Whitby Free Press, 1 Aug 1979, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY,, AUGUST 1,s19,79, WHITBY FREE PRESS ç7.w hitby Published every Wednesdiay by M.B.M.* Publlshlng and Photography mnc. w ,~Phone e-61 il Volce of the County Town Michael Ian Burgess, Publlsher -Managlng Editor 11BokSre>Nrh Vie only Whltby newspaper lndependently owned and »operated by Whitby reuidents for Whltby residents. P.O. Box 206, Whitby, On o, rit. Whitby Chamber 0f Commerce e Community Edito *. M lie Knoll Contributing EdItor Jim Quail Production Manager -Mrj Burgess- Pront & Promnotionai l bnLo Manager ' RbnLo ClassifliedAd -ÇaroIe Bertin Mailing permit No. 460 Member of the:, Better Business bureau of Toronto isad The great concretespi- der that stretches tram Windsor ta Mantreal pt- vides many advantag'es tof the commufer and the *ecanamic activify- of otransporting gaodsý and services but if has pt-aven ! tself time and fi meaga in of being a deafh frap. S An example, the '401 î. eastbound and Bu'ock :Streef South, here In :Whlftby. Af the exit there are two slgns Brock Street *North and Brock Street South, this is not $0, bad except when the matorist' -arrives at the intersec- fion. The Brock Street North exit has a sigrw that states ntersection leath 1tra Brock Street* North, points ta the forth and, .motorists have ta makea. right tut-n and conti nue on their way. The problem arises' at, the Brocksot exit" where upon arriving atthe intersection the .motorist is canfronted with a'sign that $ày Brock-Streef and indicatpsn orthý and soufh suggésfing that the moto- rist has the option .of which way ta tut-n. *However, immediately, south of the exit is the aid hump bridge th at crosses over the railway -iracks. A .motorist traveling north on Braclfcannot see the intersection which is hidden-by the bri' dge. If another mfotorist makes the Ieft hand turn t ram the Brack, exit ta go* forth the 'cha'nces of ac- cident with someone caming over the bridge is great. The intersection is a death trap. Despite the tact that the exit sign on the 401 itself says Brock Street Sou.th, moto,-ists do make the left hand tut-n and go north against tratfic. Theéy do soi beca'use of aner-misleading'sign, that says that they 'm'ay do so; natwifhstanding the in- structions on the 401 itself. If ane travels, 'anathe- hundred .yards or 50 on The off ndin g sign the: eastbound. lane, one may make the right hand, tut-n ta go north on Brock. The reasan for It ýstiil being there, is probably just àversigh ' f However, -le'"s have if takendown and replaced with a - sign that' says Brock South only and that a tew lives. motorists may aniy make the right hand tut-n and'go south. This 'action might save The powe Dear tr ;' ' for'teachers ,cari and 1 have seat- ch- And .f rom ed' and searched for the that'crowd li put-pose of Kathleenfs have selecte( senseless death for it Is sa Now will y difficuittfor u sto accept it all Vaur loy( as God'sMIL If she had- the labor va! died through sickness or Nor . hate. a, sudden car accident, corne to 'caîl1 althoug h difficuit, samne- bc gi? how, i oi have been Iý fancied t easier to accept His wil. hensy Btthis way was Sa They will'be brutal ani is bV far the mrost.difficuit t tr yand understand. Perhaps .it, isRe somnething we, at-e flot, R s meant tounderstand until 'it is aur tutrt to becalld ta t-est. One 1hlng,< that we, Deat- S irs: do know for 'certain is WeIl, ilt tir that'God ln His infinite' ned, and<as, pi wlsdom had a put-pose. innocent peoi Could It be ta make us dents of -Wesi parents -more aware 0of gaodý, nei 'gh the power of love? > fri1endOs f rom TO ALL PARENTS became the k "l'Il lend you for a tims in an, t littie time a child, of ýca r smash up mine,'* He said, Boulevard 1 "Fat- you ta love the (Friday, July while he lives,, and maurn around midi for while1 he's dead. at-e in criticai If may be six or seven Sunnybrook years or twenty-two or naw. three, The reason But wîli you, tili I call passengers lu him back, take care of car - accord hlm for me? witnesses He'll,.bring hi s chat-ms moving, at ai ta gladden you, and speed down A~ shauld his stay, be bt-jet, driver appare Youl'll have his lavely ta pass a pai memaories as 'salace for bus, l.ost, coni your ýgrief, the curb ýa, tyi 1 cannat promise he smashed inta, wilI stay, since ail tramn parked cars earth'returnt Cardiff 'and B But there are lessons Why ýdo 1i 's taught down there i want tlnally happec this child ta learn. past fhree y V've laoked this wide dents and' W r of love .eases true, the thrangs ife's lanes, 1 ýd you., yau give him, ee, flot-think' uln, - Me .when 1 ta take hlm thàf 1 heard "'dear Loôrd,- done, For' ail the JOY Thy childshali'bring, ther-isk of grief we'ili tun. We'Il shelter him with tenderness, we'll love hlm while we may,' And for thehapes we've known, forevet- grateful stay, But',shouId 'the, angels cali for him sooner t1han we've,.planned, WeOI'll btave the bitter ualiy. 