PAGE 20. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 6,1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS Free PrE fwM.p Um AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1971 ROAD RUNNER, 383 4 barrell, low mileage, good con. dition. Asking $1,300. 1977 650 Yamaha, low mileage, excel- lent condition, must sell $1,600. Phone 668-9496. March 21, 79. 1971 DODGE - DART, 48,000 miles, V-6. Good condition. Certified, asking.$1,450. Phone after 6 p.m. 655-3043. March 21, 79. 1972 VEGA HATCHBACK, new radial tires, automatic, good body & paint, 68,000 miles. $700 or best offer. Phone 728-2327. April 25, 79. 1971 TORNADO, low mileage, power everything, great shape, front wheel drive. $1,800. Phone 668-1113. May 2, 79. 1972 FORD TORINO. 4-dr., automatic, power steering, V-8, Vinyl roof, fair condition, some body work needed. $400. As is! Call 668-6367. April 18, 79. 73 PONTIAC LEMANS COUPE 51,000 miles, original body, 350 2 Barrel, automatic transmis- sion, power steering, power brakes. Used only 3 winter seasons. $2,800 with stereo or $2,400 without. Phone 668-9944 weekends only. March 28, 79. 71 FORD TORINO station wagon, 302, V8, automatic, power steering, runs good. Needs body work, $225. Phone 723-9164. May 9, 79. 1966 PLYMOUTH FURY, slanted 6 engine in very good shape with new plates. $300 or best offer. As is. Phone 668- 4889. May 9, 79. 76 GREMLIN, 32,000 miles, 6 cylinder, automatic, $2,200. Phone 668-5318. May 30, 79. 1976 TOYOTA COROLLA. Brown, 2-dr., standard, 38,000 miles. Lady owner. AM radio & 8-track with speakers included. Asking $2,200 or best offer. Cal 623-2769. March 21, 79. 1972 DODGE 3/4 ton pick-up with cap. Standard transmis- sion, 6 cylinder, excellent con- dition, $1,200. Phone 666-1507. May 30, 79. AUTO PARTS 41/2 INCH MAGS with Dunlop radiais for Austin-Mini, $150. Also spor ts steering wheel, $20, phone 655-3972. May 30, ,79. 2 SUMMER TIRES, 4 x 2 H-78-14, glass belted, $15 each. Phone 668-5227. June 6, 79. 3 X R 78-14 Uniroyal steel belted radiai tires, $50. 1 14X~Michelin tire $20. 666-1847. May 23, 1979 TIRES WITH RiMS, size H-78- 15, each $20. Phone 668-9458. May 16, 71 Ca ess Emporium 1668-6111 f21e>w Emporium Ads will only be accepted subject to the following Conditions. w cnitos RECRATINAL VEHICLES 1971 KAWASAKI 100 Moto- cross. Good tires and depend- able engine. *Good first bike. Asking $200.Call 655-3527 after 5 p.m. April 11, 79. 1973 MX 250 Yamaha Moto- cross. NeWly painted and top end rebuild. Lots of power. Asking $450 firm. Cali 655-3527 af ter 5 p.m. April 11, 79. 1973 F-11 250 Kawasaki Enduro. New fenders and paint. Real dependable in dirt. Asking $350. Cali 655-3527 after 5 p.m. April 11, 79. 1977 SUZUKI RM 125 B. Excel- lent condition. Wisco pistons. Ported & polished. Very quick and powerful with Bell Moto- Star helmet, Digger boots and other accessories; $800 firm. Phone 668-2203. Ma" 23, 79. 12 FT. FIBERGLASS car top fishing boat with 4.4 Chrysler outboard. Excellent condition, $450. Cali anytime 683-3019 and ask for Gary. May 23, 79. MECL LAN E0 US COLLAPSABLE STROLLER, $3. Pictures, $50 & $15. Colonial table, $20. Tricycle, $13. Wooden play pen, $4. Phone, 666-1372. June 6, 79. ALUMINUM AWNINGS for sale, 4 sizes. Almost new, $30 each. For inforiation call 668- 8178. March 28, 79. CAPTAIN BED custom made, natural pine, solid unit design, $250. Call 666-1414 after 6 p.m. May 30, 79. SIMPSON-SEARS 1/4 horse- power cartridge type filter up to 6,000 gallons, $60. Phone 683-7360. May 30, 79. ONE PAIR of gold drapes, lined. Size 14 x 94. Asking $75. Phone 668-4760. June 6, 79. INTERIOR WOODEN DOORS 30" x 78" x 1 3/8", $30. 