Whitby Free Press, 25 Jul 1979, p. 24

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7$' PAGE 16t WEDNESDAY, JULY 25,1979. WMITBY FRE PRE-SS' ERVICEN JSPECAtSALEÊ Air tools $W Micromteri .2 for' hostI~ briO Prs 225' 3 Ton Car Stanid $21 Tie; & ie $35 Plue'. other related.prod'.. Dealers wetcomed Complïto Automotive% .Garage Sup'pÏitos 68317 53 HUGHEST PRICES Poid for Gold ànd Silvor coins, aid guns, docks, jewelery, dishes, furnituro, cracks, ail, palntingsnd sealers. PR IENDLY FI!EA MARKEF 72&Ã"783 23 K ING ST.' W., Ã"eHAW CARPENTÉYr HOME REPAIRS i MPROVEM ENTS .METRQ LIC5. B -2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tiling, Drywall, Rec. Roo s Codar Docks a'àndPatio Doors. fFREE ESTIMATES. Cat668-4686, MOBINS SIDINO<' Ê. iminumn & vinyl siding, sof- fia, fascia & seamtess alumni-, num ,-eavestroughing installa- tion., Free estimates, very roasanable. Cai 666-1979 eve- nings. 10 per cent discaunt, for nior citizens. FOB ET FOR RENT Off ice See.Up ta 20,000 tq. fti sprinktered, Hopkins<é. .Ouii cotlect Tarante, 633-1615. SWlMÃŽiNJG POOLSTO RENT Wiii Ïeasa and instai for home»- owners, famity suze aiuminim swimming pools with patio. Choice of styles, meeting ail fencing regulations on a ane, two or three year rentai ba- sis with option ta buyl Cati IMPERIAL POOLS.toit free 1-800-268-5970. APARENTS FOR RENT WHITBY APPARTMENT FOR RENT 2 bedroomn appart- mnent in tri-plex. Niceiy fenced in yard. Cali after 4 pm. 839.4715. FORSAE SWIMMING POOL Manufac- turer has new 1978 Pools, regu- ar price $2,190 now at aur in season special of $1,355. Pools came wifh walkarotjnd deck, patio, fencing, pump, motor & filter. Detivery arranged ta yaur convenlience. For besf selection anid Information cal IMPERIAL POOLS f011 free 1.800-268-5790. MtSC. OLD FURNITURE for sale. Apply at 852 Byron N. St. June 20,79. ONE SELF CLEANING OVEN black, fairiy new. Best offer. Automatic washer & dryer, good condition. Plhone 648-0552 mornines. SERVCS QuuIyScMoned. TOP SOIL Also SAND & STONE TEDý' ARNTS LOAM SUPPLY Brock Rd., N., R. R. 1, Pickering 683-0887 SWETCON* OWREADY. Keifh'Bell Farm, Murtle Rd. No. 5, 3 mites n. 0f Brookiin, 1 mile E. of Hwy. 12. Phone 655-3326. GOOD CONDITION. 4 x* 8 pool table, with' table tennis top aisa. $250 or best offer. Cal 655-4334. 1972 ýOLDS DELTA i8 As Is., Law mites. Good condition. $475. Now or besf off er, this week. Phone 683-6321. 75 DODGE. Club cab pick-up. 318 engine. Power steering. Autamatic with cap. Asking- $2,9 00. Calt1AI at 668.9582 af ter 5 p.mn. EOESFOR SALE OUT,0F TiOWN ýPROPERTY Bowvmanvitte, Scugag, Rd. N., s!Ïiuat',ed belween ýtwo Christian Schois,' over 1/2 acre lot, landscaped, mature trees, "«4 bedroamn immaculate bunga- low,paived circua rdrive, a tta- ched garageplus many. mare extras. Please caît Waudstra, Real1tar, 985-5915 f or de la1Ils. DACRE EXPERIENCED and reliabie babysitting ln aur home. Mon. - F ri- Key East- area. Good lunches. Have two chiidren of aur own $35 a week. Celi 668-1218 anytime. WANTD RESPONSIBLE MATURE person ta babysit Infant 2:30 p.m. fil 12. Monday ta Friday, starting August 20, my home or yours. Otter Creek area. Phone 668-8275. BUSINESS ý'RTORUNTIES EXPANDING GARDEN CENTRE ,iocated on main highway ortf Bowmanville. Including store, 5000 sq. f t. greenhouses, starage barn, shade houses, 10 ý'1/2 acres 0f sandy Ioam sali, 1900 sq. ft. bungalow inciuded.,Owner refiring. Asking $149,000. Cali 579-8066. EAND FOR SALE BARGAîN 1 wooded acre. Lakefront. 10 miles Haliburton Village. $7,500. Phone 985-3939. A BEAUTIFUL LOT 3 1/2 acres wifh barn for horses, ln Mitlbrook on Hwy 115. Phone 668-3140. 