PAGE" 12'. WBDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1979, WBITBY F REE PREgS Worklng wiltho Send YOuIM-Doduitibt Contribution To: ,, OXFAM.CANADA OTTAWO& IIIINA NAUPAX CALOAAYI S.JOHWS VANCOIDIB Boye win-s horse show on Mr.'Kahok Bars Held on Saturday, July, 2lst at Piniewood Place on- ighway-12, four miles north New Owner 0f.. SHOP AND- SAVE UN DUR JUM OCCASIONAL CHAIRS By, SLAR 100% Orlona Covers, Arm.' Caps lnclud.d, *~7 Mfg Lent- $29500- 3O9Brock St. S. Whltby ShoppngoPlaza Estblshe 152 ,WH ITBY 66,8-2081 "OAAIM US TO SATISFY" IDundaiq Colborne Dunlop IJ- A I Parent treated t entertai i youngstE goo rid manshiP, to the g91 BOI bfer ýandý coéking Pinewood. 26 riders and 28horses took part in the, 14 events of riding,ý shçwmanship, jump- ing and' western games, being ,judged by Ms Monica Taylor - who took the. time out to explain-both gooôd and, bad. points to. each 'andý every rider., The rider takingthé "lHig h Point" prize was Davi Boyce of Whitby' with. 42 points riding .(his own horse)ý Mr. Kahok' Bars, and 13' points'ridingCindereila., Runner Up.was Canja with. 41. points ridden,, by, Leslie White and ShaeleneMelnnes of- Oshawa., Thie "Fiat" trophy went to Ches ter, ridden .'by ,Stacy Brown oÃ"fPrt Perry. Ru n- ners up..were .Kahok, Bars ridden-by David'Boyce and Canja ridden by Leêslie White D avid Boyce and his horse, Mr. ,Ka'hok Bars, winners of the over-all competitièn, at the Junior Horse Show held at Pine Wood Place, July.-21. The'. ,"Jumping, Trophy"l was, won ,by Canja ridden by LeslieWihite With the runner Up Ship's Dial ridden by Maureen Ankent of Ashburn.- The -"IWestern -Games" trophy was won, by Blondie riciýdenby Michelle Neel 0f.2 Port Perry and runne r up was Kahok Bars'ridden by David Boyce. Pinewood place is 'hosting the 2nd County Town Carni- val Horse Show, on Aug. 5th, but preceded by the School- ing Show on Julv 28th. Whitby Community Bingo eJaycee e Kiwanis« 9, Kinsmen *Opim0 t 2- JACKPOTS. EVERY-.,MONDAY NIGHT Monday, JUIy301979. Lic. No.8,235481 FIRST JACKPOT AT54NUBR SECOND JACKPOT AT501 NUMBERS Manday Night Winnor, Shirley Baker-- 7:15 p... Noý childron undor .16 ad.iftod. NO ADMISSION CHARGE! HEYDEN SHORE, PAVILlON ___(Corner Water St. & Dunlop Dr., Whitby) AÀà / i \ N -J I