Whitby Free Press, 15 Aug 1979, p. 5

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Health cou neilto focus on health Henryý S. Polak, 'Qo.. -Qhairman of the 'Durham, Region -District Bealth mathe"o",fr.mPlckerlnig,, Chirman 0<'the -Rion's B"oard i eaith are pleased toànnuýounce the adoption a report coiîtàlnlng ieventeen".- reeomm endations concern- lngi the developmnent of,,an effectve Worklng relation- shlp between the two boards. The report of -the Commnu- nlty Health Liaison Commit-, tee,ý a committee , of members and officers of the two- boards, makes specifie mention of the rôie of the Board ýof ^Health in planning health promotion programs. Specifie areas of concern are nutrition awareness, smo- king and alcoholism. Speci- fie' strhtegies ta, address these ý major influence s on health will be developed over the.course of the next few months in consultation with the Boards of Education and other recognized organiza- tions. "We hâve already written to the Boards of Education"' said Mir. Polak, ".1asking them for comments on nutri- lion within the sehool sy *a"A projeet devel- oued fr the nutritionist at gan, will bc submnitted by the Board of Health tothe Minis- try of Health for a research grant. The projeet, if appro- ved for funding, wil test the- efficaàcy' of ,various food marketing strategies' in the sehool%'systemü.,Also,. Joani Higginson, a member'of the» District Health Council. with a specific interest in nutri- tion- has just, completed a-. week's researchi at the, Uni- versity of Guelph to dev elop othier strategies' to enhance nutrition awareness amongst studients. In the area 'of smoking, a specifie attempt will be made to encourage health care organizations especial- ly hospitals and local govern-, ments to adopt "non smoking" policies in areas within their jurisdiction. "In making its recommen- dations the Conimunity Health Liaison Committee' focussed on the need for some planning for health as opposed to sickness" said Ken Matheson, who chaired the joint subcomnmittee.. "With the ever. dimini- Shlng return, on 'investmnent for,dollars spent on ,treat- mentanid cure It woudbe> wlsefo&'ny.ý:goverimùü t enorge More lnvestmûent'ý i developnhethe1f- stls ci optlnued. To encotirage -more loca inVlvement là planning"for healtb one recomMendation, which supports the Board of- Heailth as the principle aidvi- sor othe,(lieistrict ,Health, Couincil on the development, of -health, promotion, strate- gies, suggest that the.current membership 0of the Board of .Health ln4rease,.by two ta twelve.six would be Regional< Government appoitees'asis now, the situation -.and .six appointed by the Province of wVhich three would be recomn- mended by the District "Health Coucil. The, additional members would need to have a major interest in the field of health Marnstream Canada',> Producers Taking a Bum Rap CONT'D FROM PAGE 4 produet ln Tokyo ppears on, retail store shelves prlced at $10 - $15 per pound. And the Japanese don't complain. What's Important (o note, partlcularly conslderlng the energy crunch, ta (bat North Amerloens have flot been faced wlth ý,outrlght shortages of food. The producers are dolng their job. Rather than complaints, Canadian consumors shouId b. pattlug farnmersaind fisher- mn.on tue back. Tbey desmee a break. Promotion" said .Coumclllor Matheson, "'to ensurethat, thie Board expanda is.raie In. this drcin"lecni nued, "we v :ýalso recognizeý that healtb ýpromoticoscts- money and: that a >balance must be astruck betwéen,,Pro-. ing." The current composition of, the'.Board, ciHealth ta six Regional Councillors, three Provincial.,Appointees-.and, the Regional Chairman. Thýe - report- -also, makes recommendations. on pro- gram planning and budget- ting principles inicluding the, establishment of depatmen- ta] goals'and objectives for each' departmnent of the health unit and the develop- ment of an operational plan for each fiscal year to fit in with budget requests. Two recommendations are made to the Ministry of Health to provide assistancei Umee areas, especlally ithe deve-, lopment -of "outcomes" cri- terla to evaluate îndividual-" progams. &,Tne report and recom-, mriendations will njow b. woried o furher y the' Matheson, ".some recom-, m.endations will require work by- thé, District Heaith, Council :and 'some :by- the Board, 0o, Health,, Regional: Health- Unit and- Ministry, staff. 1 hope, toon, that we will b., able to' strike waorklng groups to' look at smoking and nutrition awa reness" lie continue&. .For further informnation.an the report members of the generai 'public can phone Mick Peters, Executive Di- rec tor 0f the District Health Council, at 668-6214 or Dr.,I Jean Gray, Medical Officer I of Health at 723-8521. Whitby Couple adopt boy iii aiti A very, special commit- ment bas been! made by several members of our' c ommunlty. Mr. & .Mrs. Henik .Dirken and, Family'of, Whitby, have joined Foster Parents Plan- af ,Canada. They have "'.adopted" littie' Jean-Claudy, ,-aged .four« years, of Haiti. The Dirken's monthly' contribution of $19 brings help. not only ý to the. foster chuld, but every Mm-, ber o f1thefaiy The $19.O0 a, mont ,h provi- des the* fa mily with "a, monthly cash grant or'mate- rial -benefits; free .medicai and