Whitby Free Press, 15 Aug 1979, p. 10

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PAGUO , WEDNESDA4Y, AUGUST 1,19. WHJfTBY FREE PRESS' 1Between Youi and Me B y Ruth Chambers Courage and determination A sfory which we hope may encourage and holp some people who have had 'a stroke, an. occurence Which seems to be happening more and more offen.' This is a trauma which doesn't always incapacite everyone and when it doos many difficulties may be overcome with determination and sfrengfh 0f mmnd. Margaret Holder, a WhitbyÎ resident, is, an example of someone who has hadf0 learn f0, confrol lier own destiny fhrougb clear thfbinking,,lo'gic, -and disipl 'ine. ,As'a wifo ýand mother of five children, she is now a widow and mother or two sons, one of wvhomn is far away. Two daughters died in infancy; lier husband died in 1973 and ton monfbs latei' ler son was killed in a car accident.. >Af age 39, when lier chldren were well establislied in scliool, -Margaret became a career woman, She was an aggrogate prospector and af fliaf time as far as Ahe knows the only woman in Nortb America doing this type of thing. Now fliere are many, graduafes of universities who are geologists. 1and engineers. In 1964 she began prospecting., As an aggregateprospector she was looking for maferials for asphaît and concrete. She' fested over fifty thousand. acres -of, land wifhin a hundred mile radius of Toronto. From this she branched info solling heavy -construction equipmonf such as bulldozers and front 'end loaders. The many contacts she made while doing .flie prospecting helpcd lier in this venture. Hor husband died in 1973 andthon lier son. sn -.ht was under greaf straîn- but managed fo carry on the business alono. Two years lafor. she had a stroke. Margaretý realizes tbat'slie lad been building up f0 this for somne ime. There wore indications thaf alarmed lier so she would ask lier doctor whaf wali wrong, wliy was sho liaving fliese symptonis. Ho would suggesf thaf sho tako if casier,- calm down and suggesfed she fako valium. This concerned hor. This was her body and sho knew ail was not wcll. Sho did not wanf 'a band aid, she neoded lielp f0 overcome lier difficulties. Why, was slie somüefimos 50 odizzy thaf she liad -fo liold: on f0 a door orý try to hold on f0 flic wall? Why was she losing flic siglif in one.oye at fimes? This really alarmed lier. Was valium the answer? She thouglif nof. None of flie'answers safisfied lier. She liad f0 find ouf wby. ail this was happening. Was she getfing liardening of fthe artories?, slie'd ask. No, sho was fold.- Hor blood pressure on these oc-casions, was offen normal. A doctor suggesfed af this finie fiaf slie sliould be, tesfed fo seif she.liad mnultiple.sclerosis. s a FodgeToerhs 4. lit iX, auto trans., p.s., p.b., vinyl rôo, side mouidings',, ft R/C irror, w.s.w. radial', deluxe wheei covers, ight pack, H/O battery, iiock heater, bumper guards, electric defroster, wper pack, AM, k)., custom interior nid exterior, finisheci ln tapestry red peint, Whle vinyl roof Mnd rd cioth and vinyl seats. ULc.,MRS'7 78 ho! P285. emnbsx at. trans., P.s., p.b., vinyl roof, "aidmouldings, lef R/C iior.s..w. radia, deluxe wheei cover, ight peck, H/O battery, PIock heate. bumper guards, eiectrlc defroster, wiper pack, AM MM.o custom Interior and exterior, finished in PewterGray wlth red kadU roof anid red vinyl inteulor. 78 CARAVELLE 4 DR. 318 V-8. auto. trans., ilmght pu*ck nulationpeck, wlper pack, elect. deletrote AM rado. digitaldock, ieftR/C mirror, aide moulings. w.s.w. radias front & rear buvnper guards & protective rub strips,, iiock heeter, H/O battsry, fNished i mint green wfgreen vinel roof Ind green Cloth Interior. Uic. MSW 438,St.-P282. '78 VOLARE 4 DR. I Siant six. auto trans., p.s., p.b., vinyl roof, side mouidings, ieft R/C inrrror, w.s.w. radiais, deluxe Wheel covers, ightpack, H/D battery, blck heater,,bumnperguards, electric defroster, wiper'pack, AM radio, custom lInterlor and exterlor, finlshed ln medium biue with blue vinyl roof and blue cioth interlor.. iJ. MPJ 755 St. P274. '78 CARAVELLE 4 DR. 318 V-8, auto. trans., ight pack, Insulation pack,, wiper peck, eiect. defroster, AM radio, digital dlock,*Ieft R/C mirror, side mouidings, lw.s.w. radiais, front&i rear buffiper guards & protective rub strips, 'block heater. H/O bafterv. flnished in dove gray w/red viriyi rootn4_ red cloth interior. Uc. MTN 952 St. P38 1. '76CARAVEILLE 4 DR. 318 V8, auto. trans., ight pack, Insulation pack, wiper peck, eleot. defroster, AM radio, digitaldock, Ieft R/C mirror, aide niouidirgs, w.s.w. radiais, front & rear bumper guards & protective rub strips, block heater, H/O battery, finished in sauNer W/red vinyl roof & red cioth interior. UCé. MVA 243 St. P302. 