PAGE 26, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS, Maureen mcTeervisi*ted Whitb Maureen McTeer, wife of Progressive Conservative Leader Joe Clark, was fas- cinated by the preserice of two small babies when she attended a coffee party at the fiborn'e of Mrs. Jerry Moskaluk,, at ,Whitby, Tbursday. They were the youngest guests present at the coffee party and slept right througb aIl the excitement. Sheýwent to take nine-week old Debra in ber arms but the baby was asleep in a papoose type carrying bag fastened to her mother's shoulders. Debra is, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael *Whelan, Whitby. The photographers flocked into ýthe ýcomfortable sun- porch when Ms. McTeer picked- Up three-week-old SJoshua Evans the son of Councillor and Mrs. Barry Evans, Whitby and cradled the little one in ber arms. During her haîf hour visit Ms. McTeer paused long enougb for a refreshing cup of tea. She bad arrived in Whitby after giving a brief speech at the Oshawa Conservative Committee Rooms. Ms. -McTeer moved through the "Iwall 10 wall people" shaking hands as she toured through the van- ous downstairs rooms and the kitcheni where she met thp manv ladies whn -am Roy'MacCauley New Owner 0Of Invites you to "corne and see his new selections iz" Shumo- ng was the or for the tour of the McTeer. ýrs presiding coffeetable Whiting of s. Tom Hen- They and Ipers kept a and coffee came., )n the wet meet Ms. 'beyondà ail made no. day Mr. Fenneil said with a grin, 'II can't slow down now. There's sti11 a lot of work 10 ýbe done."1 Associati'on held annual meeting in Whitby "There, is a misunder- standing of bow things should be paid," said Mr. Jones. from ail parts of the Ontario Riding including' Udora, " 'which is as far north as you can go in the Riding." There were some -repre- sentatives present from Oshawa as well as suppor- ters from Greenwood, Claremont, Uxbridge, Pic- kering, Ajax, Brooklin and Whitby. Business - girls came to Mrs. Moskaluk's home during their coffee break in hope of seeing Ms. McTeer who was late in arriving as her very tight sehedule had been interrupted causing a delay in her arrivai in Whitby. Many lined.up in the ramn waitingý to see Joe Clark's wife as she entered Mrs. Moskaluk's home. The more than 200 ladies anda a sprinklingof men in the bhouse knew when Ms. McTeer arrived when they heard the cheers and applause that greeted her as she left the motorcade. There was almost a general rush of people from the various roomsinto. the hall t0 greet Ms. McTeer. As she entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. Moskaluk, Ms.' McTeer was greeted by Margo Ashe, wife of George Ashe, Progressive Conserva- tive MPP for Durham West Riding and Scott Fennell, Federal Progressive Con- servative candidate for Ontario Riding and his wife A new director 0f finance has been appointed at the Dr. J.0 Rtuddy Gene*ral Hospital, Administrator John Kunetsky announced last week. The new director of finance is Bruce Brubacher, a chartered ccountant with a Bachelor of Commerce -degree from the University of Toronto. He was formerly employed Nitb a Toronto management, u consultant firm on hospital audits. Mr. Brubacher succeeds Johin Sierhus, who has been director of finance atI the Dr. Ruddy Hospital since shortly after il opened in 1970. Mn. Sierbus, who is on sick leave at the present time, wiIl retire in September. The director of finance is responsible, for budge.ting, and financial cnntrnl <of the hn<rnitl< BEDROOM CLEARANCE TRIPLE DRESSER, TWIN MIRRORS, ARMOIRE (Cedar ined) 54 - 60 HEADBD0ARD WITH 2 NIGHT TABLES SDLID OAK & OAK VENEER SPECIAL PRICES -- on Living Room Tables, Bookcases, Ktchen Suites, end Box Springs, Toeuevsîons, Etc. $s p Se~cttce 309 Brock St. ~ Whitby Shopping Plaza Established 1952 WH.ITBY 668-208'1, "1OUR AIM IS TO SATISFY" COMPLETE SUITE $79800 Chesterflolds, Mattresses OIIbe Cecil. Elizabeth "Li vich of Pickerir overaîl convenc "quick drop in Riding" by Ms.1 The tea pourer over the tea and were Mrs. Alice Brooklin and Mns stock of Whitby. the kitchen hel running oui of tea as more peoplec The turnout ci Thursday, tor MeTeer was 11 expectations." Ms. McTeer speeches in Whitl people on'a persci basis gr.eeting eacl "it is 50 nice to se the haif hour. leghnMs. Mc hustled off by ber bo keep an appoint a chartered plang Midland. When asked thought of Ms. Mc Fennell's wife Cec that she found 'IN be a' very easy goil 'She carnies an ai dence with her. certainly encourag Scott Fennell saii McTeer is "la ver, minded person wil planted firmly ground. She's wor as hard as Joe bun Asked what hev to be doing for the CANDIDATE SCOTT FENNELL GREETS MAUREE1N McTEER Dr. J. O. Ruddy Hospital has ne'w finance director U.oiv Çhilli The Durham Condominium n 10t person Assoitowih el s h one wit.h ciatingiwhihelis ee ou." A 'week, hopes to clear up some of 1began 'to the misconceptioris about eTeer wgs condominium housing. rentourage Condominium living is here iment with e flight 10 10 stay and it's time buyers, real estate agents and espec- what she ially'municipalities found out eTeer, Mr. what it's aIl about, said the cil-replied, owner of a Whitby con- tlaree 10dominium townhouse. .ng person.. With- 72 condominium pro- ir of confi- jects in the Durham, Region, which is Hugh Jones, president of the ging." M association, said many owners id thatMs don't understand what they've y psitVe bought, and neither does the 7b berifeet Durham regional. 1government. on ie thet Mr. 1Jones explained that ng juthe the Durham Condominium As- ,rself." socsdiation is a voluniteer group wselgoig that sponsors seminars to give est 0f the a better understanding of re.s ofthe condominium living. About 50 representatives from projects throughout the Durbam Region attended the annual meeting ,10 discussa problems such as double billing of water to comdominium E owners by the Regional a government.