PAGE 18, WEDNBSDAY, JULY 25,1979. WITBY FREE PRESS NT'D. FROM PG.1( Buses get.three year tral Perin 'halthough lie did vote in favor ofthe trial service. The original .proposal said that sehool buses would be Sused but Reg. Coun. Gerry £mm said thiat' smaller '~buses, similiar ýto those used >~in Ajax-Pickering would :support the systeni! eSm aller, second hand, 35 Spassenger buses wil pot be subsidized Ermý said. The hours of service with a three btls system woùld be gbetwee'n 7 amnalld pMWith Shaif-hou'-r service during 'the ~1,peak period is likely. 4'The council wiil be'invlvtlng Itenders for the purchase of the buses for' September to reviewed and,,approved Uby -~the operations and finance Scommittees, for the town to '~make a decision in tlw failU *getting. people 4.o our faci- ties," ltsuchas the town hall, and recreation buildings,; Iroquois Park anid thecourt hou4se, Reg. . Coun. Bob Attersley said at the July 23 meeting of council.' Cou ncil decided to, operate a bus service for a trial period of three years and if it does not work, .dispose of, it. .Attersley said that the trial :should ,be foraým'inimum of 1t' eeyears - acot oôf about $10 per hopjse4old per yer. Coun. BarÃr Evens said lie was in agrèèéeiet with thE tîuee year'trial and said thal demnand would increase ovei the years. - - North Ward Coup. Bot Carson said thatthere wal no. need -for a bus service irù lower Whitby a this timii ~W4ILIELUF Study at Home Shift work, icy roads in winter, small children at home, long distanlces to travel need flot prevent you from earning a university degree. Over 40 degree-credit courses are available through independent study programrs. Correspondence students receive course outlines, audio cassettes and library books in the mail. Our instructors are as close as your telephone. if you can't came ta us, we will try ta camne 10 you. Earn part of your degree at home. WVe will be glad ta send you a list of courses and, discuss the program with you'w Give us a cailor write. Admnissions Officer Partz-Timne Studies' Faculty of Arts'aridScience Qýýgeen's IUniversity ' Kingston, Canada K7t 2N6 Teiephorxe: (613) 547-3283 - CONSUMER BEAT- SmokeDetectors a Matter of Common Sense Few fire-safety products have ever received as mnuch pub- licity'and press attention as smoke detectors.1Thiousands of cansumners i nOntaria have rsoddby instaliing them in houses and, apartments, and with good reasan; they are relatively cheap, easy ta, instail, and' provide 'an effec- tive early warninig system that saves lives and property. Part of this effectiveness lies in the fact that most lire fatalities occur at nightý when theý occupants are asleep. Where smoke detectors have been installed and prop- erly maintained they, were foundta .be D9 percent re- liable and effective in arous- ing occupants withîn minutes. In fact, the Ontario, building code requires the installation of smoke. detectars in al new homes begun after January 1, 1976,.and wil soon require their installa- tion in all new apartment buildings. However, a smnall number offailures do.occur,, usually, because ,the -units were not r properly installed or main.- tained. lt's a matter of cora- mon sense - once a smoke detector leaves the dealer's Il sheif, the responsibiity is stili in the hands of the,con- sumer. l1onization and .Photaelectric There are twa types of smok deectrs aailblefor. home use - ionizatian and photoelectric'- w'ith prices ranging fromf $20 ta $40 for most popular brands. loniza- tion devices contain a very smnall arniunt of radioactive, material that "ionizes", the. air inside a chamrber, ci'at- ing a weak electrical current. When smoke particles 1.or other products-of-combus- tion enter 'the, chamber'they impede, the ý flow of current, which sets off an alarm. The radiation given off by ioniza- tion units is, less thanf that fro m a luminous wristwatch or colour televisiori. Photoelectric smnoke de- tectors' consist of.,a light source and.,a &liglit-sensitive photoceil positioned inside a chamber. When smoke enters, itscatters the liglit beam and again sets off an alarm. .When. activated, both types of smoke -fietector emit a Sound loud eênough ta 'wake pe 'ople -in, nearby raoms. In more sophisticated smoke detection, systems, 'a number- of interconnected units 'wiil al, sound when any one detects smoke. And ini ,battery-operateid units, another signal is set off when battery strength is low..This is usuà lly bath ýan, audible , and -visual signal,. either, a <warning'light or a flag -that paps out. Because they operate on differe'nt.,principles, ioniza- tion'and photoelectric smoke detectors. also react differ- ently to various fire situa- tions. lonizatian devices are generally effective in detect- ing fast-burning fires before smoke is'visible, while tests have . shown, photoelectric devices' ta -be ,somewhat fasterinresponding ta smoky or, smouldering 'fires. AI- though sorne authorities'sug- gest that smouldering fires are more cammon,ý many homeowners prefer ta instail bath types and ensure greater protection and reli- ability. In either case, units shouid