WHIY E79, PAGE 21 BROOKLIN TOOL CO1ý HALFPR ICE on ail !ýÃdraulic 'jacKs, vices, socktstswrench sets, micrometers, drill sets," 12speed câiii press and many other tools for ..nechanics. ComipIete Automotive Garage. Supplies HIGHEST PRICES Paid for.Go"ld and Silver coins, old guns, clocks,jewelery, dishes, furniture, crocks, oil' paintings and seaIers. PRIENDLY F LÉA MARKET - 725-9783l 23 KING ST. W, OSHAWA CARPENTRY< HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B'_ 2564 Kitcherus, Ce7amic.Tiling, Drywall, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Docks and Patio -¶FR EEESTIMATE$ CQUL68-4ê86 MOBILEON.SITE CONCRETE Ready mlx'ed concrete for home , owners. Patio, Sidewalks, foundations, slabs etc. Saturday ciel lverles- cali' 6-62220. CARPET CLEANINO. lm TOUR OWN HOME NwRoto-Static Method, Guaranteed. No Shrinkage, 'Dry in 2, Hours No Shampoo or Sticky Residueto Àttract Ditt CALL 728«55541 ANYTIMEý BUIUBINS SIDING Alumlnum & vinyl siaung, sof- f ltt, fascia & seamless alumi. num eavestroughlng installa- tion. Free estimates,- Very reasonable. Cal 666-19;9 eve- nlngs. 10 per cent discount for senior citizens. ITTIONS QUIET ýYOUNýG working couple, searchîng for, nice, qua int fIlat In old Whltby home, in mature area 0f tow n for JuIy 1sf. Phone 5 79-2235 'before 5 p.m. or 728-0253 and ask for Dale. BABiYSITTîER WNTD Mature,' rellable, non-smoker for twins 15,months oîd. 15-20 .hours weekly days or evenings. Phone 6681-6294. DA-Y CÀAREiN -ÃŽ-MY HOME., Mrs. Goodrick, Vernon St., phone 668-8659. CLEANING LADY for every orner week. . References. Cal after 7 p.m. à 66-1526. E SERVCES Quality screened ,-TOP SOIL Also SAND &ST ONE. Ted Arnts Loam *Supply Brock Rd.- N., R. R. 1. Pickering 683-0887 NON-PROCESED TOP SOIL, TRUCK LOAD :SPECIAL. 15 Yards- $5"Deiee .WHITBY -.655-4335 WOULD YOU 'LIKE. MORE' MONEVI we need 'fu-lI or part' time ,.eople.tohelp meetthedemnand f or Ontario AutomobileAs soclation- Pleasant, dignified, goodI payi'ng w ork. No experience necessa ry buta car Is. ->contà ct'chÃa'riesCoe,' 38 tau nton Rd.- E, Oshawa, Ontario pHloN E:.57ý9-1906 !ILTER O I Is looklng for 12 sales people. Fuli or part.tlme ava ilable. No experience necessary. AIl Ieads suppiel. Car,,is neces- ar.for interviews.caîl 579- 1077. AUTOMOBILES, FRSALEr '76 DODGE DART, 4 dr. custom. Silant 6, excellent con-. dition, S3,000.'Phone 668-4654. 1970 SWINGER 340, modi'field, stereo, 40 channel1 C. B. AIl shape. Best offer. Phone 668. 0936. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Seal leaks in variQus steam tunnels at the Psychlatrlc Mos. Pital"-~ Whltby, Ontario. TENDER #L1N.79-028 - P674 35 Sealed tenders wilI bereceived unlîl 2:00 PM LOCAL TIME, JUNE 20,ý 1979. Tender Documents may be. obtained from the Ontario Miristry , f Government Servi'ces, Lindsay Reglonal Office, 322 Kent Street West, P.O. Box 7000, Lndsay, Ontario. Note: For further information regardlng this.,tender, please cal Mrs., E.M.,,Neale at the above address. Telephone (705)- 3j24-9188. The lowest necessarily or any tender not accepted. Mnietry of Govemment Services FLORIDA-VACATION .For Rent -,Fîve ..cornpleteîy furnl9hed MobIle <Pe-,rmanent), homes, In Clearwatèr., Pools, Tennis, Close to Guif et Mexico Beacheés,'Disne hyWorld, Busch Gardens, and Other Major At- tractions. - Chlldren Welcome. tÃŽ$12ë5ýeklV.U.S. Ebè>k now for 3/4 ACRE. LOTrS suitable for retirement.,home,"central 1 .ofhCaoln eve pen Includes swîmmning lpool, tennis'I courts, ýriding -Stables. ý,Near Orangeburg, South .Ca'rolina. $10,000 Canadian-or 58,000 U.S,. Prîvate. Phone Mike. Burgess,, FONET 'FOR RIENT Off ice Space. Up to 20,000 sq. ft. sprinklered. Hopkins St.: Cali collée Toronto 633-1615. BRIG HT FU RNISHED 1 bed- room basement apartmenlt,, on Brock St . S. for quiet. working person. Near bus stop& GO Station. Phtone 668-6472. FOR RIENT lBed.room apartmfent,*bath- room, kitchen and living room. Privafe entrance, suitable for, single person--or working couple. Abstainers. Phone 668- 2357., PRIVATE Legal Duplex with fwo 3.bed- room apartm ents, plus one '2' bedroom basement apartment for in-laws. $54,000 mortgage.at 10 1/4 per cent. Cali 666-1847. SWIMMING POOLS TO RIENT1 . WiII lease. and install for homeowners, family size alu- e.-num :swimmlng, pools wîth patio. Choice of styles, mieeting aIl fencing regulations ion a one, two or three vear rentaI basis with option to .own. Try before you buy!, Cali IMPERIAL POOLS toîl fee 1-800268-970. etm0" reetlit. ..andllv. -w.