1happe- )redicted two ýPle -',ýo resi-I ;t Lynde, two, 1bou-s .ýand baîttet-ed vOc- unbelievable pon Michael last night, y 2lth, 1979) Inight, bath 1condition'in Hos'pita I - they were n a visitors Iing ta the' apparenitiy in accessive Aicahel, the Bntly cut ouf irked schoal trol hitting t-e bust and )fwa mo-e s,between 3elton.' say "If has d'"-. For the years' resi- !esf 'Lynde ainedbf excessive spee d- >ing and toomuch parkiing on this aval ring, road 'in, the, centre of a -q'uiet sub-di'1'vision. The 30 M.P. h. and lately 50 k.'have >done nothing faO imprave matters, the present West Lynde Comm itfee lit February met Councillor Joe Bugelli with 27 cam- plaints and problems ta be looked affer by the tawn of council. Later we met Wayne DeVeau t-e parks and D. Kuwahat-a, Public' Works Director, cancerning speeding, parking and dumping grounds. The Parks Department has done ifs part quite weii ta, date - the Public Works- Department has nat even had the decency fa ask us to put fo rwàd aur case -ta the p rivate committees,. ,nor- have they.replied ta aour wrt- ten requesfs. There are t^hree major prablems forwhich we requested p ermanen't solutions (1) The exces- pain ofdeh griefthat camnes and. try- ta understand." - Unknawn" Carl and 1Iftitrm ly bel ieve that we, as, Parents, cannot afford ta sit W back. and be comfpla-, cent with aur, lot., We know, the warld ne eds changingý and we knaow -that lave, is' the 'answer.ý Won'tyou ]oin us in our prayer for peace?, .ln, these days af ýdat-k distress Teach usLord. to love ýmot-e and hafe lessl The greatest need iln the world today is love... Mot-e lave for, each other And0 mare'love for God above! -Helen Steiner Rice Carl, and lValsa know tram f irst hand experi-' en ce th at a Marriage E 'n- counter Weekend czan -help bring, the love in a mat-ried cauple's t-ela- tionship mare alive, and vibrant. We -know- tte benef 'its of this lave spilis over onto the children in the famiiy. As'this is the CO1WD 'ON PAGE 6 sive, speeding Lon Michael Boulevard at peak haut-s and in the e venings. -.aur solution was for, sixc sets of tout- way stop signs at Jeffrey'- Michael, Bell Michael, -C alais Michael,school and part enraceon Michael, Kenfon - Michael (3 way), *"ail - Michael'and Evans ---Michael and Ialso ta include the white uines. * Had these eleven extra stop signs been placed' there on a twelve month trial basis 'this tragic accidenit would nheyer have happened, 'the 4rivet- wouid have had ta stop at Bell. Mr. Kuwahara Is- mot-e con- cerned wifh the gas CONPD ON PAGE 5 Alttersley is right To the Editor: Re. Brooklin Expansion SCouncillor Attersley is absolutely correct wýhen he-. stated that the Brooklin expansion, ques- tion IS of gi!ganti c propor- tions and one thaf will requit-e much delibera- tion and thought by ail cuilandý staff mern- bers. i if hasnow been accep- te ha nsfead 0f taxes being teduced the deve- lopment wouid cost' the taxpayers, 0f Whitby- af least $15,unless there-is Industrial gt-owth. There mnust then be an Indus- tt-ial base provided that wauîd detinitely ýelimi- nate the passibility of an inct-ease in taxes. Othet- than developer pt-essures theré has been no substantive evidence produced to warrant the urbanization of Brooklin in advance of the substan- fiai urbani'zation with service a reas 1,2,3, of lawet- Whifby. 'Besides, disagreeing wi th leap- traggingtram area I-ta 4 the Whifby'p'lanning staff, disagrees with the hous- ing mix, densifies, unit values, heights etc. as recommended ln the Broakiin Secondary Plan Sfudy Phase Il., If council decides in their best. judgement to go ahead with the Broaklin expansion and places if ahead of ail piaÀis for the arderiy grawth 0of Whitby then any- vote taken shouid be unanimaus. Othert- ein this a piebis- cite should: be held 'at the next municipal élection. The 'way I see if anyhow. P.J. Neal 130 Reynolds St., Whitby, Ont. LIN 3W6 668-3479 'dentsprotest trafficconditions 1

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