WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY,AUGUST 22,1979, PAGE 9' i r 'c c4 SECTION More Schools Now Use Micrographies Most of us have heard about microfilm and the jobs it can do. But there are a number of ways that microfilm is used in schools today that 'you might not be aware of. Microfilms - or, to use a newer word, "micro- graphics" - are well es- tablished in many modern schools. Micrographic sys- tems these days are a far cry from the stereotype in some quart'ers of an un- wieldy, unattractive, paper-eating monster in a back room someplace, used for filming musty, old papers for a reason no- body is sure of. These days, stream- lined, efficient microfilm cameras and automatic readers and reader-print- ers from manufacturers such as 3M and others can make filing and retrieving information quick, easy and- error-free. Micro- graphics can become al- most like the genie in a bottle - producing the in- formation the student needs with little, more than a snap of the fingers, and doing it all in only one tenth the space of tradi- tional files, boxes and non- descript bundles! Probably, your young- ster's school records al- ready are on microfilm. Not only does that system save space, but the file is always all together, pri- vate and safe. So, if you have a job, transfer, or move to an- other part of town, the school office usually can produce a complete set of school records - grades, inoculations, credits, the works - on microfilm. IHIead0f TheClassalues(I * OMPAX * C.C.M. 10 Speed icycles Capri 10 Speed Bicycles (with front wheel & positive position shifting) a ADIDAS Acrylic Track Suits (ali sizes and colors) (slight Substandards) REG. to $39.99 e ADIDAS Grey Sweat Pants S ADIDAS * MEN'S & LADIES FALI, JACKETS * ARENA & SPEEDO Grey Sweat Jackets Sports Shirts 2 For Golf Shirts 2 For $119.99 $149.99 $199 $ 9.99 $14.99 $19.99 $15.99 Lined $14.99 Unlined $10.99 Swim Suits 26 % off e ALSO CARRY COMPLETE LINE OF SPORTS SOCKS, SHOES, SHORTS,& BAGS 0 COMPLETE ENGRAVING&TROPHIES 0 CUSTOM RADIUSING & SKATE SHARPENING s SKATES, STICKS,& ALL HOCKEY EQUIPMENT NOW IN' STOCK! * ORDERS NOW BEING TAKEN FOR BROOKLIN, WHITBY MINOR HOCKEY JACKETS SPORTS & TROPHIE5 110 ATHOL ST. WHITBY, ONT. (East side of Athol-Across from Brewers Retail) 666-1114 Hours: Monday to Wednesday Thursday & Friday Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.rm 9 a.m. to 9 P.M. 9 a.m to BP.M. I Microfiche A typical form of mi- crofilm used for such pur- poses is called .microfiche, and it is a four-by-six-inch piece of film which can, if necessary, hold the im- ages of many typewritten or printed pages. Each mi- crofiche costs only a few pennies, and it's a marve- lous vehicle for you to car- ry to the next school sys- tem. Or, if it's to be mailed, a microfiche can travel for the price of a single, first-class stamp. If the school needs to file the records of all its stu- dents in one package,-it of- ten uses a camera that films each page on a frame of 16-millimeter, movie- type film. A reel or car- tridge of such film can store thousands of pages, yet each cartridge is only slightly larger than a pack- age of cigarettes. And, the school system has quick access to stu- dent records on microfilm cartridges. There is an in- dex telling which cartridge number and image (frame) number holds the records of a particular student. Knowing those numbers, a filing clerk can snap the' appropriate cartridge into MICROFILM READER/PRINTERS have many uses in today's schools. The equipment makes filing and retrieving information quick, easy and error- free.t place on a microfilm read- er or reader-printer, then push buttons like those on a telephone to tell the ina- chine to zip the film to the right frame number - all accomplished in just sec- onds! Éfficient As taxpayers, we can ap- preciate efficiency >.like that. School workers spend less time on dreary filing and re-filing, and can ac- MERCANTILE DEPARTMENT STORE &ck~T~SchOO1 HEADQUARTERS LEVI JEANS, CORDS CHILDREN & A .PANTOMIME SEE THE NEW LEVI TU &FLANNELSFOR GYM SHORTS, T-SH AVAILABLE IN VA FREE McDONALDS WITH ANY 10.00 CHILDREN'S -(Quantity Li 321 Brock Str complish more productive tasks. Not ' only that - space is usually at a pre- mium, and the use of mi- crographics can save 90 percent of the space used in ordinary paper-filing. A lot of schools use older buildings for administra- tive headquarters, and they rarely have enough room for the growing stack of documents. Then, over in the school library, microfilm is used a lot, too - especially in secondary schools and col- leges. When a reference is needed from. a periodical, it's a lot neater and safer if the periodical is on micro- film. Most microfilm reader/printers can pro- duce a full-size photo- graphic copy of a specific page just at 1the push of a button. The newest and best reader-printers use a nèw, completely dry pho- tographic system, so there's no smell or mess. Since some students take the lazy way out, and , SHIRTS & JACKETS ADULT SIZES S FOR GALS IRNING POINT CORDS YOUNG MEN IlRTS & SPORT SOX RIOUS COLOURS GIFT CERTIFICATE PURCHASE OF APPAREL mited) eet South 8 Na simply clip from a maga- zine or reference book, mi- crofilming is a sure way to keep the original intact and properly filed. From birth certificates to genealogical records, micrographics play an in- creasingly important role in our lives. Certainly, one of the most significant eras for record-keeping - the school years - is a time when micrographic tech- niques are second to none. †Teach Youngsters Good Cleanliness Habits for School If your child starts school this fall, how often will he wash his hands when Mother's not around? Doctors say that 90 per- cent of the gernis that en- ter the body afe tragsfer- red by the hands. To pro- tect himself against 'these bacteria, your child should know how to wash his hands thoroughly and fre- quently. That's why it's important to teach your tkindergartner the basic rules of handwashing be- fore he spreads his wings at home and school. Take the first step by setting a definite hand- washing routine for your five or six year old. Let him know that you always expect him to scrub before meals, after a sneeze or cough, after using the bathroom, or after play- ing with a pet. Then he won't think that hand- washing is punishment for getting di-ty. You won't have to nag either once he learns that he must always come to the dinner table with clean hands. Children love to imitate grown-ups, so let your child watch you practicing cleanliness. Always wash your hands as well as his before giving him food. When you're teaching children to be clean, you cani make washing a treat. Don't hurry them through the scrubbing steps. Give them their own bar of soap and a handbrush, and let them splash and suds on their own. You might en- tice your little girl to wash her hands by promising her a "manicure" afterwards. Let her use an emery board or help her apply colorless nail polish. FR EENAG ERS WOMEN Get ready with a just-for-youi styling and treat ment of an important beauty asset, your hair! Fair Lady BEAUTY LOUNGE 11 6Brock St. N. Whitby 668-4051 ýSPECIAL "BACKTO SCHOOVI SECTI.ON. 9ý 1