be ULC, approved. Ontario ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF -Section 15 of The Planning Act, -(R.S.O. 1970, c. 349). Please be advised that the Ontario Municipal Board Hearings related to the Durham Regional Officiai Plan have adiourned until August 13, 1979 at--he hour of ten oclock (local time) in the forenoon at the Council Chambers' Regiona I Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whtby, Ontario. C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T., Clerk Regional Municipality of Durham 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario Whitby Chomber of Co mmerce Presents WHITBY TRADE FAIR ut Iroquois Park Arena 6:30 - 10:30 P.M. JULY 30& 31 Bigthe. Wholo fuI to Seo Whitby Business & Services on Dlsplmy Added Entertinmnent ADMISSION FREE Smoke detectors may be battery-»operated, plugged in- to the wall outiet or con- nected inito the house wiring. Battery units are the easiest to, install since their place- ment Js' not affected by the location of electrical outiets or house wiring. They ýare usually supplied with a bat- tery that, lasts -about' one year. Plug-in units have' the disadvantage, of a fixe d- length, cord that limits, their* placement., They are 'also, easily unplugged unless spe- cial precautions are taken and will not operate if a fuse blow's. On the. other hand, they eliminate, the incon- venience of battery replace- ment. Ho. ïuse-wired syst'ems over- came these ýdisadvantages; through direct wiring ta, the, ,electrical system. As well, a numfber of units nmay be inter- cannected. However, a blowni fuewil also, render these systemns inoperative. Power failures because of the outbreak of fire are un- likely., However, if, you live in 'a *rural area. prone ta power failures,ý you might want to consider the advan- tages of battery-operated de- vrices. Installation and maintenance- Most people prefer to in- stali batter'y-operated' and plug-in units themselves, fol-' lowing the m.anufacturer's instructions. House-wired systems, thougli, should al-, ways- be installed by a quali- fied electrician. In general, smoke detec- tors are most effective when installed- on or near a ceiling. mhrost on experts reom end t t epert ear te bedrooîn or betedned-th beroos ndorlivin qarers Where anddiinluisare avail aleteymaaltsoabe positioned nhey a hehad of thestirs toeacheh flooo. heck wtith Wyour lo fre dearteft or laie o ouar speci for ned. o Smak seifd eetasdo requie eboredoant nancree, b teshuldte nachekebutnd eaneoud egu larly. Dus arcle ane lrmovedusfrtthce camber bymve an oasiona aming, ban the uincan beteste for prpehetcratioby in-te torrocig soe rom a in trcirette o sn ffedcae cigardettir n ffthe alm -ateaneated unifts dor prvdB attery-streflgthis d wamving; awevter, thienwarn waing; ignal ma latheon a fewina das.Ifyouare haa from home If o aetede prod ofme, branexsueto chpeko ofthe moe, dueta when you return. Knq.w the facts There is a grea 1t deal more to fire preventian than the installation of smoke de- tectors; reducing, fire risks and establishing *fire, escape routes are stili important in protecting lives and prop- erty. The ministry of con- sumer and commercial rela- tions, can help with mnore informatianý from its Con- sumer 'Information Centre at 555 Yonge Street, Tor- onto, Ontario M7A 2H6. Smoke, detectors are an im- portant addition to any 1house or apartment. But it's stiil up to the coùsumer to choose- and use- themn wisely. *Ham Qulckle Buns. Cut 1/2 pound (500 g) processed sharp cheese into cubes; slice 41 green onions and chop 2 hard-coo.ked eggs. Combine them with, 112 cup (125 mL) tomato paste 'blended with 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of mayonnaise. Cut 114 pound (125 g) af sliced smoked ham into strips and divide between 8 hot dog buns. Spread each with cheese mixture. Wrap each bun in foi! and place in refrigerator until ready ta heat. Bake for 15 minutes or untilcheese is inelted and sandwiches are ready to cat. Copy of "Sausage Sorcery," ,a recipe boôklet prepared by Union Carbide Canada Liiited, mnay be obtained by writing Family Food Service, P.O. Box 951, Station Q, Toronto, Ontario M4T, 1LO. FRA-NKI 'EATOR 225 BROCK STREET NQRTH WHITBY 66&.6171 ARE INTERESTEDUN YGUJ We nee d a f ew good sale people. If youare Iterested in setting your own achlevement goals regardlng I- camfe. we now offer you an exclusive aulo-vlsua train, lng programme, aiso, we'll encourage you toward. reaching your goals. You can b. lnflated with the rnults w& cari help you attain. You cari be haPPY work- 1 naprofessloai atmosphere whlch lends ltsetf to Inf inyand pleasant worWng cndtlons. Whether you are qualifled at'present Or curently taklng or conslderlng the govemmfent Pre-icenslng course -- we wat ta talk ta you! For a confldential Pers"alIn- terview cal TONY KLGMPMAKER 668-61,71 Century 21 Gold Jackeët Rtealty Ltd. Is pleased f0 announce that Helen Couture has been awarded wlth te top produ- cing-..lae.person for the month 0f .Jun&'79. Congratulations Heleni 824 Brock St. N., Whitby 68e6221 683 -6221 mch .m.. a laIud.peudeuty weed »a .p.rat.d.1