Whitby Free Press, 27 Jun 1979, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS w h itb y Published every Wednesday by M.B.M. Publishing and Photography Ine. Phone 668-6111 The Free Press Buildin eydd b tVolce of the County Town Michael an BurgesPublsher - Managlng Edtor131 Brock Street North, 'lhe only Whitby newspaper Independently owned and ýperated by Whitby residents for Whitby residents. P.O. Box 206, Whitby, 0 Community Editot crontributing Editor Production Manager Pnai &promotional Manager Ctassltied Ad i q -Brian Winter -Jim Quail -Marj Burgess -Robin Lyon Carole Bertin Mailing Permit No. 460 Member ot the: Better Business Bureau of Toronto Whitby Chamber of Commerce Weli done, Doc! Whitby's Treasurer and Co-ordinator of Develop- ment, Forbes "Doc" McEwen, should be called "Dock" McEwen, in recognition of the many hours of work he has put in during the past five years in preparing Whitby's new marina at the harbor. The marina was officially opened Friday afternoon, and Doc McEwen was hard at work pitching in with a paint brush in hand, putting the finishing touches on the marina office the night before. The rday before the H ER: du *R opening, he was able to get the sod laid around the :... building, just in time. ---- Mayor Jim Gartshore put the marina at the top of his priority list five years ago and deserves scredit for spearheading the project, but it was Doc McEwen who put in the long hours, month after month, arranging the financing, engineering and the many agreements and approvals required from three levels of government to bring the project to fruition. Doc was right when he said the age of sail is returning to Whitby harbor after 150 years, and he was largely responsible for bringing a dormant harbor back to life again. But this is only the beginning of the story. During the next five years, a public lakefront park will be developed and the marina is expected to expand to the point where it will accomodate 400 boats. We at the Free Press, salute Doc McEwen for his dedication and hard work in bringing this project into . . .... being. The politicians may make the statements and dream the dreams, but it is the staff like Mr. McEwen who have the sometimes thankless task of turning political dreams into reality. Congratulations Doc. Ail you.need now is a boat. R eunion committee planned event well Henry Street High School's 25th anniversary reunion last weekend was an overwhelming success, far beyond the expections of a small committee which labored for more than six months on the project. More than 2,000 people are estimated to have attended the reunion, and one could tell from the smiles on their faces that they were having a good time meeting friends they had not seen in years. A lot of credit should go to John Bolton and his team of reunion committee members who worked many long hours to set up this big event, the f irst in the school's history. Reunions are a great idea, and perhaps they should be held more often. The success of the Henry Street High School Reunion proves this point. We congratulate those responsible, for a job well done, and speak on behalf of all those who attended, in saying. that the Henry High Reunion was one of highlights of the year in Whitby. Reader dugusted with school board over Grade 6 move Dear Sirs: Re. the shuffling around of young school children from "Fair- man "etc. because of new sub divisions, I and many more are disgusted with the school-board. We voted in people who have lived in Whitby for years and more ancr bought their owc homes near schools. Now new- comers come and they are given preferences over these. Why?. Question: Why not drive ALL THE NEW CHILDREN from Otter and Pringle Creek to one school. "Heard" or where and notdrop and pick up local ones around Fairman. These parents have paid school taxes for 8 or more years and they have their rights First. School Board Members, WAKE UP. Yours Sincerely .H.F. Smith Whltby, Our Block Parents stand criticized Dear Sir: It was with utter am- azement that I read your article entitled "Where are the Block Parents?" I. agree totally, with your basic issue, that children should not use the road as a playground. Being a resident in the Blair Park Area, I regret you having singled us out. Your incident is indeed unfortunate. There are, however, in this area many :aring parents, who spend long fretful hours supervising the children, ail the time Ins- tilling in them the dan- gers of the road. I also, must disagree with your implication that our Block Parent program in Whitby is not in tune to the true dan- gers to our children. Why did your criticism stop with Block Parents? Why not include Police, Teachers; P.T.A., Y.M.C. A. or any organization that comes in contact with children? Are we aIl not responsi- ble? Block Parent or not! You have made a gene- ralization stating "appa- rently Block Parents are neglecting the safety of the children." I am taking this to heart. I arn a Block Pa- rent. I am also Chair- person for the area sur- rounding Blair Park. In this area we have approx. 700 homes. Of these 100 are Block Parents. You are demanding that 100 out of 700 take the responsibility for our children's safety. Block Parents care, but we are not Babys'itters! I don't think criticizing a program, which is doing a lot of positive things will achieve your goal., Perhaps, it is your res- ponsibility to support our program, by explaining the good it achieves, and, the need it fulfills. Maybe then, we would gather the. support we need to effectively cover our area. One final question sir. What will your paper do, on a positive note, to improve our children's knowledge of basic rules of traffic and road sa- fely ? Thank you, Yours sincerely, Elaine E Tully . 905 Harding Street, Whitby, Ontario. Bloc k Parents not babysitters Dear Sir: As a Block Parent, I take exception to your article "Where are the Block Parents?"' "Block Parents' is a volunteer organization set up to help children in case of emergency. We are not babysitters who are to sit on our front lawns checking that other peoples' children are playing in the park. As a reporter, I believe you have a duty to learn what the function of orga- nization is before you write such uninformed statements. Your argument was well stated until you brought in the Block Par- ents. We would all like to see that children are playing safely and are not in danger; but, parents are the guardians of their own children. It would be refreshing to have them assume their responsi- bility. If a child is on the road, I will tell him to play on the sidewalk as a concer- ned person. It is not my duty as a Block Parent. Helen Clarke 912 Dublin Streel' Whitby Thanks from Jaycees Dear Mike: On behalf of the Whitby Jaycees we would like to express a most sincere "Thank you" to the Whit- by Free Press and your- self for your ready assis- tance in pubiicizing our recent "All Candidates Night'. In addition we wish to thank those merchants who extended their co- operation and assistance in enabling us to place posters in store windows throughout the town. Certainly not least, we wish to thank the 250 plus citizens who attended the event and who together with the candidates pro- vided a most successful evening. Yours truly, Keith Wagar David Loft WhItby Jaycees g, int. -7

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