Whitby Free Press, 1 Aug 1979, p. 16

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PAGE 16,1 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1.1'97 HTY R~ FreePress E, Cail 6 68-6.1 mp:orlum i ium -Ads w'iII only "be adcctetd subl.c tota-the followMin 1- AUTOM OBI FOR SAL 68 DODGE POLU c ond iti on. New brai1 ta prove. As is. $150 St. N., Whitby. îLESI I MISCLLNEUS ~RAGod 8 TRACK CAR 'DECK Ser. ke job, Bill No. 501648. Moc. No. C940-26821 i302 Byron >wîth 4 speakers & 3 trades. $50. July. 11-7 Caîl 6U.5919., 4 - 6 p.m. AU. 1/79 1974 GREMLIN, as ios,30V- standard, 3 speed transmis- sion. $1400. Phone 668-8178. June 27, 79 74 RENAULT - R12 Station wagon. Hclutch. $275. As is. 655-4136. JuIy 18, 79 1972 DODGE 3/4 tan pick-up withl cap. Standard transmis- sion, 6'clinder,, excellent'con*-, dition, s1,200. Phone 666-1507... May'30, 79. 75MERCURY CON 2doar. Au toma tici .steering. A-1 candil $1,995 or best afi 668-0776. ALMOND COLOURED ADMIRAI stove & fridge, 3 manths aid. $500 for pair;' Large aquarium $5; Glass top coffee tintab $5.hnne £LaARan ta see. When the advertised Item uss uid, ulsposed of, or unavallable forý whatever reasan, the Item will be deemed ta have been soîd and a commission wiII be charged baséd on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Ilîustrated beîaw, regprdless If prîce Is stated wlth "best affer"à. If the item Is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the id wIll be run for 3 MONTHS and au MINIMUM CHARGE 0f $3.00 wlll apply. Ali advertlsements must be placed on an. exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and'run et Ieast one month If not saîd. RATES [if article ls soldi: 5% of advertîsed price Up to 5400.00 ~%of balance over $400.00 7w00 40 EXAMPLE: SoId Item advsrtlsed for $120.00 Ai.1/7 . commission due $6,0 ,-.u..,7 *Iminimum charge Is $3.001 Air canditioner -1 15000 BTV,, 2. speed fan 220 vol twi:h window hardwr $0. h 655-4003. Ju IV 87 Double- Stainîess Steel Sink $10; 00Oft. heab July 4. 79 ME, brown, 'WOODEN BANIS TER $50; radio. Power Hardwoad f looring $100; Also tMon. Asklng wooden chest $20; Large 2 Wooden bed frarrie & spring, July 11, 79. $10. Phone 683-6638. .1 . .July 25, 79 76 DODGE DART, vinyl root, beige, autamatic power steer- ing, radia, excellent condition. Asking S,000. Caîl 668-0776. June 20, 79. 1973 NOVA Gaod condition. Power steering. Asking 51,300., Pnone 668-0920. 76 GREMLIN, 32,00( cylinder, automatil Phonie 6f'ý5318._ HOOVER APPARTM ENT size washer& dryer with'stand. Avocado green. Good' condi'- tion. $350. Caîl 668-4200 anytime July, 25, 79, R. C. A. REFRIG Aug. 1/79 :Used only 1 year. hand; R.C.A. range, ýO miles, 6 ing, 2 large burners ic, $2,200.- electric $750 for bo- I986-4716 mornings, 66 298 afternoons. May 30, 79.' '5 Ford -' 6 cyl. MaveFick Excellent condition. $3,200. Phono 579-6144. JuIy 4, 79R EPU,' ARTS FOR SALE H goodyear 9-LT-15 A/T Tracker S mounted on white rims ln good shape. $300 or best cfer. Phone 668-3065 at ter 5 o'clock. Ju ne 13, 1979. 4 41/2 INCH MAGS with Dunlop radiais for Austin-Mini, $150. Also sports steering wheei, $20, Phone 655-3972. May 30, 79. 3 XR 78-14 Uniroyal1steel belted radial tires, $50. 1 14X Michelin tire $20. 