PAGE 24, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS GROUNO BEEF Regular Ouelity Lb. SAEOb 00IAS 1.68 COlTONELLE SttBthroo Tissue 1 Piy Assorted Ceicurs 4 Rell Package ea. Mw m Lit 2 Per Family Purchase ISAVE 38* WS12 COCA-COLA Regular Famiiy Pack 6x750 ml. si~~ R8Boflle 1M8 8 Depouit 1WAS $2.65 STRAWBERRIES Calii ormisGrown pintW W L!À&E21 IA i-ao Spare Ribs Tomato Juice reah Canadian Park Sîde Town Hous Canada Fancy (1.3611)>48 fI1. oz. Can '1.69 ea.65*1 WAS Lb. $1.98 Chck & Compare Basîcs' Planning a menu for a fanfiy - or a single shopper - is important. Canada's Food Guide can help you balance your diet. The proper amount of food from four basic groups - miik and miik products, meat and alternates, bread and cereals, and fruit and vegetabies - Is obtainable f rom a variety of economical sources. Check the Guide, and then check Safeway for nutrtious meal ideas. People who eat fast foods and other unbaianced meais should examine their eating habits. By shopping for a varlety of wholesomne foods, they too can foilow Canada's Food Guide to a heaithier diet - and savlngs on their food bill. CANADA'S FOOD GUIDE - availabie at your local heaith unit. Nexi weeks Inflation Fghting Idea: "NO FRILIS - LOWER BILLS" together, we can be k' INFLATION FIGHTERS' Javex Bleach Ltquld (1.82 Il.> 6411i. oz. Plastic Botte ea. 59* WAS 750 Orange Juice Oid South Frozen Concentrated (355 ml) 12.5 fI. oz. Cas ea. 89* WASO .5 Spic & Span 1111tBox a1.349 LChicken AtchdWAS LB.$138Lb .9 Wlng On And Loe Bocks og rsB«sQute 1 0 ICooked Ham WAS L.S2.59 19 lFully Coked Store Sllced.......................Lb.e9 IRound lRoast Bottais Cut Frona Canada Grade "A" Be.,'27 Blade Roasi IBoneleas Chuck Cut Froni Canada Grade119 ...e.....n..u....................... . Stewing Beef $~19 Rib RoasiTaSRb u r11~ 7 Canadla Grade "A" Oase...................... Lb.2n7 Cheese Suices WAS $3.45 $335 Kraf Proceaeed Singles (907 gis> 2 lb. Package. .U jFleecy WAS $219 $11399 IFabrc Sottener (3.84 Ut) 128 Il. os. Plastic Boolte. .. a IMonarch FIourWASS.79 $i .69 AilPupo (.slb) .5kg Big.................... I GarbageBags WAS $239 ea.l9 - Playtex Pads PlraytexPuaCIS WASS2.99 MaxiDoooent 30's Box .. *Max Regulr 30* Bu .......... ... à 2u69 Pool Flour Al Purpose 10 kg Bag. Johan soBlncta2pnshANdBLOeegl$ Watt les WAS 71Ç 9 Ceue io d Pac e nihAn ALO 60gm$*9Downeyflake Frozen (283 gm>10 oz. Package .......... ea.5 9 Shampoo wAss 139 Trouble And Olly 200 mi Plastic le....e......... M ea Ice Cream Lucerne Assorted Flavoura 2 It Carton eal.i69 WAS$l.87 jStain Away Javex Retili (35.2 fi. oz> 1ilUtPlastic BattUe Watermelon Frs sà féway Inflation Fighter.1tems Comparable In Priýe To Generic No-Name Products- ltvjFLAÎION eýNW LATION FIGHTER IBÉ""FIGHIITERJJ C~Lunctun Meat m«k"i VW. à 11 1mbs Bags Hash Bauwbs Kit coIt cotchlIed F $ Sstequo 2 ab. en0 I M .York Stew Tea Bags IGmouwl Coffe Baf end Iish Q ý8 9 01ff WAS$3.39 9 Tomnato Sauce WAS EACH 3« ......... e. 1611e e Huns 213 ml, 7% ,fi. oz. oen...................... ..... 4 Safeway Cheese s E Medium Cheddar Stick, ,O ëP Colby Stick. And Danlah Stick 12 oc. Avwf erag lt Packagreu Cloverleaf Tuna wAs99c- Soiid Whte (106 gis> 3.75 oz. Can.......................a 1There's ASaey Store Near You! TORONTO -.3m000,daa eS. W. TORONITO .-50 Cmn Roed TORNPTO - 10 Mt Plussan WE5TON -.3451 Waalen AOad st Fini .800 E -MOThe EatMU WILLOWOALE -Sm LasSe sai WL0OWDAI 277amViciaiS PaAAvenue MtStaSSAUGA - 2500 Ituentsel t. MCtwowo MILL.- 10820 'rongeSatm T14ORNItLL -7171 'ronge sctr HAIcIILTON -501 Mottai Rond Watt OSHAWA - 1150 SienieSt~ t HAMILTON .-000 Lippu Gage OSHIAWA -1lu WentwoeWest ST. CATHIAINES - 3W0 ScotiSant AGINCOIJRT -.2M81 almy Road NIAGARA FALLS - e161 lboro tem tnsRond BRAMPTON -Ilwy. 10 à suoeles CAMBRIDGE.- 42S Hepele RAoad SURUMOTON .-.e Guaé,tLina BELLEVILLE.- FiantS& Tmaey BUAUINGTON - Uppe,111 mIPa montSt WtITSY -Satm* à Gibeit SUfiUNGTO#4- M E azabelh Siceat STONEY CREK - M Omoenton Raid HAMILTON -.210 Moha,&I Rad Eut Prices Effective Apili 25-May 1, 1979. Excepi Bakery And Fresh Flsh Items Effective Untîl April 28, 1979. Sales In Retail Quantities Oniy. Ground Beef Medium Ouelity Lb. WAS Lb. $1.88 . .........e499 A & ~~1PYRiUMT i MOU. ~ANAUA 5AF~WAY U~i I ~U E à ireil 1 Loi - mmw Fi 1 a ,iý5 COPYRIGHT 1»0. CANADA SAFEWAY UMITED a SAVE,77* 1