2 aluminum storm doors, 33 1/2" x 82", $25 each. Antique Trea- die sewing machine, $65. Anti- que wooden telephone, $70. Phone 728-2327. April 25, 79. STEP FLUSH co $25. Phone 668-316 ttage toliet, 7. April 25, 79. EKO GUITAR acoustic/elec- tric, 12 string, excellent condi. tion with case, $125. Traynor amplifier, $150. Cali Victor 683- 9220 to 4 p.m., 656-8309 after 6 p.m. May 30, 79. SANYO FT478 AM/FM cassette car stereo, tike new. F. forward, eject, L/D lock-in, $95. Call Victor 683-9220 to 4 p.m. 656-8309 af ter 6 p.m. May 30, 79. SQUARE BABY play-pen. Nearly new, $25. Phone 668- 3n448. June 6, 79. PLEASE READ When the advertised itèm is soid, disposed of, or unavailable for whatever reason, the item wili be deemed to have been sold and a commission will be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below, regardless if price is stated with "best offer". If the-item is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad will be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3,00 will apply. Ali advertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month if not sold. RATES [if article is soldi: 50/o of advertised price up to $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $120.00 - commission due $6.00 1 minimum charge is $3.001 Private advertising only! Please notify us if you find a retailer listed as a private aditertiser. Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediately when item is sold so that we may delete it from the following issues. , All ads not fitting the Empurium guidelines will be treated ancd charged per vVeek as regular classified ads on a pre paid basis' such as: services, help wanted, clothing, real estate, and personal message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity: Private classified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., Whitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. FILTER QUEEN VACUUM cleaner with attachments, like new. Asking $250. Cali 571-2477. May 30, 79. GRAVELY TYPE GARDEN TRACTOR. 7 h.p. with impie- ments, $220. Whirl-away dish- washer, $20. Cali after 5 p.m. 668.4047. May 30, 79. USED DOUBLE BED SET, triple dressing table with huge mirror. Ideal for cottage, $250, phone 579-6786. May 30, 79. VIKING, FLOOR POLISHER, $10 single bed, $40, room divi- der, $30, exercise slender ben- der, $35, hydrolic rower, $40. Call 666-1847. May 23, 79. CCM BIKE Boy's 10-speed, 22" wheejs, $50. Wilson Golf Clubs, men's right-handed. Woods 1, 3, 4, Irons - 3,4,5, 6, 7, 8,9, 11. $70. Phone 668-6580. May 16, 79. TRICYCLE $30, aquarium, 50 gal., ail accessories and stand, $75, 2 antique dressers, 1 $130 and 1 $200, antique chair 75, solid oak hutch, $350, range hood, $20, redwood rocker & swing set, $130, counter-top dishwasher, $10, air-hockey game, $20, 2 stereo speakers, .$15, hanging wrought iron plant basket, $20, antique mantie clocks, $75, $95, $125, $175. Antique Canadian Wall Clock, $450. Phone 668-7007. May 2, 79. ELECTROHOME air-condi- tioner, 5,000 BTU's. A-1 condi- tion, $125. Phone evenings 655- 4121. May 16, 79. GE AIR CONDITIONER, win- dow model. Fair working con- dition. Asking $100. Cali 668- 5526. May 23, 79. 12 FT. CUSTOM BUILT 3 Pot. Hydroplane, 25 Evinrude motor full controls. Complete $400. Cali 753-2470. ApriI4, 79. BED MATTRESS and spring, $10. Phone 668-1436. * April-4, 79. USED TV TOWER with rotor, in good condition, $125. Phone 668-9379. May 16, 79. SOLID WOOD DINING room set, high webbed backs, olive green velore seats. 4 side chairs, 2 arm chairs, large hutch and buffet with glass doors & lights. Seats 12, like new, $900. Antique pedat organ, beautiful tune, $350. Solid wood mantle fire place, like new, ideal to build a big fireplace inside, $250. Phone 655-4009. May 30, 79. 30 GÀLLON AQUARIUM with f ilter, plants, stones, $23. Black & White T.V., 12" screen. Brand new, $100. AM/FM Radio, battery or electric, $25. Ap'ply 130 Byron St. N. April 11, 79. STOVE IN GOOD SHAPE, $25. Junior skis with boots $15, golf clubs with bag, $20. Cali 655- 3527 after'5 p.m. April 11, 79. GARAGE EQUIPMENT Rotor disc, Lathe and Drum Lathe. Both $1,100. Delco Tune-up Diagnostic Centre, like new, $1,950 will sell for $1,150. Have grease equipment also and engine pulley. Cali John at 666-1021. May 23, 79. 