Whitby Free Press, 18 Apr 1979, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS whitby Volce of the County Town Michael Ian Burgess, ihe only Whitby newspaper Independently owned and operaeI by Whl IPubllshed every Wednesdiy by M.B.M. Publlshing S and Photography Inc. Phone 668-6111 The Free Press Building Pubilsher - Managing Edîtor 131 Brock Street North, tby residents for Whltby reeldents. P.O. Box 206, Whltby, Or int. Community Editor -Brian Winter Contributing Editor -J.im QuaÎI Production Manager -Mari Burgess Print & promotionat _Robin Lyon Manager Classitîed Adj -Leesa Menard Mailing Permit No, 460 Member of theý Better Business Bureau of Toronto Whitby Chamber of Commerce, Let's start again to save carnival befolre it's too late Because two,-erganizations ln the Town of Whltby' *have decided to tamper with a well-organized and smfooôthly operatlng procedure-that has worlçed- for 13 years, wve are ln danger of losing our County Town..-. Carnival. * As can be seen by a story on'Page 1, the Whitby 'Recreation Depirtment -sldestepped the County Town Carnival Comým-ltt ee and asked the Lions Club to book its, beer garden through the Department last October. * Te Lions Club, which since 1972, has booked through the carnival committee without any problems, went' along wlth this request and as a resuit,^ both, organîzations have put the County Town Carnival ina turmoil. The beer garden as presently booked, conflicts with the Malta *Social Club, which will be servlng alcoholic «beverages in its pavillon in Whitney Hall upstairs at the arena, and the Chamfber of Commerce, which is planning its trade fair on the arena f loor the same time as the Lions have booked that same space. And the Lions did not even tell the carnival cornmittee that they had booked the space back in October, three to four months before the carnival committee begins its meetings. The actions of the Recreation Department and the Lions Club will have an effect on more than i ust the Malta Club andi theChamber of Commerce. They affect ail organizatioris which have ýworked'for 13 years to make the County Town,Çarnival a popular annual event in this town. <Alil those ýpeople who, work on -the caàrnival, .f rom the. committee members to the'-members of- individlual groups, offer their services voiuntarily, to providle Whitby with a. successful carnival., Over the past 13 years the carnival committee- has worked out a booklng system ýwith the town which has been able to resolve ail conflicts. Now the Tow's Recreation Department and-the Whltby Lions Club have circumvented this system, and the Carnîval Committee feels it has been compromised. A public meeting is being called on April 24 at 7:30 p.m. at the municipal building to explain the situation to the carnival's various member organizations and ask them to decide If the carnival should proceed in 1979. 'That the situation has come to this, is deplorable. We may lose our carnival because certain organizations chose not to play the game by the rules. The Recreation Department and.the Lions Club are standing firm and will not renegotiate their positions. As a result the Carnival Committee has corne close to throwing in: the- towel and letting the Recreation Deparimnent take' over the whole carnival If it wan ts to make bookings on its own. What Is so sad for so many hard workers who 'are innocent parties in this squabble, is that it need not have happened at ail. The Recreation Department is clearly atý fault for *booklng the arena wthout going through theý Carnival ComrnlIttee, and1hthions Club s equally at fault for going along wlth the deal, knowing full wel1that this is notlife wayfthe booklngs are handled. it, will serve nô ,msefui purpose for everyone at. the meeting on April .24 towraniiê over cancelling -the câr;IVal, changlng Its dates, or curslng the $ecreetlon rDepartmenf and 'the, Liçns Club. A mstke asbee mde.Lette parties responsible 11'ýe nan -enoughto admit It, and withdriiw thelr¶>rest arrangeëient.4*t,the. Recreation Dbepaertment and the nions Club remove t 3.Aà" 3vd 4booking from the ~.arena and' lfetl. ý'the n'atter be ptý t~ Cria -~ ~~~~~% ré hnr-t ~ ore otast hben foýr the p-st Bus. routetisimpotant to hospital1 EDITOR'S NOTE will be affected'in somne The following is the text way by the'deécision of the of a. leffer f rom Michael Toront o Area Trasit Op- O'Keefe, administrator of erating Authority to. dis. the Whitby Psychiatric continue this essenfial Hospitali expressing -his --service. concern about the- pro-, The nature of our ser- posed cancellation of bus vices requires shift service to the hospital. scheduling in several In his letter Mr. departmnents with somne O' Keefe outlimes the lm- part-time shifts operating portant role playedbythe for a 4-hôur'period.' Somne bus service in the lives of examples' of tours of duty both out patients' and are: Nursing 3- shifts staff, many of whomn live operafe from 7 a.m. to in Whitby.