Whitby Free Press, 4 Jul 1979, p. 17

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, $ULY 4, 1979. PAGE 17 Fg>, ISEVES BROOKLIN, TOOL CG. SPECIAL SALE Air tools $40 Mirometers $19 2 ton hoist M~ Woerfrset, $20 Vioe $50 1Impact Socket set $30 ýp & Dye set $3e' Plus oter related prod.. Dealerç welcmompd Complote &ùtnnïôtive 'Gar'açie upplies 683rl753 HIGHEST PRICES, Paid for Gotd and Silver coins, aid guns, clocks, jewolery, dishes, furniture, crocks, oit, paintings and seaiers. FRIENDI V FL.EA MARIKEt. 7 25-Ã"783 23KING ST.W. CARPENTRY' 1HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS MET0LI C.B - 2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tiling, -OrYwall, Rec. Roomns, Cedar Decks and Patio FREE ESTIMATES MOBILE ON-SITE CONCRETE Ready mlxed concrete for home owners. Patio, sidawalks, foundations, slabs etc. Saturday daliverles cali 686-2220. BUBBUNSSIDINO AIlumlnum & vinyl siding, sof- filt, fascia & seamiess alumni- num eavestroughlng installa. -lion. Free estimates,. very roasonable. Cail 666-1979 ave- nings, 10 par cent discount for f.niWor citizens. UNEMPLOYED? Be a profes. slonaldrlvlng lnsfructor. Earn Upi te $7 hr. with compay car, . Tralnlr<g availabie. Must be over 21. Phone belwean 8:30. 4:30, Monday to Friday 725- 2501. Urgently Needed - Ladie' hpr.Elderiy women non smokig to do light choras & cara for 9 yr. old boy in exchange for.room & board. Please apply in writing to MBM Pubiishing, P-0. Box 206, Whitby, Ontario. FOR RENT Off ice' Spece. Up to 20,000 sq. ft. sprinkiered. Hopkins St. Cali coilect Toronto 633-1615. SWIMMING POOLS TO RIENT Will lease and instali for home- owners, family size aluminim swimming pools with patio. Choice of styles, meeting al fencing regulations on a one, two or thraa year rentai ba- sis with option to buyl Cail IMPERIAL POOLS tQll free 1 -80-268-5970. Whitby- Three beckoomn townhouse, broadloomed, throughout, appliances, close to transportation and facilities ESRICES Qualioty Screened TOP SOIL -AlSO SAND &STONE TDARNTS LOAM SUPPLY Brock Rd., NW. R. R. 1, Pickering 683-0887 $400 a mo. Includes hydro, parking and maintenance. Tel. 668-4254. Available lst Aug. 1979.> G O-SLE SWIMMING POOL Manufac- turer has new 1978 Pools, regu. lar price $2,190 now jat our in sea'son special of $1,355. Pools corne with -walkaround deck, patio, fencing, pump, motor & filter. Deîivery arranged to your convenlence. For best selection and information caîl IMPERIAL POOLS toîl free 1-8001268-5790. MUSC. OLD FURNITURE for sale. Apply at 852 Byron N. St. June 20,79. CAMPER FOR SALE 1971 hard-top camper.* Excellent condition. Asking $900 or bestt offer. Phone 668.0442. Auto Body Shop for sale, Presently in operation. Osha- wa location. Premises undar, 22 -Cubic -ft.'freezer. White $325. Phone 668-7938. Queent size boxk spring and matraso. Good condition. Cal 75 Pinto. Automatic. Newly painted. Very good condition $1500 or best offer. Phone 668-8937. 1976 PONTIAC LEMANS Ex- cellent condition. Caîl 579-4975 (Mon. Fr1. 9-5:30) or 1-987- 4483. -- 77 Thundarbird - Perfect con- dition. Loaded, stored winters, undercoated, air, stereo <Sony DC34). No scratches. Leather interior. Original price $8,700. Must sacrifice. Gatting marriad Asking $5,850. Must be sean Phono 576-1462. 