15' "INVITATION" SAIL- BOAT, fibergiass hull, alu- minum îast, white main sail. Tops in speed and control. Excellent condition. Asking $1,000. Cali 683-6466. April 11, 79. .ABYITEMSFOR_ SALE - car bed, $10, wood (walnut) high chair, converts to desk, $25, ail in excellent condition. Phone 668-4744. March 21, 79. OFFICE DESK 2 x 5 ft., 6 drawers, $60. Student desk, $10, hair styler, $10, 2 metal beds and mattresses $10 each, ringer-washer, $25. Cali 655- 4196. May 16, 79. BOY'S BICYCLE -for safe. "Drag Stripper", 5-speed, good condition. $70 or best offer. Phone 668-5083. April 11, 79. ~1 I~I M BAR ETTA BL4 under and over 12-gauge trap gun $795, never fired. Baretta S58 under and over 12-gauge trap gun $895, never fired, Gamba 12-gauge under and over field gun $645, never fired. Call days 668-6896 or 668-9530. March 28, 79. JACUZZI-FILTER & mainte. nance kit. For 18 ft. or 24 ft above ground pool. Must sell $225 or best offer. Phone 668 8344. April 11, 79. ELECTRIC FIREPLACE, $100. 2 12" speakers in large cabinet, $50. 2 C.B. radios, 1 sideband $125 and 1 basemobile $75. 2 4 barrel carburetors, Holley 750$100, 1 with manifold $75. Two radiators fits Vega or Astre, $30 each. 3 10:00 x 20 Goodyear cross-rib truck tires, new $210 each. Numerous gear ratios for 10 boit Chev rear housing, $50 each. Completely rebuilt 350 C.1. Chev motor, $300. -Many , G.M. parts too numberous to mention. Reel- Reel tape recorder, $35. Will take best offer on any of articles mentioned above. Phone 668-2860. March 28, 79. OUTBOARD MOTOR (Scott Atwater) 2 H.P. $35. Kenmore Dome Hairdryer $10. Crowm movie camera, 3 lenses, $30. Range hood, brown, $10. 2 table lamps $18. Tri-Lite $7. Radio and T.V. tubes 50 cents each. Phone 668-5201. Aprit 4, 79. BABY POTTY CHAIR, $4, chest of drawers, pine wood, $50, large tape recorder, $60, antique phone table, lamp attached,.$60. Phone 668-9599. April 18, 79. ONE MANN Electric Guitar (with hard shell case), Good condition, 1 yr. old, $160. One Roland Double leat Pedal (WAH and Distortion), four months old $80. If purchased together $230. Cali 668-4424. . March 28, 79. 1 ITALLIAN MADE -10-speed bike, in excellent c6hdition. New $240 will sell for $80. 4 assorted bikes some parts mis- sing $5 each:1 single & 1 double bed complete -with box springs' & matresses. Asking $50 each. Phone 668-0621. Aprit 25, 79. 4 PC. CHESTERFIELD set, good condition, $150. Toast- master oven broiler, used 3 times, $40, Baby high chair, $15, walker, $5, Shoefly rocker horse, $5, Aluminum awning - Dark blue & white, 12 x 14 ft. $100. G.E. Floor.Polisher, $10. Phone 666-1229. KENMORE HUMIDIFIER, asking $60. Call after 6 p.m. 579-0475. May 9, 79. DR APES - LIVING & DiNING roorn. 120" x 94" and 80" x 45'". Open weave-lined, moss green, $50. Rods included. Phono 668- 5029. May 23, 79. 2 BLUE BEDSPREADS and 1 set m-atching curtains. $50. Caîl 723-5447. March 21, 79. STEREO/TV/RADIO console, $200 or best offer. Cail after 4 p.m. 666-1761. May 16,79. '76 PIONEER MODEL PL115D turntable, $100. Phone 728-6962. - ay 9, 79. -M 2 GIRLS' BIKES, $20 & $30. 2 GIRLS BIKES, $20 & $30. Phone 668-1921. May 9, 79. VICTORIAN GENTLEMEN'S dressing mirror, $50. Phone 655.4918 after 5 p.m. May 9, 79. 21" BLACK & WHITE cohsole T.V. Excellent condition. $60. Phone 668-5956. April 18, 79. STE REO, record player and 8 track player. Asking $100. McClary, continuous clean stove, asking $150. Phone 668- 8138. May 16, 79. T.V. PHILIPS, B. & W. 26', excellent condition, $50. Oil painting landscape, 30" x 42", $100. Phone 668-8273 after 6 p.m. April 11, 79. BLACK & WHITE TV Console model 26". Westinghouse, $100. Phone 668.0776. May 16, 79. PUMP & FILTER for above ground swimmlng pool. Also ladder & hose. - Used two summers. 655-3583. Asking $100, phone May 16, 79. Friends Are A Nice Thing To Have... <Zjflemier THIS EMBLEM IS THE SIGN OF GOOD BUSI- NESS AND GOOD FRIENDS. - For information call: Phono. 728-2103- Mon% greatest invention was the WHEEL... A close second was the CLASSIFIED AD ClasiOed Adwertsing - PLEASE SEE CLASSIFIED ADS FOR MORE ITEMS FOR SALE If in doubt, call 668-6111 MAIL AOS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, L1N 551 9- 1 -ýi