Whitby Free Press, 13 Jun 1979, p. 7

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Broo0klln BylZie a MEADOWCREST PARENT'S GROUP On Wednesday, June 13, the students of Meadowcrrest Sçhool are ail invited to a "Healthy Food Tasting Party"> hosted by the Meadowcrest Parent's Group. This project is in recognition of the "The International Year of the Child" and the theme of the day is "Try Something New That's Good For You". Anyone interested in seeing what's happening is invited' to dropby the school gymnasium between 10Oto 11: 30 a.m. or 1: 30 to 2:30 p.m. DEVELOPMENT MEETING An open meeting sponsored by Myrtie United Church Women and Myrtle Womens' Institute will be held in the basement of Myrtle United Church on Tuesday evening, June 19.at 8 p.m. Edward Weatherall, President of Formulate Consultants Ltd., who act as -Co-ordinate Consultants for the Brooklin development, will advise what-the developmnent will mean- to us locally. Ail area residents are welcome. Bring along those questions to be discussed. RECEPTION The teaching association of Mrs. Anne Milner are planning Tulips are shown at Brooklin Horticulture '79 spring flower show 1"Tip-Toe Through the Tu- lips", was the theme of the May 23 Spring Flower Show held by the Brooklin Horti- cultural Society and member participation was very evident in the 118 entries shown. The' Judges, were Mr. .and Mrs., Van Hloi e of Whitby, who remarked that- the quality of this society's shows, "1gets better ail the time". In the absence of John Jefferies, Grace Coe chaired the meeting and welcomed new members and guests from Brooklin, Whitby, Prince Albert and Ajax. This was followed by a sing-song conducted by Chrissie McKinney accompanied by Rose Heron on the piano. Mary Housego then spoke on Civic Beautification and stressed the need for help this year more than ever as the number of civic plantings has increased. There was a "plant-in" at 9 a.m. in Grass Park on Monday, May 28 and she urgently requested the assis- tance of ail members, even if an hour was ail they could spare, for this worthwhile project. Margaret Davis then intro- duced the guest speaker, Mrs. Otto Richter of Goodwood, who gave a demonstration on herbs. Everyone present was sur- prised and delighted to learn of the benefits to health to be gained by the use of various herbs. Mrs. Richter obviously did her homework on her chosen subject and awakened our tastebuds by supplying reci- pes and helpful hints to those interested in leamning more about this fascinating art. Florence Ashton thanked the speaker. the Tulip Show itseif, was a success , mid Gib Marlow did it agair by winning First Prize for best Specimen wîth two beautiful white tulips. The prize was donated by Brown's Foodmaster of Brooklin. Lunch Was served by Valerie Simons, and Verna Sheppard of the Society and added a final touch to a very enjoyable evening. Just a brief reminder that' the "Iris Show" will be held on June il at Ashburn Church and entries will be accepted from 6:30 pm.to 7:45 p.m. The Meadowcrest Public School Parents'- Group in Brooklin hosted a "Healthy Foods Tasting Party" today as a special project in recog- nition of "The International Year of the Chlld" In keeping with the theme "TRY* SOMETHING NEW THAT'S GOOD FOR YOU" students will be able to sample some less common foods representing each of the four food groups. They will also, keep a record of the foods they try and say wheth- er they like or dislike each. one. Pre-Finished HARDBOARD LAP-SIDING Easy ln stallation Free Estimates A special emphasis on nu- trition was felt to be appro- priate at this'ime since it is so important to ail chiidren's growth both physically and mentally. It is hoped that the project will actively involve students in a learning expe- rience that will be fun and at the same time reinforcean appreciation of good eating habits. The Parents' Group is also making related films avail- able to any teachers who wish to use them and stu- dents will be receiving some pamphlets to Lake home. Ail the advantages of wood but doesn't splinter, crack, rust for dent. Moisture and termnite resistant. Complete pre. finshed or factory primed. Looks Great on any modern, Contempory or traditional building. MICHELL BROTHERS BROOKLUN 655m4991 WIIITY FREE, PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1979, PAGE 7 a reception in honour of her retirement. It will be heîd in the library of Meadowcrest School on