -he/Isie hes prior written apprmval frdiW~his/rier,-Oputy Mi.nistel- or equiv len. ~L Sae-iswbietot an eesernent.-in f4vu f - Mn P/ of. pD urham.~- - For f urtheèr. information' refér.ýtC IFI44-74 otc Mr. Jerry,-Pratt -.1- -Mlnistre-WofYransportetion and Communications 4r;4 Properdr.Sectlon, Central Region- 35011 Dufferln Street Downsview, Ontario M3K 1N6 -* -.- - - - -Ïie - I 'p. ~ il t- r <i ýUjt for-r Ç r- -",q mime% m ÇHHNUW IMM mmmdsneww adm%%FUUU adNNS àmdM âmmS Umm a2RMssam NSSE22999W

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