ý GARAGE SALE Sunday, June 10,'617 Brock St. *S., Whifby. Lots of Items; books, toys, clothing, g'arden toms, power mower etc., ETICES OSHAWA DOG OBEDIENCE, clas'ses-sfarting Jun'e 6.Oshawa onîy. Adv ance, registration. Phone 655-4356 or 576-1167. DISCO DANCE LESSONS Sommer "Crash" <.1Course- Tuesday evenings et Ajax Legion., 5 weeks for $14 per person. To register call Pat 'Thornton at 444-6110. THE WINNERS 0f the Spencer Community Centre draw 'on Monday, May 21, 1979 are- 1sf' Prize-TV - Mr. Irving Carr, 385 Toynbee Trail, Pickering, Ont., 282-5859, Tic. No. 2201. 2nd Prlze-Clock Radio - Rob erta Archlbald, 71 Comrie Terrace, Scarborough, Ont., 267-3572, Tic. No. 2267.- 3rd Prlze.Comforter - Mike Ca nn, R. R. 2, Whitby, Ont., AUCTION SALE Thursday,,June 7, starting 5:30 p.m. m. clearing auction, for Dick MacCarl located at 215 Wellington Street <lst Rd. west of the Spruce Villa), Whitby. Sale includes largequantity of garden furniture & garden tools, power* lawn mowers; wringer washer; dryer (like new); crocks; tables; lamps; old dlock; small electric appli- ances;ý' tools; some glass& china; rugs; drapes; pictures;. 70' fencing; and many other useful' items. Terms cash, no reserve, properfy sold. *KAHN AUCTION SERVICES AUCTION SALE Saturday, June 2, the property 0f Bert Lewis, 436 Watson 'Dýrive, Stoufville et il a.m. 8 plece dinlng room suite, bIen-^ ket boxes, f loor stands, 7 piece' tollet set, 25 oîd crocks, wood. stove, wlcker fern stands, press back chairs, china cabi. Munaay, aune 4 et 6:-1 Claremont Hall.i tables, neediepoini Engllsh teawagon, E sealer, square table,( pkture frames, was, dining roomn chair amount 0f dishes ai *ware, mnany more Terms cash, no reser FORSAE SWIMMING' POOL Manufac- turer has new .1978 Pools, regu. lar priceS2,190 now at our in season spiecial of $1,355. Pools come wlth walkaround deck, patio' , fencing, pump, motor'&, f lIter. Delivery' arranged f0, your convenience. For best selection 'and information caîl IMPERIAL POOLS toîl free 'IBC' SELECTRIC typewriter. Excellent- condition. Has been re-conditloned. interesfed par. ties caîli668- 4680. 25 GALLON f ish aquarium, 15 tropical'1f ish and equlpment. H!and-made cernent scenery, $50. Phone 668-0193 anytime. EARGESALES. T'HE GARAG1E SALE Saturday, June 9,-,10 'à .r. to 3 p.m. Broklln United Church. Many,.many ,Items Ini good condition. opn't miss these super bargainsI Household Items, garden' equiprnent, fur- niture, anti 'ques , chlldren's clothing. An added feature..our bake table & refreshments. GARAGE SALE Saturday and Sunday June 2 *and 3. 10 a.m. f0 4 p.m. et 923 Du blin St., Wlhltby. Phone 668- 5290. GARAGE SALE - Saturday, June 2, 10 a.mn. to 4 p.m. 14 Gershwin Crt. (West Lynde). Good Quall'ty child.. ren's clothing, drapes, house- hold furnlshlngs, baby equlp. ment, side walk bicycle.- -hum- erous toys, ail in good condi, tion, Including Fishpr Price & 'Tonka.,Nothing over $15. This Is a moving sale.make an offer. NOW, US ýTHEt TMEI To Order Your FUEL. Money-On Dit reMIUM quaRt Fuel 00 Phono 6-38 UDX FUEL WIL Cail UsTo-Day For Prompt Cuurt : Service 15117 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITRY.flNT. .freezer, chesterflid suite, V large. number of tools. Terms SLE ri cash, lunch available, property sold. EARL GAUSLIN, DRI ERS * AUCTIONEER AL&ÂCTOlI SALE Thursday, May 31 at 6:30 p,m. Brooklln Communlty -Centre. Large sale lncluding furniture, paintings, collectibles and mis- cellaneous. EARL DAVIS, AUCTIONEER 728-4455 Conslgnment items welcome for future sales. MHELP WANTED LICENÇED REAL ESTATE SALES PERSON REQUURED IMMEDIAT ELY Meuot qpearnce, experienc, a sophisticated a mmnner o mu.t 65.367 Tc. No.87 New hoosing subdivision ln Oshawa by on. of North- America's major huiliers. Drow ogoinst 1,1gb commissions. COUi Mrs. Bornes of MathewiAlien Ltd. 491-4832 in Toronto, EL'ECTIROLUýX lias openings for 3 full Urne sales rep- resentaUives and 5 part-Urne. No invest- ment necessary, Must be of legal age. Car essential. For more information cail: ALSO: _positions for two Management trainees. 668-1'I665 .(1666) or drop by: 18Athol St. WhitbyOnt. H ELPWANTED TYPIST/RECEPTIONIST We're looking for a wellgroo med person with' a pleasant personality and good typîngskifls (60 w.p,.m.)., This p'e'rson.must be able to assume.responsib- ility and'interact -with ôÃ"1thers in a smnall friendly office., Pay.comm ensurate with experience. Apply to: M.B.M. Publishing 131 Brock St. N.,' Whitby, Olntario. WHITBY F 6 8 3"'1753