PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1979,l WHITBY FREE PRESS Wrork of 30 con tempo rary artists will, 6e at Station Gallery June I to 24 1 From June 1 to 24, original paintings hy 30 of Canada's leading Comtemporary artists will be on view ini 'l, Station Gallery of Wl Arts Ime. Selected from lit, reknowned coporate art (o-- lection owned by Canadian Industries Limited, this ex- hibition will be representa- tive of key artistic charac- teristics in Canada, A variety of techniques will be represented.* Alex Colville's Milk Truck incor- porates oil, synthetics and resin together on canvas. Hfarold Town's use of mixed media contrasts with the more traditional acrylics of William Kurelek. Sally Wildman adds ink to her acrylics in A Solitary Mister for a modern sense of lost tine. Even the most experi- enced art viewers may wonder at Miyuki Tanobe's Samedi Matin, rue St. Lau- rents, rendered in the an- cient Japanese Nikonga technique of applying colour- fui crushed stone and sea shelis on board. Both chemi- cal and vegetable dves are used. In visionary terms, Ontario's John B. Boyle gazes through the isolated captive eyes of Batoche. Big Bear In Prison, 'eortumpla- ting thc !>lospect of the RCMIP role in western Canada. Collingwood's D.P. Brown looks over the shoulder of a boy .clad in a duffle coat, perched atop split rails in On, The Fence. The mood is more forlorn in John Chamber's Three Sisters Waiting. Quebec's Jean Paul Lemieux sets youthful determination in the expres- sion of a youth on a snowy trek in Solstice d'Hiver. Christiane Pflug's house- bound child peeks at the outside world in Interior At Night. Christopher Pratt's reflec- tive look through a Woman At A Dresser is reminiscent of Newfoundland gentlefolk.~ Artists in CIL's art collec- tion reflect the geographical expanse of Canada. From Cape Breton Island, Vickie MacLean uses acry- lics to define simple 'archi- tectural lines in a windswept envir' iment through The Window. Inland from the east coast known to Pratt and Colville, Quebec's Arthur Villeneuve lays aside his barber's razor to paint a primitive La Danse du Carnival. From Saskatoon, Saskat- chewan, Ernest Lindner's Fungi is a sampling of bold realism. Vancouver's Jack Shadbolt indicates some west coast Indian influence in his acrylic/oil/îucite work entitlcd Northern Emblem iâîii âWWid i W 611 W î iiîW iNo.î&i8. With the professional ad- vice of Dr. Russell Harper, previously of Concordia Uni- versty, the CIL art collec- tion is contantly vetted to remain contemporary. Presently, i( is made up of 86 works representing 76 Canadian artists. Unique for a corporate art collection, CIL's collection has been on tour for over 126 exhibitions in over 90 diffe- rent cities and towns throughout Canada since 1962. C ont'd on P. 7 or assorted big value (cello) S 700 gpkg. 'Cloverleaf flaked ,white tuna vveivn's Concord grape jam orj 49-y 9 fi.,oz. Jar* Ingersol cheese spread . ........t 1.69 Red & White or Weston - assorted donuts ~... Pk~/~J cut froin Canada grade A"beef bMade lb. ch"c ami shoulder J, rosts lb. ]L Mapl f bon e aa .les*A ' moked drinnrhms . .59 I __________ I I - I Maple Leaf skWness wieners 16 8 Maple Leaf coked ham ........ k.1 3 Yorýk store slicecl cooked ham .............. b 2.28 fresh and tasty beefliver.,.......... ........ lb 1.58 Devon~ small Uor. store Pam Saa g l....................... b 1.4280 f«rthfebarbecie, tasty po1rk ribets ..............._lb. 975 liffl m bacon....... ,',z, 1,39 oeangepeloe Tetey tea bags .... 1.J69 FIechmawi cm 2 .agai.... gb2.29 Leaiver peces & stems .6 musrooms.., - zl q_ frOzen deluxe or peppeeoni McCain pizzami.9 Chun Kiiig dividef pack~ diumers Isn1.69. puffpastry- p4 o. StOufters aSSMred frozen 11 trozen. Savaiin (limer, -J il ., -89 no. 1 creamned white 2l.1dd Beemaid honey ..... .99 assorted varielies69 MÉCandy ........ ... .. ie.94 Nabiso spon sie 52 gra shredded wheat ....25pgrarn69 Rîse n"Shine orange flavoured4x314Q crystals .............. Shirrif good momîing 2111 marmalade ......1..29 Lawry's - seasned sait.. . ......85 gr am »5 Welch s frozen concentrated 2l grapejuice.. .... ll... z in. plastIc wrap Str-etch IN Seat personnel size Ivory soap..,... Colgate-100 miouthwash,,, sanîtary napkins Kotex ........ Iweet M eIy WATERMELON 4 .59f 150 mL Q cont. 8 LÉ p'C-Sof N Dri scenied deodorant... .. .... o1.55 t - Gillette toamy shave cream.-3.........cot1. 39 Jet powdered laundry detergent 6 litre bag bathroom tssue failtissue leenex, Crisp Gren Pascal CELERY No.1 i *79 STALE Tder G0"e. Cils 4**79 BROWN'S FOODMASTE1il STORE, Mouvj OPEN SIX DAYS A WEU~ 8:30a.m..Epp.' EXCEPT TURS.& 1PRI NIGHTS TIL 9pnm. DELVERY AT NMNAL CHARGE - V4kse ffl ee-e il doiangSaturday.hlule 21979 We tub.ive VMe righl Io brm.lquanhiles lsuppea wIclSennced by N»tonalG rocersGo, Ltd -.Bw&Àmmw -L lu lu MD MD lu 4 for ..7ý9