666-1847. >May 23, 1979 REATIONAL VEIES GO'KART -4.5. horsepower, Honda engine,stinger Go-Kart., $700 or best off er. Phone 668. 5615. .ue6 1975 YAMAIIA YZ 125. Just rebuiît, proof of parts. Asking $400 or bes tof f er. Caî11 668-4680. - June 27, 79 75 RD350 VYamaha. 6,00 miles. Saddîe baqs. windshield, iiiiorneci protection bar, back carrier. Original owner $850. Phone 668-0989. July 4, 79 12 FT. FIBERGLASS car top fishing boat with 4.4 Chrysler o -tboard. Excellent condition, $450. Caîl anytime 683-3019 and ask for Gary. 1977 SUZUKI RM 12 lent condition. Wis Ported & poîished. and powerful with Star helmet, Diggei other accessories. Phone 668-2203. REFRIGERATOR di tion f or a cottage $'A hi tch &bar $60; Ha ir wood cupboard'S40; end tables $35a pa 683-6638. Ju< Private advertising onlyl Please notify us If you f md a retailer Iisted as a prîvate advertiser. Ploaise natify the Whitby Free Press Immediately wh nItem is sold sa -that we may -delete It f rom the follawing Issues. Al. ads not f ittlng the Empurium guidelines wiIl be treated.anci charged per week as regular cîassified ads ona pre paid basis such as: services, help wanted, clathing, real estate, and personal message type ads, or ads. not quating price or quantity: Private classified ads'may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headlngs. If in doubt, caîl 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM* P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LIN 551 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., SWhitby- THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS, 15 THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT ,NOON. ERATOR 1-TWOýPIECE French provin- Wide lef t cial suite, gree 'n & gold vel'1'vet. selfclea- » Pulls 'Out into a double.:bed sf i dean- ,$150; Two orange, part vinyl )th. Phone part, fabric,' chrome chairs $20' 5M881ext. each; 1 3/4 colonial bed, corn- 8-581 xt. plete bed '$75, Two 20"I girls Aug.1/79 bicycles, $15:each; One five drawers 'chest $25; One greený crushed velvet rocker 575; One Good con- . por table black, & white TV $25;, ý28; Reeser 'One 3' piece white rod-ironÎ dryer $10; round kifchen. table witih 2' 2 waînut chairs $40;,Phone 668-1436. Caîl ir., Phane after 5:30 p..m., yV 18, 79 American stroller chair. Con- verts into carniage, car bed, feeding chair, rockingý chair. Blue. --Good condition. $75. Phone 683-1574. July 4, 79 AKAI STEREO in- mint condi- tion. Turn table, amplifier & receiver. 2 speakers. Complete $700 or best offer. Good starter system. Phone 668-2649. July 11, 79 COMPLETE Dl VI NG OUTFIT Regulator tank, wet suit. Good condition. $300 f irm. Contact Jeff 655-4470. July 25,79 Portable Mesh Child's Gate $6.. White wicker Basînette $15. Phone 668-5471.- a JulY 18, 79 PUMP AND FIîîTERf or above ground pool. S'tainless steel tank. 3/4 H.P., 3450 RPM, 60 C PS, 115 volts. Asking $125. Phono 668-0570. JuIy 11, 79 DOUBLE STAINLESS STEEL SINK $10; 200 f t. heavy duty rubber hose $50; glass belted whitewall tires L78x15, $25; Lawn r oller $10; Caîli6.49-2578 (Claromont). .fuly 4, 79 *BRAUN MIXER vegetable Mshreader, slicer and meat *grinder attachments. Under *warranty. Retail value $360. *Asking $225. Phone 655-4271. July 18, 79 May 23, 79. AIR CONDI) IONER Viking - I10,500 B.T.U. - 2 speod fan - 25 B, Excel with hidden push buttan con- co pistons, traIs - approx. 