< 3:30 p.m., 3 p.m. to 11:30 < ......p.m., and 11:15,p.m.ý to 1:15 a.m. In the Food Dear Mr. Wallace: Service Department starting,, time s of shifts RE-: PUBLIC TRANS- are at 6:30 a.m., 8 a.m., PORTATfON .SERVICE 9: 30 a.m., 10: 30 a. m. and TO THE W HI1TBY 3pmwt shift finish PSYCHIATRIC *tumes ai 03 ar,3 HOSPITAL p.m.,4:30 p.mand7.p. M'. Employees. who work on 1 wish to'express, our such shifts- do nrot- have seriâùus c»on.cern --:.with the -opportuniityto take regard to the iÏctn advantage opf 'car pool s statements inl the 1local that empIoy#son a regu-' pýress thbat the Charter- l' 'ar work schedul0 oud ways bus setrvice $0i the perhaàps plaàn.: For these hospital would be term- hmlo 0 hn pbi inated in. the'next few transpporfeun stwvce ýat months. srgîrl-ceue Toassesstie impact on -,-'intervals- is,-.essential. to the -hospifal as a- Whole,:". mainfain :fI,4r -emply w el hav cted a;sur- ment vey' of »al ,depàrtM*eMnts".. Thi1s-fositlwh ich This hospi-te 'serves Ifs cofltri-butes . over- 800 con¶fnuniýty2hosa emploayment. poslfiDns ta' day, 7 dasà _wee k, -and the local.,economy, with, ou r staff ing .it designed t vr0 taflvn nthe meet. these needs. O ver Durham 'ýReg ioi,-ýasa 800 staff, wo11 over, ý800 righf to expect thaf a patients, lncluding out- ~public transportation sys- ý,petients, close to 200 vol- fem wilrn",e these Jobs unteers, Includipig, candy' accessible to the citizens stripers and- votunteêrs * f Ihis communify. and innumerâble vîsitors OÜlr surveyindicates that approxlmately 185 public transporation as a staff and 115 outpatients means of reaching local rely on the bus service for community facilities for their regular, daily trans. shopping, recreation and portatio 'n to the hospital. home visiting. Thus the hI addition, our business loss of tiransportation wil11 office issues 1,500 bus present a very real ob- tickets a month ' on an stacle to the provision o0'f average','for. înpatient a satisfactory standard of and day care patient psychiatric care in artivities. accordance with modemn It is difficult to esti- therapeutic concepts. mate the numbers of Restrictions on family staff, patient and visitors 'visiting and volunteer who use the bus service participation will also r- an alte'rnative service exacebrate t hi1s wvhen such situations as situation." poor .weather conditions, As the hospital conti- unavailabllity of private nues to develop ifs out- transportation or patient and community personal convenience service programmes, our make the public trans. expectations are that portai ion service their there will be an increas- only means of access to ing need for contact the -hospital. between the hospîtal and, ou r crcrs o tecommunity, witha beyond. fundamental 'ýeorespondling need for ph ilosoph.ical I rea sons. improved trâflsportatjon,,, Current p-s.ychiatric service. treatment'concepts make. 1I as,.k the Town' o * public 'transportation Whitby niake the strong- system-e-vta link bet- est representations to 4heè ween thehospital and the Toronto.Ae Transit. community-we serve'. 0perâting- Autthority on' ,,Te Jm.Pact. -of the behaîf -of its' comrflniy. éessa"tioïï of"- serylie,,on hospitals. I arn prepared * atients and patient care"7"eto *.ieetwith'representa- -s best sumnia'rized ln the. tives o ht-,yt words oî'.obr D ço f. -present, the hsia> Nursing1, *"jny ýoutpa- case,, If ta itb f tient" >and,_ day car e assistance.i 1dt~ns.. .'lhave no ln any event, 1 would means of, accesst1,6hospi,~ appreciate being kept tai programns. To prevent informed of deveîop- institotionalization, los s ments in this màltter. of dafly liig sk111 and to encourage community ' .. Yours truly, re-integration, short and .-M .2efie long term patients -are B.COMM., D.H.A. now encouraged f0 us e,' Adminstrator p

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