PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 5, 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS Cable (for newlndlvldual subacribors and non-commerclal accounts) f rom 4179 aOct. 5179 Thi ýfail with0 cble lý v 0 Maximum choice wilth our 20achannel, co'nverter Package * .21 FM'statilons-with cable FM * clear, reliable reepion *prompt, f ree maintenance' Don'! delal Order bef ore Oct. 5179 and., get ree installatinI Cali EXT EN DE D 5792232 HouRs FOR FALL SALE Mon. m Fri. 9 aum. .8 puma Satu 9 a.m. "Dle ridge cable 1353King St. 'E,., Osi, Of TV Servi-ces a 12 noon tv