24 1/211 x 22 1/2"1 Very quick, x 14 1/2"1 high $150. Phono Bell Moto- 668-7953 af ton 7 p.m. rboots and Aug. 1/79 IWestinghouse autamatic wa- W' -shing machine ,'good condition. $175. Under wvarranty. Phono Au.1/79 FOR SALE Gas pool heater- Used two seasons. $325; Pool pup1 3/4 horsepower, used oneý season $175. Pool vacuum kit and slýimmer net $20; and pool chemicals, including 30 lbs. of, chlorine $30. Caîl 576-7655. June 20, 79'.< DOUBLE BED SET Nine drawer dresser and mirror. Asking $150. Phone 668-8154. June 20, 79.' FOR SALE Electric MAotor -X 1/4 h.p. 110 volt. 60 cycle 1725- ram 1,12" shaftwith pulley $25; 22" B.B.Q. with hood, shelf., Electric charcoal ighter, good' cond. $22. Caîl 668.2630. June 13, 79. CB RADIO, 40 channel, single sideba nd TRC 448 with capabi. lities. Just like new. Buying abase s lation. Askinat$300. Ca 11 668-4277. IFOR SALE Acme Fax" stock cont cluding Abces of cards. $100. Phon FOR SALE Purple rug & dra- pes,suitablef or rec-room. Ask- ing $300 or best off er for bath. Phono 666,1618. Juiie ,13, 1979. GARAGE EÎZUIPME:NT Rotor dlsc. Lathe and Drum Lathe. Bath 51,100. Delco Tune.up DigotcCentre, like new, 51,950 will seil for $1,150. Have grease equipment also and engine pulley., Caîl John at, 666-1021.~ Rfor 'above TIME, WORRYING OVER ipool. Also Used twa PRESENT PROBLEMAS... $100, phone MORE ARE JUST A«OtNDb May 16, 79. l0-speed, 22", 668-6580. May 16, 79. PUMP & FILTER qraund swimming Iadder & hase. summers. Asking 655-3583. CCM BIKE boy's 10 wheels, $50. Phone ELECTROI40ME air-candi. tioner, 5,000 BTU's. A-i condli-, tion, $125. Phone evenings 655. 4121. May 16, 79. COURHOUE SQ ARE OFFICE DESK 2 x 5 ft., 6 d rawers, $60. Student desk, $10, hair styler, $10, 2 metal beds and mattresses $10 each, ringer-washer, $25. Cali 655. 4196. May 16, 79. STEREO, recara poayer and 8 track player. Asking $100. mcClary, contînuous dlean stave, asking $150. Phone 668. 8138. May 16, 79. BLACK & WHITE TV Console m"26". Westinghouse, $100. Phlone 668-0776.( May 16, 79. Metric- it's wortb the change 1' 0 CZA~ M WESTINGHOUSE Mobile air 6,000 B.T.U. Air conditioner, window style. $75.. Phono 668- M ainstream Canad ___.IL CAPTAIN BED customn made, natural pife, solid unit design, $250. Cali 666.1414,after 6 p.m. May 30, 79. USED DOUBLE BE D S ET, triple üressing table with huge rrror. I dcali.for cottage, $250, tihone 579.6786. EKO GUITAR ac tri , 12 stringj, exce tion wiîh caseè, Si, amplifie~r, $150. Call 9220 to .1 p.nî., 656- P.11. Who Creates the Jobs? Dy W. Roger Woérth Mary operates a small cor- ner store in Vancouver and em- ploys three people. Sam man- in Canada1 In many cases, while big between 1971 and Iufactures wood productis in employees have in fact been May 30, 79.