PAGE 16 WEDNESDAY, MAY.9, 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS here are ways for making home better Vnuur Roc+ UrnmjIn ~ ~ m m.inn~.a *vu t~iuat H IuiUi IlIIIJIUVemeII~U May Be Fire Extinguishers One of the most impor- than an Ãmpruvement. It tant home improvements could save your home as you may ever make is the in- welI as your life. stallation of lire extinguish- Each erm eta ers. It could. be much more ya oeta M< M izuu epie die in. iîres and mnore than 300,000 are' injured, many critically. The annual loss in property dam age from residential fires is three billion dollars. Killing a fire in the home can beeasy to do if you act quickly. But, a fire ex- tinguisher should be used to prevent a 'ire [rom getting, big. Today, there are pro- fessional ire extinguishiers designed for home use that are as easy to handie as a garden hose witli a nozzle, only a thousand imecs salgr and niore effective, EIxtingu ishcrs should al- Sways bce mou nted where they tiare casily accessible, in plain Sview,' and near an exit that will. provide a quick cscape Irou te. According to Walter Kidde ý& Company, the Sworld's largcst manufac- rturer of lire extinguishers,. the best extinguisher for home use is the Multi-Pur- pose extinguisher. It lives up Coul me for a free quote Alcan on installing Alcon Building soffit and fascia. 668-2252 loli Dae WHITBY eALUMINUM EXTERIOR SHOWROOM 900 Hopkins at Burns Unit 4 Whitby to its name because i1t is- ef- fective against oil fires, grease ires, live electrical ires, wood, cloth and paper lires, even gasoline ires. You would flot, -for ex- ample, spray water on a blazing, electric wallsocket: only a dry chemical ex- tinguisher is safe to use against electrical ires. Fire protection and tfire prevention go hand in hand. Even if you invest today in smoke detectors and ire ex- tinguishers for your home, an ounce of prevention is, as Lhey say, also necessary. That means checking. around your home periodi- cally to sec if you have ire hazards. For example, how about fraycd lamp and à p- pliance cords? Broken elcc- trical outlets in the wall? What about oily rags, paint cans and other flammable materials in the cellar, gar- age or attic? Accumulation of waste paper _is also dangerous. »Don't think a tire can only, happen to some one' else. t Asphaît Shingle Roof Lends Character to Home If you're thinking in terms of a face-lift for the exterior of your home this year, don't forget the roof. Besides the siding and trim, the height, size, color and roofing material are key de- sign elements that, lend character and appeal to a home's exterior. Unlike siding which can be repainted [rom time to time, the roof color you select is likely to be around for many years. Multilay- ercd asphaît shingles, for in- stance, are designed with, durability in mmnd, up to 25 years in many cases, and are available with liber glass, as well as' organic base mat. Good exterior design, ad- vises the Asphaît Rooling M anufaicturers Associa- tion, should begin with the roof. For expansive roofs v'ith various Dlanes and set- R.R. 1 Whitby, Ontario Bayly East and Durham 23, Ajax Phone 668-9454 LANDSCAPING IS DUR BUSINESS backs, dark-colored shingles serve to bring ail the roof elements together. On the o9ther hand, a light-colored. roof tends to make a short house appear taller. Asphait shingles offer the homeowner nearly un- limited opportunities in avoiding look-alike rooling because of the availability of variety in color,.blenlds and dimension. Earthtorîe shades of brown, beige and siate are growing in popu- larity. These durable, low- maintenanc'e asphaît shingles help relate the ex- terior of a home to its en- vironment., At the same tmtheir three-dimen- sional appearance creates rugged, attractive shadow lines. Information on the selec- tion of a new roof and on how to use color in exterior design is in "A Home- owner's Guide to the Selec- tion of Quality Roofing", which can be obtained for 35 cents [romn ARMA, Box 3248, Grand Central Sta- tion, New York, N~ew York. 10017. f -HR UG T E SO e-RHI OFTETWNO HTi * *** PATIO SLABS SAKRETE 54çS FO DRIVEWAY 54SQFOT SEALER FREE DELIVERY FOR 25 OR MORE$ $ 8.95 lxO CEDAR 1x6x5$ 'le.8 9 ec 2 x4x B.CEDAR $2.99ec PRESSURE TREATED 89%f. 16 5 SPRUCE- $1 O05 ec 2xx6,SPRUCEý 2 62$ 1 0.30 each A ., SPRUCE CUSHION $ i~ 99PER S(IUARE, $2,99YARD PATIO SPECIAL CREOSOTE OI YARD SAND FILLI '4099 gai 1FREE' STAIN WIHORDERS 0F 49)SLABS OR MORE, $6o99 BUILDING SUPPLIES r~u <t wuITDV "unma Àd S.o~vE AAONEV - -- - ---i 8095