WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2,1979, PAGE 17 ELECTION REPORT: Geoff Rison, .NewDemocratic Party Speaking at the awards dinner sponsored by the Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade held in the Granada Restaurant, Sheridan Mail, Pickering Geoff Rison Can- didate in Ontario Riding for the New Democratic Party said, "you business people know if you get a good firm and a good team, you keep it."p But in the case of the Liberal Government "if you don't do what Mr. Trudeau says you go. The Liberals say they have reduced in- flation -- just go and ask the people in the plaza- if infla- tion has been reduced and they will tell you that it hasn't been reduced.. In 1969 we (Canada) had no deficit but in 1978 we have a 5.2 billion dollar deficit. During the past ten years this country almost fell apart; if we are going to keep this country together, we have got to get Trudeau out of there." Referring to the leader of the Opposition, Joe Clark, Mr. Rison said, "he came to the leadership by default because of the squabbling at the Progressive Conserva- tive Convention. He really doesn't.say anything; he is wishy-washy and doesn't seem to have a policy on anything." "We rnust look to the future and get people working. We must get the country on its feet," Mr. Rison said. "There is no investment coming into Canada. Investment is going out of the country in a period of de-industrialization. It is no longer a branch plant economy. It has declined so much tþat it is now a ware- house economy." He pointed out that "investment in exploration is decreasing. Investment in Canada is declining and manufacturing is declining while Canadian investment outside of the country is increasing. We must control the money that is going out of the country to the multi- national nations." He wants "the money to stay in Canada and the wealth of Canada to stay in Canada by curtailing the money going out to. the multi-nationals and using it for secondary industry in Canada." Speaking in regards to taxes and taxation Mr. Rison said he would like to see corporation taxes decreased for small business and the interest rates reduced. During the question and answer period he was asked if the New Democratic Party would nationalize the economy. Mr. Rison replied that "Mr. Broadbent has no in- tention of nationalizing anything. The NDP will tackle this problem on a long range view." When asked about the auto pact and mortgages Mr. Rison replied, "The auto pact is showing a deficit. That is one of the difficulties of being a branch plant economy. The decisions are being made in Detroit. We would give our mortgages to people who need them the most." He replied to the question of capital punishment by saying, "we (the NDP) would keep the same policy we are working with at the present time. The necessity is to look at the whole judi- cial system." Mr. Rison concluded his part in the question and answer period by saying he "would like to challenge Mr. Cafik's picture of the unem- ployment rate in Canada. It has risen sincë the introduc- The Executive Committee of the Ontario Ladies' Col- lege Alumnae 100 plus 5 Reunion are hoping for a good turn out of former staff, teachers faculty and stu-. dents of Ontario Ladies Col- lege, for the coming reunion in June. It has been learned that a number of the former stu- dents and faculty have been missed due to the lack of addresses of the former stu- dents. The girls are cordially in- vited to attend the 100 plus 5 Reunion June 23 and 24 at the- College. They are welcome to the reunion to meet former classmates, friends room- mates, teachers, faculty and staff. This will be the lasý year that Dr. Reginald Dais will tion of controls while in the United States it (unemploy- ment) has decreased." In making a reply to Mr. Fennell; Mr. Rison said, "we (NDP) will form a govern- ment; but we will form a balance of power. The best government we can have is where the NDP government will work for an Act towards the benefit of the low income people." be the principal of Ontario Ladies' College, as he has resigned effective at the end of the school year. The Committee is prepar- ing for at least 100 girls to be present at. the Reunion in June. For further informa- tion either contact the Ontario Ladies College Alumnae 100 plus 5 Reunion Committee, Ontario Ladies' College, 401 Reynolds Street, Whitby, or Mrs. Marilyn Broughton at 668-4969. Replies have been re- ceived from more than 1,000 letters that have been sent out by the 100 plus 5 1eunion Committee. Some of. the girls are re- turning to Ontario Ladies College for the Reunion all the way from Holland as well as from several parts of the United States and British Columbia. MAGNAVOX BY PHILLIPS arge stock of good 'USED' Color T.V.*'s Priced From: $l n.00 .-$395.o Also a good line of NEW SETS BLE NTENNA 6686901 ERVICE 513 Perrv St. £)PEN: MONDAY-FRIDAY 10-5 Whitby, Ont JOHN iAND)URCHIN Chartered Accountant 111 BROCK STREET NORTH WHITBY,ONTARIO TELEPHONES: BUS: 668-4341 RES: 655-404b NDP Committee Rooms in Whitby 111 Brock St. N., (upstairs) Open: 4-9 Mon - Fri 10-4 Saturday Phone 686-2211 or 666-1711 Authorized by the Officiai Agent for Geoff Rison, Ontario Riding NDP 140 Hunt St. Ajax WITH SPECIAL THANKS TO CHARLES College reunion is June 23 & 24 CORPORATIONOF -THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 1979 INTERIM TAX NOTICE SECOiDINTALMENT The second Instalment of taxes for 1979 is due and payable April 30, 1979. If payment is not received by the due date, penalty at the rate of 1 per cent per month will be charged on the overdue balance. Taxes may be paid at any Whitby Bank without bank collection charges or at the Municipal Office, 575 Rossland Rd. East, Whitby, Ontario. Gail Empey, Tax Collector, Town of Whitby. . 1 die 1