1'* '78 ASPEN 2 DR. Siant six, auto.trans., p.s., p.b., vin yl roof, aide mouidings, ieft R/C mirror, w.s.w. radiais, deluxe wheei covers, liight pack, ýH/O battery, block heater, bumper guards, electric dpfroster, wiper pack, AM radio, custom Interior end exterior, flnished ln tapestryrfed wMi Mdac Landau roof andred vilnyl interlor. Uc. MTB 453 St. P31 9.. - '78 CARAVELLE 4 DR. 318 V-8, auto. trans., light pack, Insulation pack, wiper pack, eleot. defroster, AM radio,, digital dlock, ieft R/C mirror, side miouldinge, w.s.w. radiais, front & rear bumper guards & protective rub stulps, block heater, H/D.batery, finished in med. blue met 'aliow/lue vinyl *rof and blue cloth seats. Uc. MSW 433 St. P31 6. '78 DIPLOMAT 4 DR. 318 V-8. auto. trans., iight pack, insulatkon pack, wiper pack, elect defroster, AM radio. .diôital dodkr ieft R/C mirror. aide mouidings, w.s.w. radiais, front & rear bumper guards & pretective rub stip, biock heater, H/O battery, finishd in tapesty red w/red vinyl roof & red cloth interior. Uic. MWED026 St. P363. 80 then lt happened, a stroke. One arm dangling wlth no foeling ln the hand or fingers, hier legs like leaden weights and fe« speeh just a garbled mumble. She managed to0 cali a rîoghbo-ir who ln turn phoned hier doctor who was unavallable, âë sttbgtitute was notifled' but upon arriving at the city hô4.pitl tt luait gmbuIance there had not been a phone, cal f0 olètt thiéru to expect lher. A residont sized her up; a Very bealthy Wei1l tannied looking woman of 53 who looked much ymUitger. ler a m iingles but was flot completely paralized no dttoo4intg of the inôuth and she was able fo more or less stand àp hËr fêef vifh suipport. She was told to go home; it would llkely pass in a tew days so her son drove her home.,. So betwèèïi &mé thfrlg and another, she decided she would fiV tor pull her-séll tiogethèr anid somfehow recover. R'èst, ,W1kan(] diet. ÈVen though at timfes she found If impossible for thiîik et thé tÎght Word she neyer 'gave up trying. -She forced heýtscîlfte ta k, à lo of it was uninteligible but shie kept trying. 'f'Or bol à<rifé àuud fotk wé.salmnost imosible, but again she kêpt trtiing <aèt and ove'r aga in. The fork would spin ouf of lier hsuid and elâttér for the fioorr; her son would pïck It up and lâtugh. fliy4 it Was tfW isugliterthat savoti them, There was nothing olse or o.& Nd tinffo r frustration and tears. As she trlod to talk; toi flnd or tbitk of'flic riglit word or eve to say it they'd liugthgi ttâfI gon of fiers and this young Iookinýg or spoon, rench for yo'ur lipxfick, hold if, ralse your hand up, touch your mouth. 118o sfio lookedIlike a clown 1, Next time she would do botter and thec next firne, and flic next, She did. Consistent doses of the riglit vltarninck; a careful, Weil thought ouf diet of good, substantial food, rest and walks, At bier own speed. Don'f overdo sbe'd tell heif, take lt easy. Nutrition, learn as much as you can; read, study, Intelligence, thouglit and commonsense - these were a must. So the slow recovery began with much laugliter thrown in for good measure. Now lier car, an automatic, thaf wouldntf be f00 bard; she'd always loved driving. So she began, training the hand f0 push fthe gear lever and it wenf well. She refused fo accept defoat. fier mind took over-and told ber b ody f0, fali info line and become healfhy again. If needed help andpaiene.She must calm down, find joy where she could and rebuild her tires self. She realized thaf wifhouf encouragement and self-lielp she mighf be an invalid. She must-help herself, no one else could do if for hier. She was alone ex>cept for ber son wlio had things he foo must do. 50 flith miracle bappcned, she was self sufficient once again. Trim and fanned she swims, sails, wàlks, and travels, f0 the soufli scas', the warm sand and a sail boat. She had it al toehrbut romains alert. No needless worry over fhings which, cannot. be helped; this only causes useloss stress on an already bat tered body whicb is fighfing to remain lioalthy. Take each day as if comes and make thie best of it. The mind may bave a greaf, deal of power over the body, theoËramifactions of which are beyond our comprehension or beyond the average. porsons grasp. If you neod encouragement and words, of cheer call me and llput youin foucli. wifh Margarét, she'll be 'glad f0 lielp. m -R-4ý qmM@mmwmMý

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