71 BuickCLaab-re ingoed condition. $1,000. Certified. Phone 668-9078. EHOESFOR SALEI OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTY BaNmanviile, Scugog Rd. N., si1tua ted be tween Iwo Chris tia n Schools, ovor 1/2 acre lot, landscaped, mature trees, 4 bedroom immaculato bunga- loN,paved circular drive, atta - ched garage plus many more extras. Please cail Woudstra, Real1tor, 985-5915 f or detla ils. Thistia Terry, & pat <nea Palmer) are thrilled te annou- nce thÃŽe arrivai of their son, Paul, Andraw, 7 lbs. 15 oz. on June l4th, 1979 at Scar- borough. Centenary Hospital. A littla brother for Jaffray. Thanks to Dr. Redhili and staff . e When is chieken done? When a fork Ca» be inserted with ease, the chicken i8 fully cooked. If you're roasting the whole bird, it's done when the leg moves readily if lifted or twisited. ENOES The Canadian Scottish Club of Whitby who ana organizing this year's County Town Car- nival - wish to apologize to, those service clubs andfor organization which wve negle- cted te contact regarding f boat antry in the Carnivai parade. If -your 'club wishes to enter the Camnival parade, pleasa contact P.D. Charles McKay or Pres. Frank Webster, 668- 8268'or 668-5603 respectiveiy. The parada is baing held Aug. 4th and we axtend and invi- tation for ail clubs te enter. AUCTINS Auctien Sale, - Sat. , July 7th, sale time 12:30 p.m. Partial property cf' Leonard '& Rita Beadie, Port Perny. Reason for sale, meving te appartment Held in Prince'Albert Hall: InLiqs_frOst-free fidge; Inglis steve; Inglis dryer; Ze-enith wringer washer; Hoover spin dryer-washer; chesterfield & chair; st ereo; antique dresser; dinijnglroarnsulte;,wlcker chaise ; 'pictures & frames; lamps; 26" corvatter colour tolevision; rocking horse; crecks; jars; glasswere, 9 x 12 beige carpet; self -propelied lawn mowar; .picni<: tabla; 3 horse-power rote-tiller; weed sprayer; hammick; extension leddar; barbaque; bench vise (sep laddar; 1 0-speed bicycle <ike *naw>; rocking chair; coder chest; china cabinet; chroma set. John Pearce Auc- tionear 985-7492., Auction of Antique & collac- tibIa items, July 14, 12 noon for Mn. & Mrs.ý C. Linard, 201 Hibbert St., Oshawa. Go north on Park Rd off Hwy. 401. Part of' list includes 3/4 sreol bad, bowfment bed, mpaplechest, qevpral other chests, mapia end table un- usuel design, twe drossers with mirrers, oeacedar chest <eld) tablea ad chair (pedostal brass clewfeetj, 20 eld picturo fra- mes, several old chairs, twe banches, Plus tabla, 9 x 12 carpet, buttermold, ginger- bread dlock, s'idoboard, rail- way lantomn, Aladdin lamp, 50 places of dapression glass, old scales, several small appli- ances, many collectible pieces, bass, copper etc. firoplace screon, artificiel f ire Iogs, quantity of handyman teols, woedsander, saber sale, some old tools, many more items, tee numareus te mention. Terms cash & chargex. Auc- tioneer Don Burd, Stouffville 640-2928. Auction Sale - Fni., July 13 10:30 a.m. Property Leuvella Haper, 108 Victoria Dr. Ux- bridge. -<lst street north of Hospital). Sala of antique turn., glass & ishas, incouding bowmanville rocker; platform rocker; 4 chicken coop chairs; wainUt sideboard; walnut tea- wagon; Windsor side & armn chairs, boston nursing rocker, <modern); cookstova <coal or Wood) treale sewing machine; wool winder; pine blanket box; oak extension tabla, empire arm chair; brass & iron bed; 5 PcS. bedrnom suite; (depre- ssion); 2 d(ssei toý swillieý mimrons; 2 old chests of dra- wems; set of 6 cane bottom chairs; set of 6 oak dinfing chairs; empire sofa; oak secre- tany (old) oak railtabie; pine open face vmshstand; drop leaf tabla with Jacobean legs; old Plenle Chieke, Bundie 1 whole chicken ieg, drumstick and thigh attached 114cup bread crumbs 1/4 teaspoon Lawry's Pinch of Herbs 1 tablespoon melted butter or margarine Lawry>s Seasoned Sait Lawry's SeasonedPepper leg, foll owing the -bone. Scrape meat' away from the bone carefully, do flot eut through the skin. Remove the bone., Combine bread crumbs, Pinch cf Herbs and melted butter. Place bread mixture j» centre cf meat; fold, sides te make "Ibundie" . Secure with string. Sprinkle with Seasoned Sait and Seasoned Pepper. Bake at 3500F for 45 minutes or grill on the barbecue. Makes 1 serving. quilts; school bed; 2 wash] jug Sets, 2 manle cdocks sealers; silver tee set; carnival glass candie holdars; corona- dion plates; quantity of bona Bavina c; cut glases fuito chvin c;cups & aesNripo bowis; cil lamps; two copper voilers; quantlty cf Royal Win- ton; auantity cf Pressed glass; Z seiS cf oldgobbîets setters; Part set cf Nertaka Nippon China tea sets; 7 crocks Ber-. slum tea set; & numnerous other articles. Evarything is aid. Antique collectors. Para- dise owner in Nursing Home. Terms cash. No reserve. John Annis, auctioneer. 