1)SAL StBI YARD SALE Saturday, 28th & Sunday 29th at 10:00 a.m. ln the morning. 513 Perry St. N. Whitby. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OP DURHAM, PUBLIC'NOTICE RELOCATION 0F REGIOÇNAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT Effective August 7, 1979 the Durham Region Finance DepartmOflt, includlflg the, Water Billing Section is moving Its off ices from 605 Rossland -Road East, Whltby il ~~.1 Durham Tower, 60 Bond Street West, (Centre and Bond Streets) Oshawa, Ontario. Telephone: (416)'571-3311 Ail enquiries regarding water biIlng services or the payment of bis< should be made at the new location. Aternativeiy, bis may also be pald at any Chartered Bank withln the Region or by mail. L Main stream CanaaJ Who* Creates thme Jobs? in Canada - 1977., between 1971 anhd SATURDAY, JULY 28 at 12:30 p.m. - com pleW leianng auc- tion of cantemporary & antique furniture; g lass; china; appli. ances; tools ; misc. items etc. The property of Mr. Roy McWhirter, tocated on 13 Queen St., Braakiin (off Win- chester) Partial itst inctudes: 7 pc. mapte< dining suite; large mapie hutch;'excellent sofa ý& chair; walnut coffee & end tables; drop leaf tables; rocker;' treadie sewing' ma- chine; occassionai tables & chairs; table & standing.. iamps; dlocks; ail lamps; cracks; orthopedic box sprIngs & mattresses ( mas. aId);_, pIctures;ý mirrors; Rayai Dauton dinner set for 8, "Tiara"; crystai setting for 8 "lesquisite",; cups & saucers; silver service; sets of dishes; cutiery;, Moffat 'setf cleanIng stove (1 year aild); PhilcO fridge; Viking upright.freezer -(2 yr. aid); Westinghous e fridge; Akai sterea w/2 spea- kers; R.C.A. Colour,,TV; Hu- ,midifier; vacuum; bar - B.Q; .'pIng pong & shuff te board games; lawn furniture; toats; tinens; bianketsr- books; tin caddies; garden toals; -'1641 chain link fence& other misc. Items. This is an excellent sale of goad cdean mdse. Terms cash or good cheque (with 1.D) Na reserve. Praperty said. Kahn, Auction Services. 985- AUCTION SALE Manday,.July 30th at 6:30 p.m. The propertie 0f Mrs. R. Heighton 0f Nash Rd. opposite courtice High Schaai. 1/4 mile west of Caurtice Rd. Watch for'signs. House sold. Movinig out of area. Na reserve. Westinghouse ,15 cub 'ic f t. f rost f ree f ridge and Westinghouse auto 30"l range; Inglts auto washer & dryer. Alil apprlances are ln excellent condition., Harvest gaid 18 cubit f t. freezer; beds& dressers; chrome tables& chairs; 3 pc. black sectional chesterfileid; >odd chairs; camptete household dishes; picnic table; iawn chairs; drap leaf table; foling doars; hand tools; garden toais; good Sears iawn moweri 1969 Chev.; roof racks; roof box, plus many ather articles fao numeraus ta mention. 'Ross McLean, Auctioneer. 576-7550. AUCTION' SALE Thursday, July 26th.at 1:00 p.m. at 406 Brock St. N. Whitby. The pro- perty of Kryie SoutlIweii. Piumbing f0015; sheet mefai & furniture; 54 years ln plumbing business; goad waoden table; table & six chairs; sectional book case; leaded glass; Singer treadie - sewing machine; wooden desk; adding 'machine; Quebec heater; 24"1 range; chrome suite; waoden f itiing cabinet; aid scaies; salid copper washing machine; vice; eiectric grinder; aid radio pipe vices; iacket heat. er; 3 large aid. cupboards; furnace vacuum cleaner; biow forch; dies; wrenches;ý quanti. »fy sheet metai; aid boat; woad p0sf; ptus many articles toc numeraus ta mention. Ross McLean Auctioneer. 