Whitby Free Press, 26 Sep 1979, p. 31

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Ottwa RePort '~uI By SCOTT FENNELL, MP (PC - Ontario) M Privcite'sector should create the wealth Inflation, the unrelentlng phenomenon that eats at Our paychecks and cuis into our standard of living, has up te now evaded any government attempts te rein It i. Whil. some tae solace in the fact that moot Western countries suffer this sanie malady, such nonchalance fails te provide us wltii any positive solutions. Moreover, Canada la doubly unfortunate ta suffer the effecis of both domestic and international Inflation due te our hlgh degre. of dependence on forelgn economies, par- ticularly tue U.S. Thus, any successful atteck on t" probleni must reduce internaI inflation while maklng us more self- sufficient economicaily. These ideas, tuen, set tue tene for my radier philosophical examination.of tue PC's first one hundred days and the broad finançlfal goodg te which we are commit- ted. There LA no simple solution for curbing inflation. Over tue pust twnyyareoemasbve iabuied-tii. problemad nauwm, wbilê e iiumets bave-usd, the. mot politically Fexpeadient, means te, tend thei 11.Sat, otims aud flne-tuning sciiemes werelpemnd and falled. In, fact, tue gamut of popular cures was depleted te, the point wiiere a senior meni- ber of the. former Trudeau government actually sald, "What's wrong witii running a big deficit and financing It by borrowing abroad?" Tiie answer? It's irresponsible. An economny cannot slmply b. fed durlng an lnflationary period. liard, serlous means. that strike at the problem's foundation are imperative. The new government believes that while tue methods ta combat i- flation may bu unpopular, inflation ltself hanms us a inh more subtle and cunnlng ways. Essentiaily, the PC's intend to, teckle the issue by reducing tue national deficIt. How? Gradually- but perceptibly. Rapid cutbacks i programa, services and personnel would bu economlcally and socially damaging, adversely affecting the. quality of 1f. for Canadians. ,.ýther,'the goverrnent la facing tue grimi fact that a country cannot spend is way out of the. inflation cycle; evèntuaily the "piper" must bu paid. Creating- wealth la a prerogative of the private, not the public sector. By helping you dlrectly and through means negotiated'wi tii.h provinces, the gov.rment wll no longer support the unfeasible and artlflcially buoy the. econoniy. While we cannot perfectly steer the economy, we can steady it by protectlng the leus fortunate, aidlng research and development and smail business, stlmulating the under- developed reglons. of the country and r.warding1 en- trepreneurial skllls. Tii. greatest potential for economic self-sufficiency lies in tue tepping of aur vast natural resources. Particularly, creation, of viable 'energy alternatives could render us in- dependent of foreign suppliers. Wltiiin the. past several years, experimentel drillng has located oil/gas itue Arctic, off the WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY SEPT7EMBER.26, 1979, PAGE 1l waste convàisIon, wlnd and other forma swlf reap.uolld long- terni benefits for Canadians. To realize tus goalthUgh, w. probably wll have te follow the. world pattern and graduaily move towards a world price for ail, merely ensurlng the. revenue necessary for stepped-up exploration. Tii. priclng debat. wIi become more prominent mOa and 1 encourage you to foilow it and pan any opinions on te me. 0f more immediate concern te most of us is the November budget and its focus. Mortgage interest and property tex deductibllty wil deflnlt.ly bu lntroduced te tae. effect for th. 1l79 taxation year. The general tone of the budget though, wli refleet that of thus colunin: responsible fiscal leadership tbrougb graduai restraint. the minister of finance, the. Honourable John Crosbie, has steted that texcuts wll not bu unertaken juat y.t, flot until w. have a firmer indication of the economy's reaction te ail policies. Such la probably a wlse move, too, given our overwhelming balance of payments problem. Experience shows that cuts are generaily spent on imports, thereby aggravatlng this deficit and encouraglng more inflation. While as many of our promises that are feasible wiil bu included for Novembur, ail wlil bu implemen- ted durlng our next four years in office. The November budget wll not bu an inflationary on. Cooling the. domestic economy in both the short and medium term. wiJI make the effects of externaily-produced inflation less acute. And we must start immediately. undoubtedly, not everyone wll agree with this strategy. Yet, of more co ncern wil bu thos. of us who support, restraint as long as o4hers feel the. pressure. Canada's recovery hinges on ail of us exerclsing caution for the Urne buing. To rely on painless procedures te stem a major haemornhage laslsmply nonsensical. I am persuaded that attecklng inflation at its roots la the proper solution, one long overdue. SCOTT FENNELL Most mufflers corne with a guarantee. But not like this one. The THRUWAY muffler guarantee îs backed by the largest chain of indepen- dent muffler specialists in Canada. It states that your muffler is fully guaranteed for as long as you own your car. And it's as good in' Corner Brook as itiis in Prince Rupert. So bring your muff ler troubles around to THRUWAY. We guarantee you'il'be more than welcomed. AT SNAP THRUWAYYOU'RE MORE THAN WELCOMED Snap Services Ltd., 300 Dundas St. E, Whitby, Ont. Whitby: 668-9328. Oshawa: 579-8048. AjaxlToronto: 686-2288 .Mý :ow 1

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