Whitby Free Press, 1 Aug 1979, p. 5

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Police took 22--miýnutes to,,get to scene (XWI'D FROM PAGE 4 savlng survey and report dane - in a - Toronto, borough ré four way stop slgns. We are ýnot concemnedý with Toronto but only with Whitby. Parking an Michael Boulevard (and an the Courts). The West Lynde Executive had many complaints from irate re- sidents. concerning ali night parking - some- times for days on end - of parked' cars, trucks>, vans, buses and even transporter trucks. We have asked that the No Parking signs,.be. made' unlform on Michael Bou-,ý' levard, we have reques- tedi they ail be placed on the inner circle, (Mr. Kuwahara stated< they jwere ail' on the same side) - at, Jeffrey Street they reverse. We have requested more policing, on Michael, there is a three hour parking lim 'It. (parties and visitors'can request parking- exemp- tion from the police). House No. 121 on Michael Boulevard, has aost three trees i n th rée yea rs d ue ta speedîng cars avertaking parked cars on their cor- ner and have ta cut in" quickly "for oncaming traff ic. (3) Police - where is Whitby's police force or aur share of it? It has neyer been as poor as it'is noôw. Oepolice car patrols. West. Whitby and one patrpls East Whitby. If the residents here cal for a police car you caný wait anywhere up ta three quarter's' of an hour. I can vouch for that and the policeman has apologised for the delay stating he wassorry but he was tied' up samne- where else., On Friday night the»a'ccident happe- ned just before'midnight - a iagger and his friend witnessed it and went ta help - the driver walke 'd out alive and called thé Il 1 police~ at the nearest house - It took 22 minutes, for the police- car fa arrive fram .Oshawa (tim ed by the logger on Nis stop watch and by residents helping the, vlc- tlms). The police carhad to caîl for helpfrom the Whitby Fire, Departmen t who arrived In five minu- tes, from. Whitby , with their 'Iaws' to cut .the, passengers f ree. They, called for two ambulan- ces - one arrlved, the second arrive at 1: 30 a.m. when ilt was ail over, Because our police sta- tion Is closed down at night wehve ta wait for' cars f rom Oshawa,, be- cause aur hospital,, is, closed ,.down at -night these tWo, victims had to be transported, along Bro oklin need-s water Th e present need in Brooklin is for water and sewer service Fred Brown, chairman of the Brooklinà Businessmen's Associati dn told the Whiby Cauncil at the July 23 meeting. He -said he Wauld like ta remind -the' council of the strong feeling and need for, people ta have sewer' and water service'in Brooklin. The ground can't.take any further growth on the septic tank system, thus growth in Brooklin at the present' timie is flot feasible withý the pre- sent servi'ces.. Brown told council the Brooklin people does flot understand why the people in the southern area of Whitby are objecting, ta thè develop- ment of Broaklin. "We don't understand why, they are objeceting to the growth and development of. services even though they are enjoying the services that. we are asking for," he said. Brown urged council to get the facts together and to act as s00In as possible.' There were two delega- tions at the July meeting *of Council bath cammeting on the proposed grawth of CUETIP BLLIARD LOUNGE' Has Reop.ened Under The New Management 0f- THE MASTER BILLIARD' MECHANIC LT1De 12 Vears Experienoe in Billiard Service and Supply - Professionally attended tables and equipment - Hot and cold snacks - Complete line of supplies for- home and commercial use ONE HOUR. 0F POOL MAKES YOU ELI BIBLE FOR OUR CONTINUOUS. 2PCE.CUERAFFLE LADIES PLAY FREE IF ACCOMPANIED BY A GENTLEMAN Wif ITBY- MALL N!:ÂT TO MIRACLE MARI lOa.m.l 1a.m. -6 days aweek lO a.m. - il p.m. -Sunday, after 10 p.m. use rear d4600 Broaklin. Eugene Henry of 1600 Charles Street, Old Port Whitby said he was a cancer- ned citizen loaking an Broaklin as part ýof Whitby. As an industrial developer he wanted greater development around the Whitby harbour. 1He saidthe. revitalizing af the Whitby business district should take top priarity.* Any new development in Brooklini wuddraw business away from the downtown core. "It would kili the commer- cial core for gaod", he said. *Henry cancluded bis brief as he said there is only one basis and that is the orderly planned growth of Whitby with Broaklin braught into the arderly development. Mayor .Jim Gartshore thanked Henry for bis com- ments and said, "ail parts of Whitby's interests are taken in totallity." cauncil, aur'regian and aur government what we the -citizens want - nat wait 'ta receive paltry handouts at the back of the Une. Margaret Boyce, President - .West Lynde Community Association. THE,.QUARTER HORSE. RACESI Seven days of explosive,. nose-to-nose racing, -with fuil PARI-MUTUELBElTINGI', PICOV DOWNS RACE DATES Auguet 5 - August 12 August 19 - Augusi 26 Ai races start et 209 pan. sharp. Non-pari-mutue days - Plcov Downs June 3, 10,17 & 24.July1, 8,15, 22 & 2. Septemb.r2,-9 & IL Octobr7 & 14. QUAIRTER"RACINO OWNERS of ONTARIO M -M wlththe twowith minor injuries, eight mlles through -16, sets of traff ic lightsto an overcrawed', hospital. Sa much for this region and modemn day facilities and-conveniences,, Mr. Beath they have been trimmed down to the bare, minimum ofWhitby resi- dents and we strongly object. To Counc. Carson and Couc. Evans, I abject ta the wasted mill'ions for sewer and pipelines to Brooklin ta satisfy deve- lopers a'nd.their "related' businesses, money that can be better spent in upgrading absolute basicý essentials i n Whitby. and district. We need to'filght, for aour :hospital to be re-opened 'at nights and BROk BILDNGSUýPPLI-"ES 6 DON',T MISS OUR 'HUGE SIDEWALK SALE, August le, 2nd, i3.rd and 4th 244 BROCKST. WH ITBY Il DON'T MISS MARKHAM RACE DATES _~Figoilhw September 22 - September 27 ~ - September 29 H" 7 R$ AM Ail raoesStari ut 7:30 plL sharp. _________________ - 1 WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1979, PAGE 5 enlarged (upwards as it was originally intended) and for, al Whitby resl- dents-touse ILt. .For a decent pol ice ser- vice who can respond ta an accident within f ive minutes, a, good ambu- lance service with para- medics, a f irst class bus service for yaung and aid, ta units the tawn ln shop- ping and recreation areas.. The ,town centre could be bought, rebuilt and rejuvenàted,' brlng- ing wealth ta the centre. To the camplacent Whitby-residents - stand up and look araund yau, your' tow n is slowly disap- pearing ,and the Services tao. Whether you were barn in Whitby or choseta live here - its time we al stood together ta tell aur

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