PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS COTAGE ROLI Maple Leaf Sweet Plckled ln C.o.V. SRAWBERRI ES California Grown Pt. jSAVE 21 IA Pt. 890 HAMS Mapia Leai Tndraua.ilutt or ghank Pariios Vacuum Packad b1.@58 W Lb. $1 .78 WEUNERS sfrway San VaUum Pocked Ragular ea.1 a2 9 W $1 .5à BOLOGNA, Saiaaay 8tand Vacuumn Packed 5ic.d 16 ai. Package $ e.1.28 W $1.58 AYLMER PEAS Chao 19 fI, oz. Con SAFEWAY PCA FAB DETERGENT Paudara Laandry 48 kg SBox $5*4 WAS $625 PEPSI COLA Regultr And Dliai780 ml SMef ea39* Pfs Deposît WAS 490 LETTUCE USA canada No I Ooîda Haid 39Cp Wa859 K 'What's In a Name?' Most supermarkels seli their own brande of foocliItems and the qualily oflen matches thal of national brande. In addition, ihese private label or house brands are usualiy lese expensive. Finit Satm*ay Qîaiity Recause of varicus cost savings, lncluding iower promollona coai, house brand cen be soid for lest. Sateway generally prices ils 'own lop-qualiiy Sateway branda lawer than comparable national brande and you can atways depend on their con- sistently high quelity. Every Sateway brend meels rigtd quality specifîcations and le unconditionaiiy guaranteed te please. Customers acquainted with Safeway brande know mccl producte compare tavorably with top national brande - but they cost ies. 1 Geltot know lhe famiiy of Safe. way brands, including Towný House, Bei Air, Lucerne, Empress, Edwards, Safeway. Mrs, Wright's' Ses Trader and. many others. They're your staunch allies in fhe batfteagainet intlation! Nexi week s Inflaion Fightng Idea: "SUBSTITUTE AND SAVE ' PART 11" together, we can be INFLATION FIGHTERS! Min! Wheats MKeiiogg'e Frosted ar Brown Sugar 425 gm. Box YWA* 1.6 ea.9 9 ICorn Flakes e.5 Klog'a 55 gm.ox WAS99 .............e.9 * POTATO CHIPS Mit... Aaaa.ld Varlis.i(7.9 oz.) 22f em8ag aS 9* DARE COOKIES Assoriad Vaiale (14..1I.a 40i-450 em Package, o* lui. 335 WAS $1.47 CELERY Staika USA Canada No I Grade ea. 590 WÀS690 POTATOES Produca cf Caoada N&. I Grade P.LI.20 lb. Oaa eWS$2.29 SaewyInltinFihrIem - s mabe. e L Il.irieToG-eiN- Ne P e. s Side acon WAS $1 '. 488ISllced Bologna ILuncheon Meat Maple Leaf or Safeway Brand Sliced 1 lb. Package Mar.l....c.u.Ma. Mle Maaroi fPs*e .81 * !1mCheme.Vacuum 1 C o o e d a m AS b $ 59 ~ * 9 P cke 8t cad 118 Paked 16m. Fullye Cooked Soreacuce W ASJ 06 F o z e n S a u age S i d ego B a o Asso tedV rleleg < 25gm > 15 c1. nn W. Cnaden uce CadPacke ra raz d Cookd Hâ WASlà . 2 5 1z.klb. t. 1 Package ea1".$ yT-le .18 Per Family Puorerchase.......Cu........... Heirîz eans Li~INni 3 ..I - lnToostoSucs(98m114f1 os.Cen AS 5 Miute Maid Frozen Concentrale (355 mlWS1 a M1.5 fi. oz.Cen ...................... 9 Ken-L-Ration WASS$1.71 In59 M l 2 kg ftg............................... ea. iPus 'N', Boots ~2 5 jCat Food Asaoried Veleties (Mq gmI. AS a 9V - 15mZCe , *,*,**. * . ........ *Butt Steaks .sLU29 Spareri bs... Frs CaainPr hudrA b 15 b me FohCnde okSd .. ASL.198.. Theres A Safeýway'StoDre Near'You!l TORONTO - 34W Dndes SI.W.' THORNHILI - 7171 Yofge Stuai HAMILTON -001 Mibewk Road Wasg TORONTO -.450 Dawa Raid OSHAWA - 1150 SimeccaSiel HAMLTON.- 1000 tipoar Gaga ToRONo - no Mc Piaeaant OSHAWA -.199 Wanciitw ,hWaat ST. CATHIARINES - 350 Sce t Sita WESTON.- 3451 WaaienRoad et Fkcl AGINCOiAT - 2351 Sulniay Roei NIAGARA FALLS - 6161 Tiioroild Sien.1i STOIcOitS - aii.»Ssii Mail BRAMPTON - Mwy. 10 à SMalas CAMBRIDGE -.425 ileaai Raid WiLLOWJOALE. -S Lasila Sbtai SIJNOTON .-5 M ja1 iNOM k SELLEVILLE - Fret & Tacsy WILLOWOALE - 2m 5VictiaePw. AnauaSURLINGTON - Uppar MlIa S S&aint St. WHIiTSV . Smch I&01150 MSSUOA -.2M00Hmaei oSIt SURLINGTON -.399 EXuabelin Stuai STONEY CREE11.- O O~esion Resd RIMONO HILL -IOM *(2 rog& Sinsai HAMILTON - 21e Mà hswt, RoM aSit Chicken Mapie L6dge Freeh reest Quarters Wing On Leg, Backs Attached- WAS Lb. $1.28....... Luncheon Meats Saleway Brand Siiccd Vacuum Packed Asserted- WAS 68-u Venellfes 6 oz. Package ............................ ea.5 r Çoffe . I Puces Effective -May 9-15, 1979.'Excepi 'id Bakery Ansi Fresh FIsh Items Effective IUntil May 12, 1979. Sales In Rotait Quantities OnIy. INT 19 Chlcken Loaf Package Wloners Mary Miles Sileed Mary Mlles vacuum Ice Cream Lb.1.09 Lucarne Deluxe Assonled Flavours 2 IL Tub 2.59 m2 Palmolive Liquid $15C Datergent (32 fi. o. 909 MI Plastic flotit. WAS $1.7...~ Ca! Lit ter. ... bu 1 à 'Vlo