576-7550. Street people are feet people. They're neat people who meet people. Why not j oin up? Takce a walk. LOTIES INVERLYNN LIMITED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Inverlynn Limited intends ta, dissolve by filing articles of dissolu- tian-,with., the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations pursuant ta The Business Carporatians Act. DATED at Whitby this 25 day of July, 1979. Catherine M. Seheli, President ThieIl&Faderai Trade Commis- siond now requires mail or* der firms ta fi consumner or- dors within 30 days or offer customers their money back. In an attempt ta resolve a longý history of con sumer campiaints, the Commission adopted a rule 1requiring mail companies ta: - Natify cansumers wlthin 30 days after re- ceivlng an order if there wili be a delay and the merchan- dise witl nat be shIpped withln the stated time. - Give consumers the option., If the delivery date cannat b. met, ta cancai. - Pro- vide cansumers with an adequate cost-free means to notlfy the f rm af can- celtation, such as a post- age-pald card. - Refund the consumer's money, il requested. oel« s* N e e-'ci TMME WtORWtIG OVER PRESENT PROBLEMS.. MORE ARE JUST AROUNIP TE CORNER oe. By W. Roger WVorÃŽh Mary operates a smaii cer- ner store un Vancouver and em- ploys three people; Sam man- ufactures wood products in Quebec, hiring 14 fuil-time workers to produce a variety of crafted Items for the retail trade, including a large depart- ment store chain. John Is a Maritime con tractor, employ- ing seven fuil-time staff and another dozen durlng the sum- mer months. lu an unusuai way, the three Canadians are connected. They've ai hi red one extra fuil-time empioyee durlng the Iast few months-, creatlng an- other three jobs and, ln their own'smaii way, helping over- corne the country's serious un- employment probiem. The three jobs certuiniy don't make much of a dent ln Canada's 976,000» unempioy- ment total, yet without the Rogor Worth £r Director, Public Affairs, Canadian Foderation of Independent Business. jobs provlded by these Indlvi- duals and thousands of other small businesses across the country, the jobiess rate wouid be mùch, much hlher. In fact, It is net overstating the case to say Independent businesses are the reai heroes in the battie to beat unempioy- ment. Consider these facts. Busi- nesses wlth fewer than 20 em- pioyees provided an astound- Ing 59% of net new job growthi In many cases, while big companles wlth more than 500 employees have in fact been shedding jobs, reducing'over- ail empioyment, the smnaii and «medium slzed flrms have rnov- ed in to pick Up tise sack. Whiie statlstlcs are not availabie on, job creation by flrms with morethan 20 work- ers and iess thon 500, the med- ium slzed businesses almosi certainiy provlded more than their fair share of new employ- ment. The increaslng Importance of 'small business exists 'not oniy ln Canada, but ln the U.S., Japan, and other coun- tries as weii. What's happening la- that smail and medium slzed fiis are beating thse pants off the larger companles when It cornes to creatlng jobs. Like many small business' people, Mary, Sam, atnd>John shun publiity. But it's thone humble, modeat citizens, and thousands -of their count er- parts across the country, that have given Canada on e of the highest job creation rates ln the world. Wlthout sucis Independent busînesses and their tremen- dous capaclty to create jobs, the unempicyment rate would be much, much is her. Thse people who operate such firms, ln the vemnacular of election campaigns, deserve our vote. A vote of thanks for a job weii donc. - %îc 3, til O>-P0-- ,con, to

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