Whitby Free Press, 6 Jun 1979, p. 4

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-PAGE.4. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 6,1979, WLITBY FREE PRESS whitbyPu'lse'vr enda b ...Publlshing and Photography Ine. Volceo f the Cou nty Town Michael Ian Burgess, Publisher - Managlng Editor. 131 Brock Street North, The only Wbltby newspaper Independently owned andoperated by Whitby residents for Whltby residents. P.O. Box 206, Whltby, Or 91 ~t. Whitby Chamber of Commerce Community Editoi -Brian Winter Contributing Edelt -Jim Quail Production Manager -Marj Burgess Print & Promnotioflal-RbnLo ManagerRo.nL n Ciassified Ad -Leesa Menard Mailing Permit No, 460 Member of the: Botter Business Bureau of Toronto Access concerns disability committee Dear Sir: On behaîf of the Disabi- lifies Action Committee, I would like to fake this opportun lty to introduce you ta DAC and explain aur origin. In February of 1978 represenfatives of var- ious clubs deaîing with the problems of disabled in the Region met to discuss a major common problem - that of accessi- bilif ty. This meeting was Initi- ated on learning that the new addition fo the' Oshawa Centre was not to have an elevator between the two levels of the new f ifty store mail. Ouf 0f this meeting a letter of our concern for the. problems which the lack of this elevator would *present diabled, * elderly and mothers with young children of the area was sent to the owners and management o f the Centre»- Affer being made. aware of a problem which fhydid nof realize fhey were creafing, the owners of the Oshawa Centre informned us that they would install an ele- vator fhereby alleviating the access problem. Having achieveci our *goal af the timne and also learning that the situa- tion at the centre had only existed because of -a lack of awareness, if was felt by those involved in the meeting thaf an ongoing committee should be formed fo educafe the public of the access pro- blem and look for similar situations in the Reg ion fo that of the Oshawa Centre. Wifh this in mind aind since the installation of the Ontario Building Code 5 on January 1, 1976, if is our intention fo keep a watch on the rapid growth of building ln Durham Region and in doing softo help make this Region one accessible to aIl ifs cifizens. With your co-operation and understanding DAC hopes that in.the future, access fo, buildings and ramping 0f streef corners will become habit in the For the elderly and disabled are'only handi- capped when the society they live in prohibits th 'em from participatlng in if fulîy. Please help us fa help, you become aware. Thank you. Sincerely Douglas F. Manuel Chairman Disabilifies Action Comm itfee, Durham Region'. Kingsto n school plans 1980. reunion Dear Edifor: Would you please print the following - announce- ment in your newspaper: Q.E.C.V.I. Kingston, Ontario, Canada -wili celebrafe the 25fh anni- versary of ifs 'opening with a reunion to be held' May 30, 31 and June 1, 1980, in Kingston. Former students and staff members wishing further defails on this reunion should forward their present address f0 the Seek and Find Comm- ittee, Q.E.C.V.î., 145 Kirkpafrick St.,1 Kingston, Ont. K7K 2P4 (613-546-1714). Thank you very much. B.G. Beckwith, Publicity Co-ordinator Q. E.C.V. I. Thanks Dear Mike: This is f0 fhank you for the excellent promofional assistance given the Cancer Society (South Durham Unit) during our recent (April) Campaign. To date proceeds are well up over last year and this is in no small way due f0 the publicity pro- vided by your newspaper. Again many fhanks. Sincerely, Jin, Kirkconnell* Publicity Chairman, South Durham Unit. ID4 i r fth Dear Sir: Thanik you very much for publishîng together on May 16 my separate arti- cles on Broadbent and Trudeau re capital pun- lshment. This has neyer. happened to me before. If ý was most oppc effective at the date. 'J 17 Quel Oshi LcA0j È] cj qu dro Oc M CI 00 17 l C cCI E;J ~1cae: c= BULDNGC0I ACHTETUA &HISTRICAL IGNIICNC TOWN 0 WHITB Counil souldloo at istoica buiding Co ear ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ K Si:laeas njoue f ete-onthtsow -aryofthr1ex2w I wa plase and yars. he ocaton f te buld- insecton turstha ar npesed o ea aot hi kn 0 ispcio igs0 achtetra ad cedle frth na ceMi rad Cucl tu sol eoea itrca infcnei uue men.7bers, touring the centre town area on foot, fo see et*f irsf hand the condition of our streets, annual event and a per-* manent part of Council's activ'ifies. Wifh this note is a map the fown 0f Whifby. Ift may prove of interest to the Mayor and Council members when they Eugene M. Henry For the LACAC 1600 Charles Street, Whitby, Ont. Ashe is queried on nuclear plants EDITOR'S NOTE The followinglis a copy of a leffer fo Durham West MPP George Ashe, on the subject 0f nuclear -energý, which' was sub- .mitted to the Free Press by two Whitby residents. Deiar Mr. Ashe: tters We recently received a flyer from some anti- )rfune and nuclear groups contai- part icular ning the following asse- rtions and we would be Sincerely, very interested in hear- ing the other side of the ohn Knott sfory. bec Street L. The life of each awa, Ornt. nuclear reactor is only'30 years. Whaf are the governmenfs' plans fo cope with th is and at whaf cost? 2. Hydro and the Ato- mic Energy Central Board refuse to release information that would allow independent researchers to evaluafe thée safety of nuclear power sysfemns. 3. Hydro has currently a 40 per cent overcapa- city-and continues fo plan for 6 per cent increase per year *when the increase has only been 3 per cent over the Iast 3 years. Darlington -would not be needed fi into 2000 A.D. If this is so why is Darlington proceeding at such enormous expense to taxpayers. 4. When governments are cutting back in many areas and taxpayers are paying a 100 per cent hydro increase over 4 years ago, why is the govern ment spending 10,000 million '(incurring of hugh debf) in unneeded electrical generating' stations? Looking forward fo hearlng ,your response., SincereIy; William G. Shepherd Mary A. Shepherd 1001 Athol Street Whitby, Ont. Letters to the editor Box 206 Whitby Thanks for printing le,

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