r Whitby I NewsnA. By MICHAEL KNELL, The -Fiower. Lady mak'es_ good if ten'people started their businesses, ,statisties -,say that seven of theni will have failed"after five years. The' oclds 'of making ithIn the busi ness world are not that great. There is however a Wbitby lady wbo bas -turned' an origin al investment 0of $150' into a' inventory of over. $10,000 in 'a few' short, montbs. For Joanne Argante it al began as sornetbing to do in ber spare time. Since then i t bas become a full Urne con- ocern. Even ber busband. left bis job as a carýsaà lesman ,to, erter4-he business._ - .Joanne's Flowers".and,>- Gifts .is go in g to makeit big. Working from the ba se-,- ment of her borne, Joanne makes, silf flower'arr .ange- ments for any, occasion but especiaily weddings, anmi- versa rie <s and just for giving a gift. It ail started. out as a dare from, ber, busband., She used tspend a .lot 'of time >,in flower and gift sbops, tbink-» ing to berseif tbat sbecould bo good at this.' Joanne says tbat she kept teliing ber husband Sal, this until be finally, turned around and said te ber, "eîther shut up or do it." Sbe did it. Starting with a box of flowers, she made some arrangements and she and a friend took tbem to the She- ridan Mail Flea and' was» surprised at the result '. ."I'tbink we ate most of Our profits tbat day," 'sbe said. The next step was to make it work. Joanne was off to Toronto te buy materials to make the arrangements wbicb now- may cost as ittie as 25 cents or as much as $100, retail. Joanne wili ments tô order anytbing frorn corito vases, will, bold -the fi "We get poople,", sb People may 1b coniners or tbem wbilS type of flowers tc hb ,iseii bringing us,, we dicln'tknow wýhere 'to get more," she, says. They have since written.to countries ail over tie world to enquire about the export-- ing of sheils. Soon they wili be working >wiftb onyx and copper'itemis." The newestý project they have taken on is the making: of wedding bouquets, with the hope of'eventuaily get-, ting into' the line of wedding accesories on a renitai basis including artifièdal: cakes., Al of these items, will> include"- the silk Ilowers, essentially the heart of the < Argante enterprise. Joanne hopes to bring ini ber ten year daughter, Anna, into, the .business, aslber - rigbt-b and, lady". Anna is already invoIveo, doing some of the minor jobs -that need-doing but Joanne hope" te train bier and' have lier doing some of the big jobs. Her son- Ross, 2, alIso loves nakearrage- the silk fiowers bis môther and in almostý as "The baby loves to take' 'tacups to see' them apart," she says. anytbing that 'Tbey started wit.b a ten lowers." foot bootb at tbe Sheridan ideas. from Mall's Flea Market and*now e explains hve tfivice tbat big. Every )ring hier the .,timà e, tey go, it takes '.tbem, may ask for three boursjust teget set-up. pecifying -the The-*truck tbey bougb'tis and the color always full of everything The -5 foot, Italian mother of two says, 'II must be doing something rigbt" e ven' -though she admitted that she was "Ilucky".i turning a, hobby;into a4,business., Tbe couple hopete bhave a store-front ,operation ithe near future. "The -:money we make' every week,,we re-invest,". Sal. saYs: *It- won't bho lpng,, beforel-. tiieir .importing -gift- items from Europe wbicb. people can.-buy plain.,or witb .tbe:,, artificial arran gements. But to tbe couple, tbe people tbey bave met have; really maà de- the business ýý,, work.- "I've found the best tbing about being in business for youself is tbê ,people you meet. They are just wonder- 'fui. I bave one customer, wbo cornes ail the^ way .,from Toronto to bring me paper bags every weék," Joanne says.1 Ideas are important te ber business. "I flip tbrough magazines. I'm always on tbe lookout for' new, ideas, and I try to incorporate tbings that people can affort," sbe says. 1Their most popular linos are made from arrange- ments in 'corals and seça- shells. "lIts been a learning pro- cess for us. When we rân out of the sheils our friends were WHITBY ONTARUO- ____666-1464 SIG NWRITI NG SILK SÎCREEN PRINTING ' ri Joanne standing among- sorn'e of ber many crations, which she puts together by band i n the'baement fbe Calais Street borne. "The Flower Lady", as she is.affectionately known started ber business in 'April and is aiready, a booming success. Her produet s are on display, an'd for sale, at the Flea Market in- Pickering's Sheriden MaIl every $unday. theyý nýeod, from display stand to compieted merchan- dise. "It's ail been'very reward- ing. My busband bas alwa.ys, buen creative, but just neyver. bad a way of empioying it- bufore," Joanne says. " The flowor- Lady", bas baà d'a lot,0f people ask ber about ber success. "i tell tbem the success bas albeen very surprising. I even surprised myself," sbe says. Well At' looks as" tbough Joanne's Flowers and .Gifts are going to take the ares by storrn. Sbe wil aiso been one qf the 30 per cent wbo m'ake it if shoï keep going liko this. -~fr "q Iow up your favou rite colour photo, and take advantage of this regular $8.95 offer. 1< Bring your*ro"Il of colour film'for processing and printing to M.B.M. Publishing and Photography. your neighbourhood Benjamin dealer. When developed, select your favourite negà tive and we'll print an il x 14 colour enflargement on Kodak paper for the good look for just $3.991 Offer good for 110, 126 and 135 colour negative film only. Look-for the Benjamin balloons on display...and get 91IG on Benjamin!1 Oerexpires August'3l st, 1979. [JBENJAMIN Get big on Benjamin... Benjamln's big on you! M.B.M,. PHOTOGRAPH 131 BROCkSI N. 668"111 'Mon -Wed 9ami- 6pm, Thurs, Fri9am Spm, Sat 1Ornn- spm JOHN IANDURCFIIN Ckimrterec! Accountant SUITE 103 MARY-BROCK.BUILDING 185*BROCK STREET NORTH WHITBY, ONTARIO TE LEPHONE .668-4341 m