À PAGE 12, WEBDNESDAY, JUNE 209,1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS Dr.- Davshonoe'ycolg fe il years as principal dimier' and farewell rec- he would like talWk te those you always will hA WAI,'n.i ksi ...-- -4 à ,-- " - v.an a s niua at te Ont- ario Ladies College, Rey-, nolda Street, Whltli, honour- ing Dr. and Mrs. Reginald Davis recently. Dr. Davis Is retiring at the end of the College year from the post of principal of the Ontario Ladles'College after il years of service. His successor bAS BEEN APPOINTED AND WILL TAKE up residence at the Cottage adjacentto the Col- lege later ln the sunimer. More than '200 alumnae members, friends and for- mer faculty men'ibers and the 128 students of the Col- lege attended the- reception and dinner. Robert Palmer on bebaif 'of the Faculty and Staff said present about ,two dear friends, - Reginald and Eleanor Davis Who came to 0.L.C. il yearsaofo Vancouver.' aofo ."Under bis leadership the School bhas stood the test of leadership and maintained a high level of enroilment.. The governing of such a com munity requires skill of leadership.. "One of the great bighlights during bis term 0 f office wi th Ontario Ladies College was Centennial Year (1974) witb the Centennial Bail and the visit of the Lt. Gov. Pauline McGibbon to the school."P Mr. Palmer concluded his remarks by telling Dr. and Mrs. Davies that they "have u1çt wfflsa.al-bosoie t e nteatogra- Board m " iutings wa s w bLU~flS ad a wife Eleanor was a great CUSTOM, WOOD VNLLN FENCING Umjm PRESSURE ~ TREATED LUMBERNORTH AMERICA'S FIRST & FINEST WILL NOTBE____ ___ UNDERSOLDI* CHAIN LINKSMO I FENCING GALVANIZED BRACKET for 2 x 4's Reg. -32 PRICE LIST TENNIS COURTS Efla 16ç REG. SALE 1"if x 60" x 5' 1960 1.45 DOG RUNS BAC UYRD. TRAMPOLINE "x 6" x 6# 1.92 1.74 ** CUSTOM WOOD : ylen be 2 fi et'FENCNG *Factory Direct 2"14" x 8' 3.20 2996 *ECN Fun For The Whle Farmly, 29# 4 t x o" .00 .70timing & balance 2" 4 x10 4.0 .7 *ORNAMENTAL Sizé3'4" x 8#x3w" hi h 4" x4" xs' .08 .00FENCING 4"1 x 4"" x 10" 8.0O0 750PELNC 10W COST Custom iînstallation or do DOORS & AWNINGS ityourself.Ail items aalbefrom stock for CUSTOM BUILT &Si NSTALLED AT VOUR HOME. dmeitepcp&SLE$9 z-312691 IB-- 1C179; NnfAinn HMEIOAA7I J f to O.L.C.11 and on bebaif of the Facuityand Staff presen- ted witb a statue pedestal Iamp and marbie -top lamp table. Chris Burns the Head Girl at Ontario Ladies' College on behaif of the 128 students read a poem dedicated te Dr. and Mrs. Davis wbicb said in part that the girls *were "feeling bappy and s0 sad, don't know wby.. .Please remnember why we -love you.,Y, Then- she presented Dr. Davis witb a gift wbich she boped they would "laccept as a token of our esteemn for your kindness througb the years."1 She also presented a packaged gift. In reply Dr. Davis accep- ted the gifts by saying "Iwe will treasure somnetbing like this more than words can express. The tape recorder is a beautiful machine. A love- ly way te record ail the May Days and we will use it for years and years." Dr. John Davies, of Whit- by, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ontario Ladies' Coilege said, the Board members are "very pleased that Reginald (Davies) is flot going that far away and we will be able to maintain that friendship which has develo- ped over the years. "Ris expert advice at hostess at the College and as a B"rd Memnber 1 can say we have enjoyed the Davies. "The Board bas created a Scholarship in Reg's honour. It is to be known as the Dr. Reginald Davis Scholarsbip and wihl be prese»(teco 0the girl who shows the greatest endeavour in ail efforts. The interest from the Scholar- sbip is to be Presented annu- ally beginning witb this year's Commemcement", Dr. Davies said. Rev. John Smà ith of St. Mark's United Churcb, Wbo bad been bonoured by the St. Mark's Congregation the day before said, "this bas been a very pleasant evening. A time of kind thougbts and we have been surrounded b>' a mfood of joyous gladness. "Some time ago the Board commissioned that a portrait be made of Dr. Davis. It will hang in the Main Hall as a testimony and tribute to our beloved principal and a token of appreciation and affection that the Board, Faculty, Staff and students bas for him." The portrait, was then unveiled by thePresident 0f the Board, Dr. Davies and a smaller copy of the portrait was presented to Eleanor and the Davis Family. Dr. Davis in accepting the many, gifts said, "Iwe are overshelmed. Nothing we can say can telli you how much we appreciate ail you have done for us. We neyer expected anything like tbis and'we are most ... My part- ing word is - it is your world flow...so good luck to O.L.C.; we will neyer forget it, neyer." Dr. and Mrs. Davis and daugbter Cathy were sur- rounded by those present wbo attended the receptior. and dinner. The couple and their dau- gbter are moving te their new home in Oshawa during the summer., Before the surprise night was over Dr. and Mrs. Davis lef t the College Auditorium and entered the Principal's residenceto be welcomed by another group whô gave the retiring principal and bis wife another surprise party. sabulane thanýked The Whitby Fire Depart- ment would like to express its thanks -to the, staff of Town Ambulance for the work they did in assisting three fire fighters injured at a bouse fîre June 7. Captain Jim Corner, Act- ing Captain Paul Gale and Fire Figbter Dallas King suffered froni beat exhaust- ion when fighting a blaze in the third floor of a bouse at Dundas Street and Hall's Road. Acting Captain Gale was also- burned wben some hot tar fell on bisneck. The tbree men were back at work witbin a day. DR. AND MRS. DAVIS LA CONTESSA BEAIJTY LOUNGE. ,19 Green Street '668-9262 A d à %ntint mon