Whitby Free Press, 25 Jul 1979, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, JULY 25,1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS wh ytb Vr Publlhed every eeda by M.B.M. PubIIuhing and otgphy Inç. IMfle Ftee Press Buling Volce of the County Town Michael Ian Burgess, Publîsher. ,,Ian'aging Editor, 131 Bok Stee North,, lite only Whltby newspaper Independentjy owned and$perated by Whtby resldents for Wltby reildents. P.0. Boxt 206, Wbltby, O0 D'on'.ur At a time when Canadians are suffering througha general economic slowdown, the need for deveiopment has became greater than ever. In order f or us ta ,prosper, it is necessary for us ta invest ln the expansion and diversification of our economic' activities. However, the planning 0f the developmeint process must consider ail fcos In Whifby, we are, faced with the Brooklin develop- ment proposaI, which is presentiy, before councîl. Wn orçier for Whifby, to prosper, we must ýhave development and we must have the Birooklin develop- ment. However, there are some seriaus questions that must be asked and answered before the first s'hovel of dirt is f turned Over. Thepraposal,a s itflow stands, prolects an increase in the population of Brooklin (and, therefore, Whitby) of &ON 0ta .10,000 people over the next ten years. <Where will these people corne from? i Where will they work? Whr'ilterchildren go ta' school? vWqîî there be an industrial base ta support the growth ln, population? Whatare the effects on the environrnenîttgo be?$' Wil tKere be any.agricultura'I land left? How much money wIIl it cost the Whitby ratepayer in the long run? How many businesses are Interested in-Iocatlng 'in, the area? -What kind of businesses are. these?. Wil these businesses reduce the, local unemployment. lunes through hiring, local: people, or wîll they import their own work force? Wilthe Durham Board of Education build schools in thé a rea,"and does council and the developers have the committmpnt of the board'? There are enough Unanswered questions on this subject ta fMI the Whitby Free Press. These questions appeal ta be unanswered and since r taxpayer's money wili be invested in this project af so me point in time (also unspecified at present), our 1 courncii should have, these. questions answered ta, our satisfaction bef are construction begins.e Bef are the praject starts, we shouid have the answers a beca use wlthout them, no decision ta, bulid is vaiid. ti At the present time, there are over 600 vacant r residential units in Whitby. Should we be building more when we can not seil those we already have? ti We also' have many acres of empty inidustrial land in is the south around'the 401 and the CN',CPR trac ks. If this w landi is not being' used, how can we encourage tc -development of industrial land,10 miles away from the major transportation routes? a It has taken 100 years for Braoklin ta reach its present m population of 1,800. Who is ta say that it will flot ake a anather 100 years ta reach 10,000? r The developers have not toid us whether or'not there na is a market for this project on even a short term scale. ch If the-prolect'is not'successful, WhItby taxpayers wiil ti't eventuaîîy pay the brunt of the costiln unused municipal mi services. The questions asked above have not even touched the no' area of f ire protection, library services, recreational gei facilities and everything else that the town provides. seE The development of Brooklin Mill affect'ail residents ple 0f Whitby and before any decision ta go ahead with the as prolect is made, ail the facts must be, in, 'every 1 available piece 0f Information must be available for anc p ublic scrutiny. The decrisinimust+ be-4to buildbu w R commuigy Ectlor -MIk Knll Contrfluting E loJI I Production Manager -Mari 1Burgesa PrInt &'Promnotionan Manager ' -Robin Lyonn ClasafiecsAd, iarl Brtn Maling Permit No. 40 r Member ai the. Uer Business bureau 0i Toronto it. Whllby Chernbef ai Commerce 'I Rederuetons style Dear Sir, It was with utter dils- may and shack, that 1 read your July 18 head-, Une which referred ta the latie Kathy Wels as ""Wels"". 1 asked for an explanation and received one. I understanci why this being done by many Iewspaper men. However the explana- tan' ta me is flot Vaîid. It is a new concept which mill aîways be offensive fo me and ta others. 1 read an article about very dear friend of nine in a Toronto Daily, 1writer. and he was eferred to buy his sur- ýme. He does have, a hristian name and his tle is Dr. i-e deserves uch respect nor this. I am praud ta be Mrs., ot Ms. or Ruth ta stran- ýrs whom I have neyer ,en. Upon mny death ease do flot refer ta me Chambers.' To my. aquaintances ifriends I arnRuthi-.r 'thy. To my friends ke Burgess and Mike le 0f the Whitby Free 'ss thank you for cal- icerely, 'th ULtambers. )ITOR'S NOTE: The son newspapers foilow surname*anly pollcy after what we cali "first instance referral" is two f aId: 1. it saves space, andi more importantîy;' 2. it is redundant ta canti- nually refer ta someone I-op.tileelans au Bus service needed Caun. or wha tever title is used beca use the reader has already been infor- mied 0f this. There are exceptions, of course,- when a stary refers ta two people wha The.most common exam- pie is a story about a husbànd and wife. After the firt instance he is refered to by his surname and she is,cailed Mrs. Dear Sir: We are concerned tha t the Charterways Bus Service ta, Whitby Psy- chiatric Hospital wiil be canceiied after Septemn- ber 6th. This action wiil increase the isolation of the Has#itai and its pa-ý tients fromn the commu- nilY. it will make it diffi.. cuit, if not impossible, for patients residing in the community to travel ta day care and. out-patients services at Whitby psy- chiatric. It will make it difficuit, if not impossi- bie, for in-patients at Whitby Psychiatric Has- pital ta, link Ùp with com- munily agencies prior ta, discharge, and it places an unfair burden on friends and relatives' of Whitby patients who do not own.a car. 11 Besides Whitby Psychi- a fric, there are a Inumber Of Public insitutions, such as Durhamn Deveîopmen. tal Centre and .. Ruddy IHospital, lcated. south 0f the 401. They are isoiated fromn the town, but accessable due ta the Charterways bus.' If the goverfiment is gaing to aperate these. insi1tuti ons i n their present locations,, then it is abligateci ta pravide Public transportation ta keep t ems es ahlt losiet, 9etlHat uhm the people. We hope that the, Town of Whitby and the provincial govern- ment can work out an arrangement ta, keep the bus services at the Psy- chiatric Hospital. Yours fruiy, Kén B3raoks, ta the Fredericton audi- ence. To these talenteci, frien.' dly ambassarjors os sang, we say tha nk you f or thei r friendship and for their concern for disabled chicIdren. We hope they will visit us againl1 A. W. Beardal Executive Director Canadian Rehabîlitation Council For the Dlsabled N.B. Bra'nch Dear Sir: Whi1tby'-s famous CountY Town Singers visited aur cily last week ta perform a "special"- concert ta benefit disa- bled children ln aur pro- vince . Their performance was indeed "sÉpeciai". In 33 C heat and high humi- ,dily they sang enthusias- tically and received an equal response from the audience. Their balance.0f poise, warmnth and discipline provlded -a special treat - - -quop- '%,091W 1

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