PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2,. 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS Develop bette r trade policy or, lose independe.nce, says M.P. "Unless we can change the economic trend we are in very great trouble," Jean Pigott, Progressive Conser- vative MP for Ottawa- Carlton, told 200 people at the luncheon held last week in the Brooklin United Church--by the Progressive Conservative Women's Asso- ciation of Ontario Riding. Mrs. Pigott, president and Chief Executive Officer for the past il years of Morrison Lamothe Foods Limited, a company founded by her father and an uncle in 1933, said she" was increasingly angry with the AI B and the constant regulations." As president of the com- pany, employing 750 people, Mrs. Pigoti said "we have to trade to have a nation. We are too small to have inter- naI trade tu exist. We need to trade to exist as a nation." Mrs. Pigott, Federal Pro- gressive Conservative critic for housing and urban affairs, was first elected MP for Ottawa-Cariton in 1976, a Riding that had neyer been, won by the Conservatives in" the past n~ years. She said, unless Canada develops a better trade policy, this country will eventually lose its indepen- dence. "We are sitting on bounti- fui natural resources. The only way we can'stay inde- pendent is to market our pr-oducts to ail Nations. We must produce our produets both raw and semi pro- cessed, to market to the other nations or we will be taken over by some other country. " . "Canada is too small to sustain itself internally withiout. trading *with the large countries of the world, she 'said."1 If w'e do not develop an industrial strategy'and seli to every- body someone will take us over,"' Mrs. Pigott em- phasized. "The only way this nation will stay independent is to market our products to al the great nations." Canada's situation, was compared to that of Switzer- land a-country that "bas remained neutral over the years by not showing any favoritism in its trade poli- cies and marketing high qua- iity products," Mrs. Pigott said. "lWith our wonderfuliy educated young people, the energy and the products.that we have we 'can find markets. We can be a Swit- zerland in 'the great trade routes of America and the World." She accused 'Prime Minister Trudeau of 1"spend- ing too much time on the divide and conquer tactics" within the country "'to con- centrate on the economy." Turning to the Language issue she said it "bhas been used by a lot of people to hit ôld enemies over the head." Comparing, Canada, the country, to the family situa- tion Mrs. Pigott said, "the only way to keep a faxnily together is to have a vision large enough to give their contributions to the family." Mrs. Pigott, a mother of three, agreed that there are strains in a family and there are strains in the west and east but they have contribu- ted to the family life. "Bitter people are the Cont'd on P. 7 lu lu KI KI Owner Operated ai ai ai ai ai cm En En cm cm