Monday, June 18, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Former pupils, parents and friends are invited to corne and extend their good wishes to Mrs. Milner at this time. BROOKLIN UNITED CHURCH The Brooklin United Church Service and Picnic will take place at the Clarernont Conservation Area on June 24, at 1: 30 arn. Bring your family and join in the fellowship and fun. LOGO CONTEST The Brooklin Business Association is currently sponsoring a LOGO contest to develop a logo to identify the business community of Brooklin. Anyone may enter and there is no limit to individualsubmissions. First prize will be $35 and the next three winners wili receive $5 each. Deadline for contest is Septemnber 1, 1979. Entry forms have gone out to school -in the area and are also available from local merchants. More information rnay be obtained by reading an entry form or by calling the LOGO chairman, Chris Greaves at 655-3809.. BROOKLIN AREA BLOCK PARENTS The Brooklin & Area Block Parents Committee would like to thank ail Block Parents and anyone else who kindly donated such lovely'baking for the Block Parent pie. sale held in the arena during the Saturday of the fair. Also, we wish to thank those people who supported our project by purchasing pies. The pie sale was a temendous success with ail pies being sold. The sale netted $122 which will be used for our "International Year of the Child" project, in the forrn of a donation to the "Hospital for Sick Children". Also, a special thank you to ail the children who helped with the Block Parent parade entry. FANCY DRESS WINNERS Winners for dress ini the parade were : Fancy Dress - 3-5 yrs. lst Erin Brady, 2nd Keri Ferguson, 3rd Melissa Vaughan. 6-8 yrs. lst Leigh Anne Dunn, 2nd Christen Vaughan, 3rd Gregg Dunn'. 9-14 yrs. lst Rhonda Bogart, 2nd Jackie Scalici Funnîest 3-5 yrs. no entries, 6-8 yrs. Bobby Frazer, 9-14 yrs. Susan Dimitroff Groups 3-5 yrs. lst Jannice & Jennifer Tripp, 2nd Jeff Burt & Trafford Higgins, 3rd Tammy & Steven Byng. 6-8 yrs no entries, 9-14 yrs. lst Rhonda Svetek, Roberta Dimitroff, Linda Camazzola, Nancy Roche. 2nd Michael Jamsma, Steven Bursey, Dwayne Whitehouse Joel Simpson Best Maie Aduit: Duncan Stewart; Adult Group: Marg Dams, Heather Stewart; Bikes - Best Decorated - Boys - David Carney, Girls - lst Sheree Pinch, 2nd Julie Pinch, 3rd Kim Cartright Best Decorated Bike & Rider - Boys - lst Grant Cole, 2nd Jesse Wilson, 3rd Graham' Randali, Girls- lst, Nicole Catherwood, 2nd Caroline Duivasteyn, 3rd Dianne Randali Best Decorated Baby Transportation 1,lst Stacey Smnith &. LISTEN TO COUNTRY Music ON RADIO 14 CR00 COUNTRY c 47 oo Cà Cà Ti GOOD COUNTRY MUSIC Return the attached coupon to: 9i McMaster Avenue, Ajax LiS 2E6 mm U mm mmm mmm -mum mm m m -m m If you are flot a member of CHOO C;ountry Club, Join now and becomne eligable to win a trip to Wheeling , West Virgina, as wel as other exciting prizes. ADDR ESS POSTAL CODE PHONE BIRTHDAY Your Favourite Country Artist 3. PROUD TU BE PART 0F YOUR COMMUN ITY Food party at sehool NAME z Broclc Heron, 2nd Christine & Matthew Schloan, 3rd John & Jeanette Pluester Best Decorated Pony & Rider - ist Scott O'Neil, 2nd Tanya Durvent, 3rd Melody Reid' Best Decorated Horse & Rider - lst Brenda Barskelis, 2nd Teresa Wilson, 3rd Eleanor O'Neil We would like to note that two of our entrants were vacationers, Trafford Higgins from Sydney, Australia and Jackie Scalici from England. BOT1TLE DRIVE The 2nd Brooklin Cubs and their group committee would like to thank ail those who took part in their recent bottie drive. Without the co-operation of everyone; the citizens of Brooklin, the helpers and especially the local merchants in accepting reurns; the drive could flot have been so successful. Also thanks to the Ladies' Auxiliary for serving the delicicus donuts and hot coffee after the drive Susan Smnith 655-3932 Brown's Drop Off (before noon Sat.) Note: For those people wishing news items to be placed in the Bylines column, the column is taken to 'the Free Press office on Monday morning. Items left at Brown's Foodmaster are picked up on Saturday at noon. Calîs are accepted anytime before Sunday night. Thank you for your news and your cooperation. vacation in town! 8:35 p.m.- ONLY PLUS ..... 7.00 p.m. AIVMANfl "THANK GOD .IVS FRIDAY,"' SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEE SAT 1:30 pm ALL MEATS sioeý C>ïi* 00

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