- *Quebec, hiring 14 fulI-time shedd ing jobs, reducing over- - workers Io produce a v 911yai employment, the smuall and :oustic/elec- M of crafted items for the retail, medium sized films'have mov- eîlent condi- 25. Traynor grade, including a large depart- ed in Io picki up the siack. Il Victon 683- 8309 atter 6 May 30, 79. ILTER QUEEN % eatilr with attaci new. Asking $250.C Iment store Chain. John is a Maritime contractor, employ- ing. seven fuli-time staff and another dozen during the sumn- mer months. il VACUU - la -I an unusual way, the three hmnents, like Canadians are connected. :al 57.247. They've ail hired one extra Mvay 30, 79. Jun'l 13, 1979. SANYO FT478 AM/FM - --- assette car stereo, like new. ie Sealay "Se F. fonward, eloct, L/D Iock-in, itrl sste in >5. C.all Victor 683-9220 to 4 é trl sysemn- prj.in. 656-8309 after 6 .m. 9 TC contro~LUIi ne 668-3131. Ju ne 13, 1979. ONE PAIR of gold drapes, lined. Size 14 X 94. Asking $75. Phone 668-4760. -ue679 BABY ITEMS FOR SALE Gendren Carniage, converts to car bed or stroller $25; Bathi. nette $15. Phone 668-1528. June 20, 79. SPORTSMAN FLORESCENT- LANTERN, used lwice $25; Lloyds calculator $5; Doîphin car revterbera ion 668-8178. PICTURES $50 and LI< S11, Child'S Rod SIMPSON-SEARS power cantridge ty fa 6,000 gallons, 683-7360. VIKING FLOOR $10 single bod, $1 der, $30, exorcise don, $35, hydrolic Caîl 666-1847. si~. 'none DRAPES - LIVING & DINING June 27 1 79 noom. 120"1 x 9411 and 80"1 x 45". Juno 7, "~ Open weave-lined, mass green, $15; Tricy- .$50. Rods included. Phono 668- d.iroI 5029. iran aco Mua-y 23, 79. ft - Sb ChflICs table elecîriç orqan $10; Swimming Lounger for S1U; Child's ballet shoos sizo lu s3; Console Stonea AM FM S Z50. Phono 666.ý1312. _________ Jurlo6, .79. STEREO/TV/RADI( $200 or best off er.C p. m. 666-1761. May 30, 79. While statistics are not available on -job cre ation by firms with more <han 20 work- ers and less <han 500,, the med- 1Dmn sized businesses aImost certainly provided more <han their fair àshire of new emfpioy- fuîî-imo employee aurîng the The increasing importance Iast few months, reating an- of smali business exists flot other three jobs and, in their oniy in Canada, but.,.in_'t he own small way, helping over- U.S., Japan, and other coun- corne the country's serious un- tries as weII. employment problem. What's happening is that The three jobs certaînly small and medium sized firms don't make much of a dent ln are beating the pants off the _____- Canada's 976,000 unempîoy- larger companies. when it 14 han-sÎ. ment total, yet without the comes to creating jobs. ppe filten up $60. Phono Like many small business May 30. 79. Canadian Federation Of shun publicity. But it's these ______- ndeendea' usinss, humble, modest citizens, and Public 4ffairs, 0, room divi- jobs provided by these lndlvi- parts across the country, that slonder bon- dualsand thousands of other have given Canada one of the : rwer $4. mail businesses across the highest job creation rates in -May 23, 79. country, thejobless rate would the worid. thousanas of mneîr counier- ho mùch, much higher. Wlthout such Independent In Iact, 1< is*not overstatIng businesses and their tremen-1 the case to saY independent busînesses are the real heroes dous capacity go create jobs, in the batieIo beat unemploy- be mach, much higher. ment. The people who operate io console, Considerihese facts. Busi- such firms, in the vernaceular :all after 4 nesses with fewer <han 20 em- of election campaigus, deserve May 1,79. ployees provided aon astound- our vote. A vote of thanks for ing 59% of net< new Job growthÎ a Job wcil dont. ý PRE SS ý POLISHER, , WHITBY F',

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