Whitby Free Press, 30 May 1979, p. 16

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NAME ADDRESS )AY, MAY 30,.1979-, WHITBY FREE PRESS kits cheered, even i*n work -the platform and came off and the platform at the conclu- ind in sion of bis speech of congra- 1the tulkations., I' for Mr. Fenneil was absent in rmian Toronto at the Urne Mr. Cafik had arrived at the atula- Arena in Ajax. , the Mr. Fenneli had been Con- called to Toronto to do an was interview on TV at CFTO,' plause about il p.m. that evening. Mr. Caf ik said he "hated to Party~ interrupt your festivities" nimu- and went on to say that he ie was feit "an enormous relief' at e and the thoughts of now being- able to pursue life as a des of private citizen after spend-.; ard of ing il years in the House of ds as Commons. An enormous oward burden baâs been lifted off my back." .Mr. Cafik on several océa- sions during the campaign said be feit and "rather expected" that he would lose this campaign. His speech in Ajax was punctuated withi applause and cheers making one tbink that the people'were applau- ding a winner instead'of a., loser. The one comment most frequently heard fromi the crowd was that,, "C afik'is a, gôod man; he is with a. rotten, Party, tha t's ail. He bas be en the best man this Riding ever a'd." "I am not at ail surpri 'sed. In fact, I expected to lose and I did lose so my expectations, 14. PAGE 16,WEI defeat flave beinfulfilled,"Mr Cafik told the more than 1,000 people gather ed at the' Legros Community Centre in Ajax. "Nobody beat me other than Trudeau and the feeling that bas been developed against Mr. Trudeau," he said as he remained loyal to bis Party Leader "1thanh win on behaif of some other leader. " He said his defeat was "'a reflection of the feeling in the country. We certainly did flot go down to defeat ôo ur own merits. The public has been persuaded to' believe somne- tbinig that was not truüe "--- (applause and cheers). "fTam going to spend more time. with ,my' fmily. My children.are not fîckle and rny famiiy. is, not fiekie, " Mr. Cafik said. "Iý arn looking ýforward with'a- great deal of anticipation to just being a hû'man beingerather than a politician. JY 've got a whole new life ahead, 0f me' now. ', Mr. Cafik, .,arùid cheers, went. on to say,' "Canada is .more important than any leader; ...I have been an MP for il1 years and ail the success :1 can muster 'for cotFènnell... (cheers and applause) ...is going to Scott.. (applause). "I indicate to you that Canada is more important... (applause and' cheers)... more important than the PC's ... more important than.ý any Party ýin, this Country..ý. and I will do everything .In my power in this, Riding,.. ,will giVe every degrée.of support to Scott Fennell.,." This portion of Mr. Caflik's speech was continually in- GARDEN -PLOTS FOR RENT PLAN * PLANT Ob PRODUICE' 20 x 20 ft. plots for ront on f arm property - solit plowed - ready for gardmning endoavours. i2f0 roglsterad butor. May 30, 1979 $3a0 ttor May 30,1979 South East cor ner of Westnay Rd. & Co ni 5. in Pickering Tel: 686-0777 FAIR OAKS GARDIENS ..(cheers applausé)... and everyone in this Riding." As he lef t the platform Mr. Cafik was surrounded by, groups of well-wishers. Garden club, gives its funds to. Rotary 'Park The Wbitby, Garden C.jub, which disbanded last 'year after More than 30 years 'of service. to the Town of Whitbe, bas turned over its, remaini 'ng funds- to the Whitby Rotary Club to assist in i ts Cente"nnial Park project. At a- recent mneeting of the club,,Ruby Robertson and Margaruite Crawford, on behaif of the garden club, 'turned over a cheque for $296.80 to Rotary Club Presi- dent-Nick Sorichetti,, to be used» for flower plantings in the Rotary Park. - our ,Favourite Country'Artist 1. 2. 3. POTLCODE PHONE BI RTHDAY R.R. 1 Whitby, Ontario Bayly East and Durham 23, Ajax Phone 6*89454 ~ LANDSCAPINO IS OUR BUSINESS YOUR COMMUNITY PUBLIC NOTICE, The public isinvited to attend an unveiling ceremony of a Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada' plaque commemnorating: THISTIE HA' which:wil take, place at the Miller Farni Concession Road VII near Brock Road Claremont, Ontario. 2:00 p... Sotur AVIS PUBLIC Le public est invité a assste a la céremonie de devoilement d'une plaque de la Commission des lieux- et monuments historiques de Canada enk l'honnieur de: THISTLE HA' La cêremonie aura lieu à la Fei ine Miller route de Concession VII près du chemin Brock Claremonit, Ontario.< le samedi 9 Juin, 1979a 14 h. Ju., 9, 1979ý J. C. Christalcos Directeur Pare terrupted with applause and cheéers to such, a. degree tha t many of bis remarks were drowned out. He was finally able to conclude bis speech by say- ing he "hopes that al the Parties in .tbis country will learn to work' together, " He hoped that-they "1will learn to work together as brothers' and sistérs In this Riig and in this Counitry." He -congrattzlated '"Scott who bas defeated me... have served everyone In this rooni and cheers. As Mr. Cafiki lined both sii rorminga'gui id'shaking har A THE BEST IN COUNTRY MUSIC Return the attached coupon.to: 97 McMaster Avenue, Ajax,.LiS 2E6 If you are flot a membor of CHOO Country Club, Join row and vvin e1xciting prizes. PROUDTO BE PART C> Parks Canaw

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