dental care, free, pres- criptions, the sustainied gui- dance and counseiling of social workers and the bene- fits of -many special pro- grams . Ail Foste r Chuldren andi their brothers and sisters, age permitting, are' encouraged to attend school. Where suitable, vocational training courses are made availabie, free of charge,, for Foster Chiidren,. their bro- thers and sisters, and where practical, their parents. The objective is to, provide- the family with the tools to help them become independent and self-supporting. Ail pro-. grams are adapted- to the needs of each country and laterly tend to be concentra- ted in ru rai areas, where the whole community can, bene- fit, particularly through mass, inoculations, etc. 1Foster parents and foster children correspond regular- ly (letters are translated by plan) and often develop warm and "affectionatereia- tionships, which mean as rnuch. to the chid as the. lmaterial and.-finaneial aid. Foster parents plan isc'uir- rently 'working in se-venteen' countriffl in South, America,ý enrlAmerica, Asia -'and, Africa.,Over 100,000 children are currently being aided' by Je-an-Claudy individuals, groups and families' in Canada, Austra- lia, the Neterlands and U.S.A. For more information o n this non-profit, non-secta- rian, non-political indepen- dent organization, write to Foster Parents* Plan of Ca- nada, 153 St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto, Ontario, M4V 1P8, orcal toll-free anyfimne, 1-800-268-7174 o. For prblemn.fre.patbar. 30,cton4, start the fire. ut lemet 30t 5minutes prior t6 cook- ing. -Before you stat tocook,ý brh ,ill gr ida with oil to keep fo rom aticking. bmw to the'CN.E àWHITBY CNE'Service >BUS taý Pickering- Train ta the Grounds HIGWAY401 SERVICE Buses leave the GO Terminai at Hwiy. 401 and Brock. REGULAR SERVICE Lsaving the Terminal ut 33 minutes past the hour ail day from 9:33 arn. until 11:33 p.m. EXTRA SERVICE Saturday and Labour Day: 7:33 p.m., 8:33 a.m., 9:03am. Weekdays: 7:33 a.m., 8:33 a.m. Sunday: 10:03 a.m., 12:03 p.m. HIGHWAY 2 SERVICE Buses are routed from Oshawa via Highway 2 (Bond St., Dundas St.) and may be boarded at stops along the way. The times listed below are clepartures from the agency at Dundas at Brock. REGULAR SERVICE Buses leave Dundas and Brook at 23 minutes pasi the hour ail day from *7:23 a.m. until 11:23 p.m. (*9:23 a.m. Sunday) HOMEBOUND Eastbound trips leave Exhibition Station every hour from *8:58 a.m. until il1:58 p.m. An extra train at 11:40 p.m. conneots with the Hwy. 401 bus service. Daily except Labour Day. (*9:58 a.m. on Sunday) CAUTION: A FEW EASTBOUND TRAINS TRAVEL ONLY TO, GUILDWOOD.. BE SURE TO CATCH A "PICKERING" TRAIN. FARES Aduit, One Way $ 2.10 10 Tickets 18.25 Kids*Under 12, One Way 1.05 Senior Citzens, One Way 1.05 Family Pass-Good Ail Day 7.25 Avoid Iine-ups ... buy return ticket in advance SHORTY'S BILLIARDS, Dundas at Brock WHITBY GO TERMINAL, 401 and Brock FOR INFORMATION. -ý 579-4224 UOPERATED BY THE TORONTO AREA EITIIII=.MTRANSlT ORERATING AUTHoRIT-y HON. WILUAM DAVIS, Premier HON. JAMES SNOW, Minister A.T.C. MeNAS, ChMrmn ,WHITBY AMBULANCE SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT Messr. William~ Cocker and Derek Pearce wish to announe that they have taken over the W.C. Town Ambulance Service. It will be known as the Whitby Ambulance Service. The service will be located at 611B Palace St. at the corner 0f Beech St. W. We would like to assure the citizens 0f Whitby that we will provide the same efficient, service «as the previous owners. Thank You Derek Pearce William Cocker Whitby Ambulance. Service. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1979, PAGE 5 THE-CORPORATION OF, 'THE TOWN 0F WMITBY UNTHE MATE FN ONTARIO ,-HERITAGE ACT# 197411111 S.. CHAPTÉR -12 ANDUN HEATTR F THE LANDS A ND PREMISES AT THE' FOLLOWING^ MUNICIPAL ADDRESS UN«THE',PROVINCE.0F ONTARIO NOTICE- 0F INTENTION TO DESIGNATE TAKE NOTICE that the Council 0< the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends fp designate the property, incIuding lands and buildings, at the foliowing municipal- >address as a property of architecturai and historical value -*and inferest under Part IV of The'OntaWrlo Heritage Acf, 1974, S.0. Chapter 122:, Centennial Building, 416 Centre Street South, Whifby, Ontario Architectural reasons for tbe proposed designafion include the outstanding fe atures of the Greek-.Revival: Style of architectural design. Historical reasons for the proposed designation include its service, f rom 1854 to 1964, as'the meeting place for Ontario Cotjniy Council and County Court proceedings and headquarters for Counfy officiais. Any person mby, wifhin fbirty days of the f Irst publication 0f this notice, send by registered mail or deliver f0 the Cierk.Administrafor of the Town 0f Whitby notice 0f bis or ber objection f0, the proposed designation together wifh a statement 0f reasons for objection. If such a Notice of Objection is received, the Council 0f the Corporation of the Town of Whitby shail refer the matter f0, the Conservation Review Board fora hearing. Dated at the Town of Wbitby Municipal Building this 1sf day 0f August, 1979. Clerk-Administrator of tbe'ToWn of Whitby

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