665-4663. Bolsemian Potato Salad 6new potatoes, cooked in skins 1/4 CUP cider vinegar 1/-2 cup salad off 2 teaspýoons Lawry's Seàsoned Sait 1-1/2 teaspoons Lawry's Pinch of Herbs 1/2 teaspoon diii weed 1 medium onion, thinly sficed Remeve skins from po- tatees while potatees are stili warlisce. Combine re-' maining inigredients except onion; mix ýwelI. Pour over petatoes; add onion and tess to coat petato suices. Serve warm or, cold. Makes 6 servings. 1On-the-go Gazpacho Satad 2 Engiish cucumbers, finely choppedé 6 tomatoes, finely chopped finely chopped 1 onilon, fineiy chopped ipackage Lawry'sltalian DressingMixforsaiads Uemon wedges Drain all chopped vege- tables' thoroughly. In a 2 quart glass canning jar or large bowl, alternate vege- tables in 1-inch layers until jar is fuil. Prepare Italian Salad Dressing accerding to, package directions. Pour prepared dressing ever vege- tables. Refrigerate at least 4 heurs befere serving. Serve with lemon wedges. Makes 8 Se if yeu are eager te treat the family te a good meal eut, take them to the great outdoors in Canada. The fresh air and good fcod is bound te - get a four-star rating fremi everyone in *attendance. *Whole chlckens are your best buy. Net only do they cost less per pound, but they retain more of their juiciness and flavor. When you've cut the bird for cooking, unused backa and gib- lets can be frozen and reserved for making chicken stock. 1 PEERS W.' DAVIDSONS.A.,DDS is pleasedi to announoe that DAVID W. GARANT, .ScDODOS.: has joined hlm.,ý" in the practioe of dentistry it 112 Athot St., Suite A Offie HUIS Whitbv, Ontarlo by A'PointMent 58T1ep5n To Order Your IE I FUEL Mloney.On DX Premium Qalty Fuel OUl Phono 668-3381 DX FUEL OIL Cati Us To-uay For Prpt Ioumtous Servic& 157DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY, ONT. 1 VACTIN NOMES, THIE R-EGIOiNAL *UNICPALITY -sOF DURHAM DURHAM FOR SALE BY SEALED BlD 4 PORTABLE BUILDING UNITS 36 ft. x, 24 ft., aluminum sided, electrically heated, weIl insulatedunits. Constructed in 1975 for office use. Ideal for cottage or retirement homes, f ield offices. Tentatively available mid-August. VIEWING: Friday, July Gth, 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Saturday, JuIy 7th, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Regional Municipality of Durham, Courthouse Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whit.by, Ontario. Signed and sealed bids wiIll be received by the Ragional Clark. Mr. C.W. Lundy, Regional'Municipality of Durham, 605 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby, Ontario. Li N 6A3 until 2:00 p.m., Thursday, August 2nd, 1979*. Each offer must be accompanied by a certif ied chaque payable to the Regional Municipality of Durham-for, at least 10 percent of the amount.of the bid as a deposit. Highest or any bid not'neoessarily accepted. Terms and condi- tions of sale availabla at timne of inspection or by contacting F. Wilkinson at 416-668-7711. And when he was entered into a ship, hs disciples followed him. And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves; but he was asleep. And his disciples came to him,, a nd awoke, him, saying, Lord, save us; we perish. And he saith unto them, Why are ye.fearful, 0O ye o!ô litefaith? Then he arose, and rebuloed the unnds and the sea; and there was great calm. 1 1- 1 The Calming of teSea 1 r

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